Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1479 I am their backer

Although Master Meng has returned to Dongshan, his apprentice Xiaojiu is still here.

The King of Thieves has been in Kyoto for so long that he and his apprentices have already integrated all the pickpockets in Kyoto City.

Even if he leaves, Xiao Jiu, as his personal disciple, is equivalent to a leader-like existence in this circle.

It's just that Chen Xin'an didn't want Xiaojiu to go off the beaten track again, so he kept her by his side.

Now she is directly put in charge of Sunshine Fund projects, specializing in charity.

However, Xiaojiu's words still carry some weight in this circle.

In less than half an hour, a motorcycle arrived at the gate of the university.

Two yellow-haired young men who looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old came over and said cautiously: "Who is Mr. An?"

Chen Xin'an turned his head and cursed with a dark face: "Did you get it? Give it back!"

A little yellow haired man glanced at Jiang Xiahan and Wan Chenxuan, then walked over dejectedly.

He honestly handed the phone and a few hundred dollars to the two of them with both hands.

Unexpectedly, Wan Chenxuan was also stolen.

It's just that she was lucky. She didn't lose her phone, just her money.

Wan Chenxuan pointed at him and cursed: "I remember! This guy bumped into us at Baihui's door.

At that time, I thought he was a hooligan trying to take advantage, but I didn’t expect him to be a thief!

Catch him and take him to the police station! "

Xiao Huangmao glanced at him and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an slapped Xiao Huangmao with a dark face and scolded him: "You can attack anyone!

If you let people keep an eye on you, you will never be able to hang out in Kyoto in the future! "

Xiao Huangmao said with a sad face: "I didn't know he was Mr. An's friend!

For this trivial matter, Mr. An doesn't need to go through Jiu Gu.

Just put something on the road and I will obediently send the things back!

Master An’s words are more effective than Aunt Jiu’s! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell Xiaojiu this when I go back!"

Xiao Huangmao's face suddenly fell.

Mr. An, is this not kind?

Chen Xin'an kicked him in the leg and cursed: "Get out!

By the way, that guy sitting over there looks down on you very much!

He's not from here, and we don't know him either. It's up to you! "

Xiao Huangmao turned around, glanced at Zhang Chunlei sitting on the ground, winked with his companion, walked over to help Zhang Chunlei up, patted the dust off his body and said:

"Brother, keep in touch more in the future. If you have a chance to drink, I'll leave first today. Let's meet up another day!"

Zhang Chunlei, who was left confused, couldn't help but cursed at the backs of the two of them: Who the hell are you? Do I know you?

As soon as they left, Sungalo came and handcuffed the two thugs without saying anything.

Wan Chenxuan was unhappy and complained to Chen Xin'an: "Why did you let him go?

They are thieves and should be caught!

what's wrong with you?

Don't let go of things that should be released, let go of things that shouldn't be released! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said calmly: "Catch the person you want to arrest yourself! I didn't stop you!"

Wan Chenxuan said angrily: "How can I catch you if you let me go..."

"If you don't have the skills, don't chirp at me here!" Chen Xin'an couldn't tolerate her temper and scolded directly:

"If I throw a bone to a dog, it will wag its tail at me.

I helped you get your money back, and you're still here doing this and that without even saying thank you.

Am I your father? Everything depends on you? "

"You..." Wan Chenxuan's face was red, and she was dumbfounded by Chen Xin'an's lesson, unable to say a word.

Ning Xiruo gently pulled Chen Xin'an's arm and shook her head at him.

Chen Xin'an was not in the mood to argue with a little girl, so she turned and walked away.

Ning Xiruo looked at Wan Chenxuan, who had her head lowered with aggrieved eyes and red circles, and said:

"If you like someone, don't be angry!

Otherwise, you will definitely be the one who gets hurt more in the end!

There is nothing wrong with girls pursuing the person they like.

But I want to attract his attention by making him angry or making fun of myself.

This method is the stupidest!

It will only make him farther and farther away from you! "

Wan Chenxuan's face turned red, she raised her head and looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Who are you? What are you talking about?"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "As someone who has been through this, I just want to give you a piece of advice. It's up to you whether you want to or not!"

After saying that, Ning Xiruo also turned and left.

Wan Chenxuan bit her lip and looked at her back. After a while, she turned to Jiang Xiahan and said:

"That Chen Xin'an seems to be quite capable.

But this wife seems to be very ordinary and unremarkable in appearance! "

Jiang Xiahan twisted her arm and shook her head angrily, telling her not to talk nonsense.

Not far away, Instructor Song came over with a group of people, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said:

"it's him!

He even dared to hit me, and even beat Zhang Chunlei and burned his luxury car!

It is simply extremely arrogant and lawless!

Don't have any scruples, I'll be responsible for anything that happens.

Beat him until he lies down, and then throw him directly to the Xueyuan Road Police Station! "

A group of people rushed over aggressively.

"What are you doing!" Ah Quan and Yang Zimo shouted angrily, trying to rush over.

Lu Jingming and Li Xingpeng also ran over, stretched out their hands to stop the group of people and said, "Students, don't be impulsive. This is a misunderstanding..."

Instructor Song ran over and kicked Lu Jingming in the stomach, then slapped Li Xingpeng and Wang Xiaoshuai in the face. Seeing Ou Peng blocking his way again, he pointed his finger at his nose and cursed:

"Try to talk nonsense to me again?

Colluding with bad forces outside the school and beating up our instructors.

Bullying our classmates and damaging their finances!

You guys have reached the end of your college life!

Today, if I don't make all of you obedient, I won't be called Song Zihao!

I won't be an instructor!"

"Get out of the way!" Chen Xin'an walked over with a gloomy face, passed by A Quan and the others, and walked in front of Song Zihao.

Before he could react, he raised his hand and slapped him in the face!

Song Zihao staggered after being slapped, and there was an obvious slap mark on his face!

He covered his face in pain and shouted to the people around him: "Hit me!"

At this moment, someone shouted: "Stop!"

The crowd screamed: "The principal is here!"

The group of people brought out by Song Zihao all stood aside obediently.

But Chen Xinan didn't care who came, no one could stop him from hitting anyone he wanted!


Another backhand slap, Song Zihao staggered.

He covered his face and wailed, just as he was about to resist, Chen Xinan kicked him to the ground!

With his hair tight, Chen Xinan lifted him up again.

He threw his arms and slapped him back and forth on his face for more than a dozen times!

He didn't use internal strength, but even ordinary strength made Instructor Song unable to bear it.

The corner of his mouth cracked and his face was covered with blood!

"How can someone like you be an instructor? Do you deserve the title of instructor?"

Song Zihao looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and screamed: "You..."

Chen Xin'an pointed at Ah Quan and his six brothers and sneered:

"You look down on them and help Zhang Chunlei bully them.

It's nothing more than thinking that they have no backing and no support!

Then I will tell you now, and tell all of you.

Their backing is me!

I am Chen Xin'an.

From now on, I don't care whether you are instructors or students.

No matter whether you are leaders or ordinary people.

As long as you bully them, it is equivalent to challenging me, Chen Xin'an, to a fight.

I will definitely keep the appointment, just stick your butt out and wait!"

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