Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1478 One sentence changes your life

He casually took out five million, enough to buy two Astons.

What is a rich man?

This is!

If you drive a luxury car to hold the eggs, I will smash them for you!

Then they take out twice the money and throw it at your face. The key is that you don’t dare to accept it!

It is possible for a person like Zhang Chunlei to suffer such a big loss but dare not retaliate and can only hold it in his stomach.

People like this are truly crazy!

He is the truly powerful person!

People like Zhang Chunlei are just rich second-generation sons who bluff based on their family background.

Once you encounter someone more powerful than yourself, you will immediately stop looking at him.

"Chen Xin'an, don't be arrogant!" Zhang Chunlei's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and cursed:

"I, the Zhang family, are not that easy to bully! We are not done with this matter!"

After saying one harsh word, Zhang Chunlei wanted to run away.

People like Chen Xin'an are not on the same level as him. If you are here to confront this person who single-handedly messed up the entire Kyoto, you are just looking for death!

I need to go back and discuss this matter with grandpa and eldest grandpa.

Let them deal with this guy is the right answer.

Two brothers from the older generation of the Zhang family.

Zhang Jihai was engaged in politics and Zhang Jihe was engaged in business.

The two brothers have a clear division of labor and a far-reaching layout.

Although they have been separated for a long time and have no contact with each other.

In fact, they complement each other and feed each other.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Chunlei knew that Chen Xin'an's wealth was terrifying.

Compared with this newly rising guy, the Zhang family really pales into insignificance.

Chen Xin'an said that there were five million in the card, which was definitely just a lot more.

But he didn't dare to take it!

Is Chen Xin'an's money so easy to get?

It would be better to suffer the loss of being dumb for the time being. It would be safer to tell Grandpa about this as soon as possible when he goes back.

But as soon as he took steps, Chen Xin'an looked at him lazily and said:

"I let you go? Believe it or not, if you take one more step, I will break one leg of each of the three of you?"

Zhang Chunlei and the two thugs all froze and did not dare to move.

Especially the two thugs, they broke into cold sweat instantly!

After confirming the identity of this person, the two thugs were eager to make themselves invisible immediately!

It's not a good thing to fall into the hands of this evil star. Maybe your life will be at stake here!

Zhang Chunlei swallowed his saliva and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, keep a line in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

There's no need to be so unforgiving, right?

Do you really think that I, Zhang Chunlei, am afraid of you?

Believe it or not, I forced them to drop out of school immediately?

Even if I graduate and join the workforce, I still have plenty of ways to deal with them. Can you protect them for the rest of your life? "

"Are you threatening me?" Chen Xin'an asked coldly without even looking at him.

Zhang Chunlei's body felt cold instantly and he did not dare to say another word.

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Leader Yuan, I want to ask something!

The Municipal Bureau is recruiting people this year. Has the quota been determined?

Does anyone have the name Zhang Chunlei?

I'm right in front of their university.

This person relied on the power of the Zhang family to show off his wealth and show off his strength, bully his classmates, harass women, and create quarrels and troubles.

Where can such people go to work and wear those clothes?

Or was it decided by default and numbered directly?

OK, cancel!

It's best to send it to the police stations in various places to blacklist and remove this person!

This kind of black sheep doesn't deserve to wear that uniform at all! "

When Chen Xin'an hung up the phone, he turned his head and glanced at the pale Zhang Chunlei, grinned and said, "Sorry, you may not be able to bully them in the future!"

He raised his head and said to the guys who were looking at him energetically:

“When I get to work from now on, I’ll keep an eye on this guy.

If he commits any crime, arrest him! "

There was silence.

Wan Chenxuan snorted, curled her lips and said to Jiang Xiahan: "It's fake, don't believe it!

What is the status of the Zhang family in Kyoto?

This person can decide the fate of the Zhang family's life with just one phone call?

Are you kidding me? !

In the future, Zhou Quan and the others will suffer even more misfortune, and the Zhang family will be even more ruthless in their revenge! "

At this moment, Zhang Chunlei's phone rang. He took it out tremblingly to answer it. His face completely turned pale after hearing the first sentence!

"Why was it cancelled?

Isn’t it all agreed upon?

The files will be handed over in a few months, and now you're telling me it's cancelled?

Why is it invalid?

Our family spent so much money...

What should I do?

All my years of study have been in vain! "

Zhang Chunlei's legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

He looked at Chen Xin'an with malicious eyes, and the phone slipped from his hand.

Wan Chenxuan was also dumbfounded and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

What kind of person is this!

One phone call changed the life trajectory of a Zhang family member. This power is simply terrifying!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and cursed at Ah Quan: "Don't stand there stupidly, call people from the nearby police station to take these two guys away and imprison them.

Two gangsters came here to cause trouble, and they dared to beat the future police officers without accepting punishment. Isn't that a joke? "

Before Ah Quan could take out his cell phone, Ning Xiruo had already walked over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, don't let the people from the police station take these two away."

Seeing Ning Xiruo, the two thugs' expressions changed and they looked a little panicked. They tried to run away but were targeted by Chen Xin'an.

Without any further explanation, Chen Xin'an immediately understood what his wife-in-law meant and took out her cell phone to call Sun Galo.

"Brother Luo, I'm here at the Public Security University, and there are two people you need to take away.

Lock them up first and wait until I have time to go over and ask them something!

OK, I'm here waiting for you! "

Ning Xiruo had already walked up to the two thugs, looked at them and said, "I know you have seen me.

Although you all had your faces covered at the time, I saw the tattoos on your arms.

Those Inca people were brought to me by you, right?

Later, you all hid, and Sister Qing only found out about Lyman Restaurant.

It seems that you are from the Zhang family? "

The two thugs turned pale, looked at Ning Xiruo with horrified eyes and said, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Chen Xin'an said with a sinister smile: "It doesn't matter, you will know!"

Ah Quan and Yang Zimo came over, kicked the two thugs to the ground without saying a word, knotted their own belts, and tied them up with their backhands.

The group of young people in the same dormitory as them all came over, bowed to Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother An, thank you!"

Xiao Liu bit his lip and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, if it weren't for you today, my studies would have come to an end!"

Chen Xin'an knew that he was not telling lies.

Don't look at this kid being humiliated by Zhang Chunlei. He seems to be a coward and doesn't even dare to say a rebuttal.

But Chen Xin'an saw a sense of determination and murderous intent in his eyes!

It's very possible that if he had taken action a little later, this kid wouldn't have been able to help but take action!

And once he takes action, Zhang Chunlei will be finished.

Honest people usually don't get angry, but once you push him into a hurry, he won't even give you a chance to escape!

Chen Xin'an said to Xiaoliu: "Come with me!"

Xiaoliu was stunned for a moment, but still followed Chen Xinan obediently.

Chen Xin'an was on the phone while walking, and said to the other side: "Xiaojiu, help me check the person and touched classmate A Quan's bag.

The wallet was brought back and all the money and mobile phone were taken away.

He is a student of the Public Security University, and he is right in front of the university.

Okay, I'll let him tell you! "

He handed the phone to Xiaoliu and said to him: "Tell the person on the phone where it was stolen, when it was stolen, what model the phone is, and how much money was lost in the wallet!"

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an looked at Jiang Xiahan not far away in front of him and said to her:

“This little brother of mine said I would help you find your phone, so I will definitely find it!

Just wait, your phone will be sent back after a while! "


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