Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1457 What qualifications do you have to look down on the inheritance of ancient medicine?

Hua Yingjie was also a little surprised when he saw Hua Youlin holding his head high and his chest upright.

He had always looked down upon this dandy who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun, and was a prodigal.

But the current Hua Youlin made him feel a little impressed.

So the arm that was raised again did not continue to draw, but pushed Hua Youlin and cursed:

"Stop telling me these useless things!

Don’t forget what your second uncle does!

In recent years, have not many people been killed by these so-called inheritors of ancient medicine?

Have you seen too few of them?

I don't care whether he is really capable or just a bluff.

There is no need for him to intervene in your grandfather's illness!

I hate ancient Chinese medicine the most, you know this! "

"Then you can get out!" Chen Xin'an scolded impatiently.

Everyone was shocked, this guy really dared to say anything!

Shi Guangzu's face turned pale and he reminded Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, this is Mr. Hua Yingjie, Mr. Hua's second son!

He is also the Grand Palace..."

Hua Yingjie glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "He is not qualified to know my identity!

Do you dare to ask me to get out?

Have you damaged your brain by eating too many herbal medicines?

I want you to do it right now..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly walked up to him and grabbed his neck!

"Chen Xin'an!" Lu Wenhu and Zhen Yingxiong screamed at the same time.

Isn't this guy too bold?

This is boss Hua Yingjie!

Who dares to let him go except his parents?

Let alone attack him!

But Chen Xin'an did this!

"Let go of my dad! You bastard!" Hua Yi shouted and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

He wanted to grab Chen Xin'an's arm and give him a fierce military grapple!

But as soon as he got close to the opponent, a hand stretched out forcefully, ignoring his moves, and directly grabbed his throat!

The father and son were restrained by the same move. They kept retreating with Chen Xin'an's footsteps, and then they were pushed out of the door!

After releasing his hands, the father and son in front of him began to cough violently!

Hua Yingjie shouted angrily: "Zhen Junjie..."

Before he could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

Chen Xin'an injected three needles on his head and said coldly: "Don't scream here!

If you don't listen to my advice, then just stay here!

As a Chinese and the son of Mr. Hua, what qualifications do you have to look down on the inheritance of ancient Chinese medicine?

Do you think those foreign medical skills are good?

Have you ever put anyone to death?

Any medical skill is developed based on the accumulation of human lives!

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's useless!

I'm too lazy to explain too much to you laymen. Do you really think I have a lot of time?

Stay here honestly for two hours.

If I haven't finished the operation by then and you still want to cause trouble, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life!

Believe it or not! "

After Chen Xin'an finished injecting the needle, without even looking at Hua Yingjie, she turned around and walked to the operating room, slamming the door shut!

Everyone outside looked stunned.

Lu Wenhu swallowed.

Good guy, you dare to treat Hua Yingjie like this, Chen Xin'an, you are so crazy!

Seeing Hua Yingjie standing upright but unable to move, Lu Wenhu even felt a little gloating.

The second son of the Hua family, who has the most bad temper, has not changed even at this age!

No wonder he rejects the inheritors of ancient medicine so much.

His wife, Hua Yi's mother, fell seriously ill shortly after giving birth to Hua Yi because she believed the words of ancient Chinese doctors, and soon lost her life!

At that time, Hua Yingjie, like other cadres' children, went to the countryside to hone his skills.

His wife, like him, is a young woman who went to the countryside.

The two were in the same commune, were in the same boat, and had a good relationship.

But because of this incident, Hua Yingjie was separated from his beloved wife, and he hated the ancient Chinese medicine.

Unexpectedly, today, he would be given a severe lesson by an ancient medicine inheritor in his twenties!

"Dad! What's wrong with you? Let me help you pull out these needles..." Hua Yi said to Hua Yingjie in a trembling voice.

He is really afraid.

He knows exactly what his father's character is like and what the consequences will be if he gets angry!

Someone dared to deal with his father in this way. This guy must be in bad luck!

It is estimated that when daddy recovers, this guy will be completely cool!

But before his hand could touch those silver needles, he was grabbed by a hand!

Hua Yi turned his head, glared at Hua Youlin angrily and cursed: "Hua Youlin, what do you want to do?

Take your paws off! "

Hua Youlin looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Hua Yi, if you don't want anything to happen to your second uncle, don't touch these silver needles.

After two hours, they will fall off automatically!

If you forcefully pull it out now, no one knows what will happen to the second uncle! "

Hua Yi sneered coldly and scolded with disdain: "Who are you trying to scare? The so-called inheritors of ancient medicine are all fake, just a bunch of charlatans.

If you just stick a few needles into someone's body and say that you can cure all diseases, only a fool will believe it! "

He pushed Hua Youlin away and snorted coldly: "It's just a few needles! If he can stick them in, I can pull them out. What can happen?"

Lu Wenhu said seriously: "Hua Yi, you'd better listen to You Lin.

No one can touch the needle that Chen Xin'an placed except himself!

If you don’t believe it and serious consequences occur, do you think you can afford it? "

When Hua Youlin speaks, Hua Yi can ignore it.

But how could Hua Yi dare to turn a deaf ear to the words of the highly respected Mr. Lu?

His outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and then he retracted it.

After swallowing, Hua Yi said with some reluctance: "Then let my dad freeze here? How long will it take?!"

Hua Youlin straightened his chest and said proudly: "My boss said two hours, so it must be two hours.

My boss always does what he says and never lies! "

Lu Wenhu looked at Hua Youlin speechlessly.

It seems that the original approach of sending these second-generation ancestors to the Black Mountain Tigers for training was really the right thing to do!

There was once a piece of shit from the Hua family that couldn't hold up the wall, but after just two months of training, it has become what it is now.

The only one in the world who can do this is Chen Xin'an!

In the operating room, Mr. Hua has been disemboweled!

It wasn't until this moment that Fan Meiqi truly understood what Chen Xin'an said before:

You are just assistants, that is, helpers.

The people I called are the helpers!

Whether it is Chen Xin'an's junior brother or his wife Ning Xiruo, when they do things, their methods are crisp and precise, which experts like them cannot match!

Not to mention Chen Xin'an's knife!

high speed!

The strength is very good!

The location is very accurate!

The most famous surgical expert in Kyoto, Xie Shuqi, director of surgery at Kyoto Xiecheng Hospital, is known as Xie Kuai Dao.

The top surgeon in surgery.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's knife technique, he also sighed and shook his head, feeling inferior to himself!

This is not like performing an operation on someone?

This is purely an artist performing!

Simple and neat to the point of pleasing the eyes!

And this high-quality performance lasted for four and a half hours!

Outside the operating room, Hua Yingjie, who had automatically taken off the silver needle and regained his freedom of movement, said anxiously to the old lady sitting on the chair:

“Mom, you haven’t come out for so long, can you still sit down?

Just say that I can’t believe that guy at all, why don’t you believe me? !

What is my dad like now? Are you not worried?

It's a joke that such a charlatan dared to perform surgery on my dad! "

At this moment, the door of the operating room was finally opened, and everyone cheered and surrounded him.

The first one to come out was Shi Guangzu. He looked at the old lady, pursed his lips and said:

"Mrs. Wen, Mr. Hua's surgery... was very successful!"


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