Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1453 I will have the final say in the Hua family from now on

Chen Xin'an has no interest in whether the Chen family wants to become famous in Kyoto City.

But Chen Xin'an was very concerned about allowing his daughter-in-law to successfully take over as the president of the General Chamber of Commerce and then become the secretary-general of GBSA.

Because to deal with the World Gold Chamber of Commerce Club, you must have some say on the international stage!

For this identity, Ning Xiruo also made some preparations, especially in terms of image.

The face that Konoha created specifically for her was very similar to her original appearance.

Those dazzling features were deliberately covered up, so it looked ordinary, even a little ugly.

A beautiful woman with stunning looks and a high position will make people doubt her efforts regardless of her ability.

So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ning Xiruo will wear that face when attending chamber of commerce activities now.

The countdown to Li Zecheng's retirement has begun.

Ning Xiruo had already entered the National General Chamber of Commerce with Liangmao Liquor Industry, and was determined to be the heir to the next president.

Of course, many people will be dissatisfied.

But Li Zecheng can handle these sounds, so Chen Xin'an is not worried.

Although it was already very late to go to bed, Chen Xin'an still woke up before seven o'clock.

Without waking up his sleeping daughter-in-law, Chen Xin'an quietly got dressed and went for a run downstairs.

When he came back, Ning Xiruo had already gotten up and even prepared a loving breakfast for him.

Before getting married, Ning Xiruo didn't know how to cook at all and rarely even went into the kitchen.

But in the past three years of marriage, this proud little wife would get into the kitchen whenever she had time.

Her delicate hands were often blistered by boiling oil.

I even went to the chef to learn some cooking techniques.

Just so that I can cook a delicious meal carefully prepared by myself for my husband.

And what Chen Xin'an did was to eat everything his wife made.

The dishes are so licking that they don’t even need to be washed.

Ning Xiruo would feel a great sense of satisfaction and peace every time she saw her man gobbling up food.

I have made an appointment with Mr. Hua in the morning to go to the Military General Hospital for a check-up.

If my health permits, I will have the heart surgery today or tomorrow.

Sister Qing accompanied Mo Ling and took Erpole and Little Sweet Girl to the best pet hospital in Kyoto.

Chen Xin'an is not afraid of others finding out about the secrets of Er Zhanzi and Xiao Tianniu's body.

This is Kyoto. Anyone who wants to have sex with a sweet girl should ask the richest man in Kyoto if he agrees!

Driving Longye to the Military General Hospital, Ning Xiruo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said with a puzzled face:

"Husband, didn't you say you wanted to bring the pigeons with you? Why didn't you wait for him?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "He doesn't need to go there at this time, otherwise the effect will be ineffective!"


Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood Chen Xin'an's intention and shook her head with a smile.

Twelfth floor, Military General Hospital.

The entire corridor has a sentry every three steps and a post every five steps.

Even though the floor had been completely cleared, the burly men in black suits still looked wary.

Outside the treatment room, a tall young man walked out with a gift box in his hand.

When I saw a young man standing straight outside, his face with a humble smile changed.

The smiling face turned into a sarcastic smile, the corners of his mouth turned up, he looked up and down at the young man at the door and said:

"Hua Youlin, have you seen it? Grandpa likes the famous paintings from the former dynasty that I bought at a huge price from abroad and has already accepted them!

What gift did you bring to grandpa?

Take it out and let me have a look? "

Hua Youlin glanced at him and said lightly: "No!"

The young man burst out laughing, pointed at him sarcastically and said: "Hua Youlin, Hua Youlin, this is why you have been disliked since childhood!

We were both sent out by grandpa. Where did grandpa send me to go?

The scenic holiday paradise of Gasoline Sea!

And you?

Got kicked out early.

I heard that he was sent to a remote mountain forest?

Killing me!

Hua Youlin, you still can’t tell now that my eldest grandson is still the one that grandpa cares most about!

Grandma has agreed to let me go wherever I want tonight.

I'm going to reserve the venue all night in OT, will you come? "

Hua Youlin shook his head.

The young man sneered coldly: "Why, you want to fight with me again? I'm in OT, so you just go to Shisan, right?"

Hua Youlin, do you believe that I can’t invite anyone to you tonight? "

"I'm not going to pick up San." Hua Youlin said calmly: "I'm staying here tonight and not going anywhere!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"Hua Youlin, is it necessary to be so attentive? We have special care here, and you can't even enter the ward!

Okay, Hua Youlin, you have learned to play the emotional card. Being a savage in the front-end time has really made you smarter! "

The young man stopped smiling, looked at Hua Youlin with contempt and cursed: "It's a pity that it's useless, none of your tricks can make grandpa look at you favorably.

You are just an Adou who cannot be helped.

Useless trash!

All you do is eat, drink, whore and gamble all day long. If your surname was not Hua, you would have been kicked out of the house.

Hua Youlin, let me advise you one thing.

I don’t care if you compete with eldest sister for favor.

After all, she will be a married woman sooner or later.

In front of me, if you dare to show even a little bit of greed, I will kill you! "

Hua Youlin raised his head, looked at the young man and said, "Hua Yi, I was not sensible before and always went against you. I apologize to you.

I don't want to argue with you, I just want to stay by my grandpa's side, really! "

"Young master, why are you doing this to me!" Hua Yi snorted, almost poking Hua Youlin's nose with his hand, and scolded with disdain:

"Is this another trick your mother taught you?

You, a waste like you, are far from being able to play tricks on me!

Before I went to the Gasoline Sea, I told you that if you use those unscrupulous methods with me again, I won’t let you and your family go!

Tell your mother, don’t think that you can interfere with our Hua family’s affairs in the General Logistics Department!

It pissed me off and made her retreat directly from the headquarters!

Your dad is my third uncle. He is so cowardly that he can't control your mom. That's your family's business.

But if you want to embarrass the Hua family, I won’t agree! "

Hua Yi walked up to Hua Youlin, stretched out her hand and patted his face, and said with a sinister smile:

"Hua Youlin, go back and tell your parents.

Some just eat when they eat, and some just drink when they drink.

If you are living a good life as a child, you must know how to cherish your blessings!

If you don’t have any, think about it, you shouldn’t touch it and you have to grab it.

Then he even lost what was in his own bowl!

Whether Grandpa can survive this time is hard to say.

If he can't get up, it's my dad who makes the decision in the Hua family.

From now on, I have the final say whether you are a member of the Hua family or not!

If you dare to play with me, I will play with you to death! "

Hua Youlin stood motionless, allowing his second brother to be humiliated.

If it had been left in the past, he would have jumped away long ago.

Either he would scold Hua Yi, or he would run in and complain to his grandparents.

But now, he just looked at Hua Yi calmly, without any anger.

The two brothers were quite close when they were young, but became increasingly distant as they grew older. Now, they are almost incompatible.

Hua Yi frowned when he looked at Hua Youlin's current state.

He was disgusted by the way he used to be incapable of doing anything but wallowing.

This indifferent look now made him even more disgusted.

He couldn't tell why.

It seems that the current Hua Youlin feels strange to him!


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