Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1523 Even if you lose, you must lose clearly

Ning Xuruo, Luo Qianxue, Konoye Zhen, Du Yunyan, Wu Yan, Guandu, Luo Xiaoman, Master Luo, Xiao Zhang, Guan Fei, Grasshopper.

Including Chen Xin'an, no more than twelve people were standing in the small square.

Wang Shoucheng's face changed color, and he counted them again from beginning to end with a livid face, which was twelve!

The company commander on duty stared at everyone with wide eyes, looking in disbelief, and murmured:

"Impossible! We have confirmed it many times and it will not go wrong.

Every shift last night was very serious, and it was impossible for anyone to fall asleep or be lazy.

There's no way he could sneak in and hide it from all of us!

It's him!

Yes, that's him! "

The company commander on duty ran up to Luo Xiaoman, pointed at him and said, "I watched you go out yesterday afternoon.

You have never come back, but how can you stand here now?

When did you come back?

How did you come back? "

Luo Xiaoman yawned, picked his nose and squinted his eyes and asked, "What do you mean? Can't I come back? I won't be allowed to live here anymore?"

"That's not what you meant! Why did you come back..." The company commander on duty almost scratched his scalp.

How can there be loopholes in the general defense measures of a dragnet?

Where is this vulnerability?

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Wang Shoucheng: "Leader Wang, it seems that your defense is not as tight as you expected!

But you're right, a fly may not be able to fly in, but that's not necessarily the case for a person! "

Wang Shoucheng's face turned blue and white.

How can you be so humiliating?

Flies can't fly in, but people can. Are we all fly swatters in terms of feelings? Specializing in swatting flies?

Zhao Zhiguo smiled awkwardly and said: "Maybe you all counted wrong last night. This person has actually been back a long time ago. He just hid so that you didn't find him!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Hu Zhenrui: "Chief Guard, please take the soldiers from the guard regiment upstairs to check."

"Yes!" Hu Zhenrui nodded.

The company commander on duty said: "I am with you, I don't believe there is someone hiding upstairs!"

There was no one hiding upstairs, but at the stairwell to each floor from the second floor, something wrapped in red paper was found, with two words written on it: bomb!

All four "bombs" have been placed in front of Wang Shoucheng.

Chen Xin'an tore off the red paper on it, revealing the bricks inside, looked at Wang Shoucheng and said with a smile:

“If it were true, this building would have been razed to the ground by now, right?

Including Mr. Li, as well as you and me, we are all buried under the rubble at this moment! "

Wang Shoucheng's face turned pale, and Zhao Zhiguo was also stunned.

The company commander on duty was the first to react, looking at Chen Xin'an and saying:

“You were discovered by us on purpose last night.

Any handovers or climbing sewer pipes are all deceptions.

You have only one purpose, to cover his entry! "

Chen Xin'an showed an expression of appreciation on his face, nodded and said, "hit!"

He waved his hands to everyone, indicating that everyone could go upstairs.

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an took out his phone and said with a smile: "They are here!

Leader Wang, please tell the sentry brother at the door to let people in. "

Soon, five young men with short hair came over and stood in front of Chen Xin'an.

They were dressed in casual clothes, had dark skin, and looked ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "Room 208, go change first!"

The five people nodded without saying a word and turned to leave.

Li Niandong came over and asked Chen Xin'an: "Is this the person you invited?

Are they really from Getanlang?

I can’t see how powerful it is! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her, and Li Niandong shrank his neck, not daring to say anything.

Soon, five men in green uniforms came in neatly and stood in front of Chen Xin'an. They all saluted Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Chief instructor! Huo Guangqi, the tactical instructor of the Getan Wolf Special Forces, and his soldiers Gong Jun, Yu Fei, Zhuang Huaishan, and Lu Qianfan are reporting to you!"

Chen Xin'an returned the gift, nodded and said to everyone: "I will take you to see Mr. Li!"

Over there, Mr. Li had finished his boxing, and Chen Xin'an brought the five-person team of Getan Wolf to meet him.

Mr. Li shook hands with everyone one by one and said with a smile: "During this period, I, the old man, will trouble you all!"

The five people saluted and shouted in unison: "Please rest assured, chief!"

Li Niandong swallowed and murmured: "I'll be a good boy!

Why does his whole demeanor change completely when he puts on green clothes?

No wonder grandpa said before that some people are born to wear green.

I grew up in a military compound and saw so many green clothes.

I don’t feel this way when I’m with you again.

Now that I see these people, I really believe this! "

Hu Zhenrui's face darkened.

Miss, is it really okay to say this in front of me?

Isn't this just stepping on one's back?

But there is no way, even he has to admit that these 002 guards are still a bit behind compared to the people of the five major special forces.

When Mr. Li went upstairs, Huo Guangqi and the other five men glanced at each other, then swarmed up and hugged Chen Xin'an!

"Boss, you want us to death!"

"How long will Boss stay in Qingxi this time? Will you come back to the base with us after the mission is completed?"

“Boss, you don’t know, the set of boxing you taught us is so enjoyable now!

Many joints that were not noticed all over the body were opened, it was so cool! "

"After I came back from Montenegro Tiger, I suddenly felt that the current training course was too weak! Team Leader Zhou keeps talking about coming to you every day to discuss new courses!"

"Boss, why don't you come to our Getan Wolves first the next time you inspect and teach with the entire army!"

Chen Xin'an was hugged by a bunch of rough men like a few koalas hanging on her body.

He was so angry that he looked disgusted. He tried to push these guys away but was entangled by them, so he had to yell: "Stand at attention!"

The five of them had no choice but to let go of him and stand honestly in front of him.

Chen Xin'an wiped the saliva on her face with her sleeve and cursed angrily:

"Zhuang Huaishan, are you so disgusting?

I was punished for having a secret kiss with a tiger in Montenegro, and now my skin is itchy again, right?

Let me tell you, don't be so playful.

I will not interfere with your tactical assignments for this mission. You will designate your own defense plan.

I will ask everyone to fully cooperate with you.

In order to prevent you from revealing your origins, I have prepared new clothes for you.

It will be sent to you later to replace it. "

"Yes!" The five people nodded together.

"Mr. Chen!" Li Niandong came over and said carefully to Chen Xin'an: "We should all be here today, let's have a meeting together?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Let's open it here!"

Li Niandong nodded and signaled to Hu Zhenrui that he could call someone.

Wang Shoucheng stood in front of Chen Xin'an, looked at him directly and said: "Mr. Chen, I admit defeat!

But I beg you, let me lose clearly!

Exactly how your people got in, please tell us! "

Behind him, the members of the local guard group all looked downcast.

They laughed at how loud Chen Xin'an was before, but now they are so frustrated.

"Everyone!" Chen Xin'an faced everyone, pointed to the top of his head and said, "That friend is a master of wingsuit flying!

Last night we hired a hot air balloon and let him jump out of it.

In order to avoid infrared detection, he was allowed to fly three hundred meters in a wing suit and then parachute down using a double parachute.

Land on the roof of the building fifteen meters high, and then let the dummy prepared in advance slide the parachute away.

He is a Kung Fu master and it is not difficult to do this.

And it's actually not difficult to avoid the sentries on the floor.

Your defense is indeed very tight, but it is only used to deal with ordinary people.

When you meet a real kung fu master, you will be easily taken advantage of.

The defensive cooperation of the special forces team is summed up from countless battles on the battlefield.

That's why I need their help even more. "


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