Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1480 I came out specifically to greet you

Ah Quan, Yang Zimo and the others all had red eyes.


Everyone around him showed envious expressions.

This is the famous Chen Xin'an!

A very popular figure in Kyoto City right now.

After disappearing for three months, not only has the reputation not settled, but it has become louder and louder.

If you can be the backer of these trainees, then who dares to mess with them?

Who dares to go against such a person who can make the three years of the Zhang family's police academy education go to waste in one sentence, and who can't even find a job after graduation?

If there is, then it’s probably just the principal, right?

Students who go to school here know that even though the principal is usually stern, he is very protective.

Regardless of whether it is a school staff or a student, if someone is bullied by someone outside, no matter who the person is, she will not let it go easily.

Seeing the principal walking over in uniform, Song Zihao was overjoyed.

Principals rarely wear uniforms.

Only wear it when things are formal and solemn.

The way she looks now shows that she takes this matter very seriously.

This Chen Xin'an is going to be in trouble!

Song Zihao cried out to the principal: "Principal Meng! You have to make the decision for me!

Don't let this guy go!

Our university cannot be insulted!

We teachers and students cannot be insulted..."

"Shut up!" Principal Meng frowned and scolded him, his eyes cold.

Song Zihao's eyes widened and he looked at the principal in disbelief.

But she saw her walking up to Chen Xin'an, snapping, and saluting him!

"Mr. Chen, I'm here to greet you.

Would you please come to the office with me and sit for a while? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ning Xiruo, smiled slightly at the woman, nodded and said, "Okay! But here..."

"Leave it to me!" Principal Meng said to him.

She turned her head, looked at Song Zihao and said: "Song Zihao, you have been complained by students many times and violated the rules several times.

From now on, the Public Security University will terminate all labor contracts with you.

I will ask the finance department to settle your salary later. "

Turning around, she looked at Zhang Chunlei and said: "Zhang Chunlei, you have also violated school rules and disciplines many times and failed the assessment many times.

Ten points will be deducted now and you will be dismissed from school!

You can come to school tomorrow to go through the formalities, but the completion certificate will not be issued! "

After the announcement, Principal Meng took Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo into the campus.

There was silence at the school gate for a long time.

After a full three minutes, someone yelled excitedly!

Yang Zimo hugged Zhou Quan and shouted loudly: "Brother An, you are awesome!"

Lu Jingming rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief: "Did I read it right just now?

The principal actually saluted An Geer? "

Li Xingpeng nodded and murmured: "Even when leaders from Kyoto Yang University come to inspect the school, the principal doesn't have to salute, right?

What is the identity of An Geer? He is actually higher than Leader Yang? "

Wang Xiaoshuai hugged Ah Quan's neck and asked him: "Third brother, tell me honestly, who is Brother An?"

Ah Quan shook his head and said: "I haven't seen him for several years, you ask me?

Let me tell you, he is actually a door-to-door son-in-law, do you believe it?

But Brother An is the most awesome door-to-door son-in-law I have ever seen.

If you tell me now that he entered the Grand Palace, I won't be surprised! "

Ou Peng murmured: "A man can be considered a real man if he can do what An Ge'er does!"

Jiang Xiahan murmured: "Wow! I can't believe that Zhou Quan and the others can actually be friends with a legendary figure like Chen Xin'an. It's so enviable!

Xuanxuan, do you regret it now?

If you hadn't fallen out with Zhou Quan, you might have become Chen Xin'an's friend! "

Wan Chenxuan was irritated, glanced at Jiang Xiahan and said, "Hanhan, in your eyes, I am also a utilitarian, snobbish, and snobbish woman, right?"

Jiang Xiahan stopped her smile, took Wan Chenxuan's hand and said, "Xuanxuan, I know you are not!

Just like Chen Xin'an's wife said.

You just want Zhou Quan to remember you!

Whether I hate you or pity you, it is better than treating you as a stranger now! "

Tears flowed out, Wan Chenxuan covered her face and cried: "He said he would marry me as his wife when he grows up!

He said it himself!

He said it fifteen years ago!

Why have you forgotten all about it? "

Jiang Xiahan sighed, hugged her shoulders and said, "Xuanxuan, why don't you tell him?"

Wan Chenxuan shook her head and smiled sadly: "Since I can't remember it, it means it's fate but not fate!

If it's broken, let's break it off. From now on, everyone can live their own lives without interfering with each other.

fine! "

"Ah! What kind of immoral thing did this? Where's my wallet?" Zhang Chunlei's hysterical yelling came from under the bus stop.

The once powerful and arrogant figure in the school was now in such a state of decline that he was dropped out of school.

What's even more unlucky is that the car was burned down and the taxi will not be seen for a while. If you want to take the bus, if you touch your pocket, it will be cleaner than your face!

Today I deliberately took more than 3,000 yuan in cash and put it in my wallet. Along with my new mobile phone, which was less than a month old, it was all stolen!

It’s those two little yellow guys just now!

No wonder she came to help him with good intentions, but it turned out to be just to steal him!

Someone next to me burst out laughing.

Yang Zimo pointed at him and cursed: "Standing at the school gate and letting a thief touch your wallet, are you blind?

You're like this, you still want to go to the police academy and become a police officer?

You are simply embarrassing the entire Chinese police force! "

Everyone around burst into laughter.

These words were also Zhang Chunlei's exact words when he mocked Ou Peng just now.

Now Yang Zimo used it on him exactly, and it was a slap in the face!

Zhang Chunlei blushed and wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

At this moment, Wan Chenxuan came over, took out a hundred yuan and handed it to him.

"Take a taxi back! That should be enough!"

Normally, if his classmates gave him a hundred yuan, this would be an insult to him!

But now, this is a good man!

Everyone was watching his jokes, watching indifferently, and even adding insult to injury.

Only this girl took the initiative to help him!

In the past, most of my thoughts were on school beauties like Jiang Xiahan.

Only now do I realize that Wan Chenxuan is actually quite good-looking, and she is the kind of beauty who is attractive.

The more you look at it, the better it tastes.

It seems she is still interested in me.

No wonder, even if I, Zhang Chunlei, dropped out of school, the Zhang family would not fall.

Even if I no longer serve as a police officer, will I, Zhang Chunlei, starve to death?

Will there be no way to live in the future?

It doesn't exist at all!

When I went to the police academy, my uncle taught me to pursue an official career.

Now that the road is blocked, I can still do business!

My family is rich, and I will still live like the second generation of rich people.

You can also control the wind and rain in Kyoto, hug you left and right, and be happy!

Zhang Chunlei took a deep breath, looked at Wan Chenxuan and said: "Xuanxuan! Don't worry, I, Zhang Chunlei, will never fail you..."

"Stop it!" Wan Chenxuan slapped the money into his hand and curled her lips and said, "Don't get me wrong, I gave you the money because I wanted to buy your bag!

Hanhan didn't like it, so she gave it to me.

I'm thinking that it's not like I just gave you a pack for nothing. It makes it look like I'm taking advantage of you.

So for this hundred yuan, even if I buy your bag!

No other meaning, stop thinking nonsense, let’s go! "

Zhang Chunlei stared blankly at the one hundred yuan in his hand, wanting to cry without tears.

I spent almost 100,000 to buy a world-famous brand, why the hell are you giving me 100 yuan?

It’s fun!

But now I can’t do it, I can’t walk home.

Besides, it’s impossible to take back what Zhang Chunlei gave away, right?

There happened to be a taxi taking students back to school, so Zhang Chunlei quickly got on it.

Looking at the school gate fading away behind him, Zhang Chunlei felt sad, covered his face and cried loudly!


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