Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1458 Wife, Please Accept Me

After hearing Shi Guangzu's words, everyone outside breathed a sigh of relief.

"Succeeded? How is it considered successful? My dad can run and jump now?"

Hua Yingjie frowned and said to Shi Guangzu: "I just finished the operation. Whether it was successful or not depends on whether there will be recurrence in the future!

After all, I still don’t believe in the abilities of these inheritors of ancient medicine.

I still want to ask foreign experts to take a look at my dad’s body..."

Before he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Hua Yingjie showed a surprise smile on his face and said to everyone: "He has arrived!

Owen, where are you?

You came out early in the morning and I couldn't even find you!

Didn't I already tell you that I will take you to the Military General Hospital today...

What? Are you already here?

Okay, I'll pick you up right away! "

When he hung up the phone, Shi Guangzu said to him strangely: "Mr. Hua Yingjie, are you talking about the foreign expert, Mr. Morton Owen?"

Hua Yingjie asked strangely: "Do you know him too?"

Shi Guangzu nodded and said: "When I was studying abroad at Hopes Medical University, he was my mentor!

He is recognized as the best surgical expert in the world! "

"Yes! You also admit that he is the best doctor in the world, right?" Hua Yingjie said proudly: "He is also my friend. I specially invited him to treat dad!

You know how good he is, and of course you know how busy he is.

But in order to help me, he still put down a lot of things and came all the way here!

This is the most trustworthy friend.

I'm going to take him over now and check my dad again! "

Shi Guangzu shook his head and said: "There is no need for Mr. Hua to go there in person, I have already asked someone to bring him up!

He came to the hospital in the morning and has been in my office.

At his request, I installed real-time monitoring in the operating room.

He was actually watching the entire operation. "

In the operating room, Chen Xin'an said to Mr. Hua: "Now I will try my best to use silver needles to compress your sensory nerves and relieve your pain.

To stay sane, I don’t do systemic stimulation.

But this kind of pain relief cannot be done for too long, at most two hours.

If you can't stand it at that time, ask Dr. Fan to give you painkilling injections.

However, I don’t recommend hitting it too many times because it will be very damaging to your body! "

Mr. Hua looked a little weak, but his eyes were bright. He glanced at him, smiled and cursed:

"Boy, do you really think I'm that squeamish?

Don’t forget that when I was young, I also came out of green clothing! "

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Old man, please stop being so pretentious!

Even after the operation is completed and the injury is healed later, don’t be too desperate!

No more than six hours of work per day is allowed.

Otherwise your body will have problems!

It turns out that he worked too hard to let that thing start to cause trouble in his body!

When you get older, you have to accept your old age and stay up as long as young people. Don't you think you have a long life? "

"Husband!" Ning Xiruo glared at him.

Luo Qianhe's eyelids kept twitching, his senior brother was such a bastard, he dared to teach anyone a lesson!

But Mr. Hua just fell into this trap, scolding the brat, but there was no look of anger on his face.

Chen Xin'an personally pushed the stretcher cart out of the operating room. As soon as she walked out of the door, Hua Yingjie stopped in front.

"Wait a minute, don't leave yet!

I called in the best surgical experts in the world to check Dad again. "

Fan Meiqi quickly said to him: "Mr. Hua Yingjie, Mr. Hua just finished the operation and needs to rest..."

"I know, I will ask the experts to move faster. But this examination must be done!" Hua Yingjie stubbornly stopped in front, looking at Chen Xin'an and said:

"I can't trust you people!

If Dad has any hidden dangers that are not detected, who will bear the responsibility? "

"Bastard!" Hua Lao, who was lying on the stretcher bed, wanted to get up angrily. Chen Xin'an grabbed his shoulders and shook his head gently.

Hua Yingjie turned his head and said to a tall blond man behind him: "Mr. Owen, please!"

Morton Owen strode forward, looking directly at Chen Xin'an, looking a little scary.

Everyone around him stared with wide eyes and looked wary.

Even the bodyguards stretched their hands to their lower backs, as if they were taking out weapons at any time.

"Owen, what are you doing!" Hua Yingjie was also shocked.

The Hua family has a special status. If there is any danger, his sin will be serious.

At this moment, Owen had already rushed in front of Chen Xin'an, and knelt down with a pop!

"Daughter-in-law! I beg you, please accept me! I know that Chinese people have to kowtow when worshiping a daughter-in-law, so I will kowtow to you!"

As he said that, he kowtowed three times to Chen Xin'an!

This operation made everyone look stupid!

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark, and he turned around and explained to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, believe me, I really don't know this liar!"

He turned around, wanting to kick Owen, and cursed: "Who the hell did you call your wife?

Look at that big beard on your face!

You damn rabbit, get away!

I warn you not to slander my reputation, I have no interest in men! "

Luo Qianhe glanced sideways at Chen Xin'an with a strange expression.

It seems to be saying, I never expected you to be such a senior brother!

It seems that I will still have to keep a certain distance from my senior brother in the future.

Ning Xiruo suppressed her laughter and said to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, there is no need to explain, I believe you!

But is there a possibility that he called him master, not his wife? "

Owen nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an: "Yes, you are my wife! I want to make you my wife! Please accept me!"

Depend on!

It scares me to have white hair!

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and cursed at Owen: "Please take out the insoles from your mouth when you speak!

Unclear articulation can easily lead to misunderstanding!

Aren't you the foreign expert invited by this Hua...what the hell?

Why do you want to become your teacher? "

My name is Hua Yingjie, why not Hua?

Hua Yingjie rolled his eyes angrily. The only one who dared to call him that was the guy in front of him!

But he didn't have time to pay attention to this now. Owen's performance shocked him!

Owen looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly and said, "I heard your name from a friend.

From that moment on, I have had a keen interest in you! "

Chen Xin'an had goosebumps all over her body and wanted to hit someone, but she held back in the end!

Owen continued: "This time Mr. Hua invited me here to diagnose and treat his father.

After I came here, I realized that you were the one who performed the surgery on Mr. Hua’s father, Mr. Lao Hua!

So I asked to watch it live, but was refused.

But after my pleading, they finally allowed me to watch your normal surgery through surveillance..."

Zhen Yingxiong and a group of bodyguards' expressions changed, and they quickly surrounded Shi Guangzu and Owen.

Just kidding, how can Mr. Hua’s privacy be allowed to be snooped into by an outsider!

Hua Lao waved his hands and said to everyone: "It's okay, I agree! Mr. Owen is a trustworthy person."

Only then did everyone disperse.

Owen looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly and said, "The ancient Chinese medicine is really brilliant and has solved a problem that has troubled me for fifteen years!

I have met many descendants of ancient medicine, and it often opened my eyes.

But their medical skills are still much worse than those of you!

This is no longer a medical skill, this is a magical skill!

I want to learn this magical skill. Please ask my wife to accept me as a disciple and teach me ancient Chinese medical skills! "


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