Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1524 I can’t stand up after kneeling for a long time.

The people in the security group had nothing to say. After all, no one could guarantee that the enemy would not sneak into the hotel in this way!

The company commander on duty looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration.

The people of Getanlang are all very angry.

When he was working as a city picket, he had to deal with many disputes between Getanlang people fighting with other green-dressed people during their vacations.

These guys are so fierce that they don't even look down on the pickets, each one is more bad-tempered than the last!

I really don't know how Chen Xin'an managed to treat such a group of fierce people like a group of little monkeys and treat him so intimately.

Soon Hu Zhenrui and ten guards, Wang Shoucheng and thirty green-clad guards, plus an eighty-person team of criminal police and traffic police led by Zhao Zhiguo, as well as the five-man Getan Wolf group, all gathered in the small area. square.

Because Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang both belonged to Chen Xin'an's personal team and did not have to interfere with the security work of Mr. Li and the meeting, they did not stand with everyone.

As the local green leader, Wang Shoucheng needs to mobilize before the war.

“Today, representatives of Inca and Xinlun should be here, and the list of participants has been sent.

Both sides are teams of twenty.

Then everyone will stay at our Red Star Hotel.

The Inca delegation stayed on the sixth floor, and the Xinlun delegation stayed on the fourth floor.

The negotiation location is at Bishui Tianchi Sanatorium.

Normally, except for negotiations, no one is allowed to meet in private.

Therefore, the hotel will be closed today. Representatives from all parties will have their own entrances and exits and will not meet each other.

Attention, everyone, you now represent the Chinese green outfit and the police.

Therefore, we must remind ourselves in every word and deed that we must not embarrass China.

Once there is a dispute, try to be patient as much as possible, and don’t conflict unless it is absolutely necessary!

Lao Zhao, can you say a few words? "

Zhao Zhiguo nodded and said to everyone: "In this negotiation, we are the police directly involved, but in fact, all the police and traffic police in the city are cooperating.

Our every move not only represents the quality of Daliang City, but also, as Leader Wang said, it demonstrates the national prestige of China at all times.

We in China are a country of etiquette, so our mission this time must be perfect.

Let them find no faults and reflect our magnanimity as a great nation.

So I ask everyone to exercise restraint!

We must not disgrace our Daliang City just because of a moment of anger.

Damage our reputation in China and let others laugh at us and say bad things about us!

Once discovered, even if we are compatriots, we will never be lenient. We will arrest those who should be arrested and imprison them who should be imprisoned!

Do you understand? "

The people below responded sparsely.

Zhao Zhiguo frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, can you say a few words?"

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Just tell me a little!

You people have only one purpose, to protect Mr. Li's safety and the smooth progress of negotiations.

So anyone who threatens these two things is an enemy!

If it doesn't work, you'll be killed!

If something happens, I'll take care of it!

No matter which country he is from!

Do you understand? "

Everyone, including eighty police officers, straightened their chests and shouted in unison: "Understood!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand: "If you understand, then go to work!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Zhiguo stopped everyone. Like Wang Shoucheng, he looked embarrassed and looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of anger.

"What do you mean, Chen Xin'an? Are you deliberately going against us?"

"That's right, do you know the consequences of saying this?

Once something happens, it will be a major event that affects the relations between the three countries. Can you afford it? "

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and smiled, looked at the two of them and said, "As long as we are reasonable, we don't need to look at other people's faces.

It's not that you can be praised by others by being deliberately forbearing.

Just like if you want to bully someone, will you stop when he gives in?

It doesn't exist. The more cowardly he is, the more you will want to bully him!

China's generosity and tolerance are not reflected in this aspect.

If you turn a blind eye to others running wild on your territory, they will only think you are weak and can be bullied!

Don't kneel for so long that you won't even want to stand up anymore!

How can we allow others to mess around in our own territory?

You come to negotiate, then listen to me in everything!

The identities of you people can indeed reflect the national prestige of China.

Therefore, you should be more domineering, rather than being weak and incompetent, with your elbows turned outward and without any anger at all! "

Bang bang bang!

Everyone applauded, even Li Niandong and Hu Zhenrui nodded.

Wang Shoucheng and Zhao Zhiguo looked embarrassed, and had to admit that what Chen Xin'an said made sense, and waved their hands helplessly for everyone to disperse.

"Leader Zhao!" Chen Xin'an stopped Zhao Zhiguo, stood in front of him and said:

"I think you have heard that Xikun was killed last night.

I was involved in this.

But I also know that the police are also involved.

Negotiation matters are very important, but I would like to ask Leader Zhao to take advantage of his busy schedule to warn his subordinates not to get involved in this matter! "

Zhao Zhiguo looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and asked, "What do you mean? Is Mr. Chen still coming to rectify our police force in Daliang City?"

Chen Xin'an smiled, shook her head and said, "I don't have the skill, and it doesn't make sense.

If your people really forget their mission and fall into my hands, they will be killed if necessary. I will not show mercy! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Zhao Zhiguo glared at Chen Xin'an and clenched his fists, "Don't think that with Mr. Li protecting you, you can do whatever you want in Daliang City.

The emperor breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people!

Besides, you are not the emperor! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, then see if you can convict me!

For the sake of working together, I kindly remind you.

Since you don't appreciate it, then get lost, I don't have to think about protecting you anymore!

At that time, I have worked hard all my life to get to where I am today and sit in my current position.

Everything is gone overnight, so don’t blame others!

Also, you have to understand one thing.

When I, Chen Xin'an, do my work, do I need others to protect me?

You don't know me very well! "

Ignoring the two people in front of him, Chen Xin'an turned and left.

Zhao Zhiguo's face was gloomy, and he looked at Chen Xin'an's back in silence.

His old friend Wang Shoucheng said to him: "Old Zhao, you have something to say that you don't know whether to say or not?"

Zhao Zhiguo scolded him angrily: "Why are you acting like a bitch? Is there anything else we can't talk about?"

Wang Shoucheng laughed and said to him: "Although I can't stand this guy's arrogance, I have to say that this guy is a really capable person!

Don't think that he was bragging or joking when he said he was going to clean up your people.

There's something you may not know yet.

Chen Xin'an is not only the chief instructor of the entire army, he also has an identity as the wearer of the gold star epaulette.

Do you know the weight of these epaulettes?

It was equivalent to Qingxi's top leader being polite and treating him as an equal when meeting him.

So in our little Liang City Bureau, no matter who makes a mistake, he can deal with it if he wants!

And I heard Guard Chief Hu say that he received special instructions from Mr. Hua before he came here.

You can do things first and then tell them later.

If your people are really involved in the case he is investigating, if they make a mistake, they will be killed without mercy.

If you are implicated, he will do what needs to be done!

At that time, I can't even help you!

Old Zhao, you must not take this matter seriously.

Don't forget your identity, don't forget your mission!

You are a police officer, so you should have a temper.

But if we forget our roots, then we may not even be friends! "

Zhao Zhiguo's face turned pale and his forehead was sweating.

After being stunned for a long time, he patted Wang Shoucheng on the shoulder and said, "Old Wang, don't worry.

I never forget that I'm a police officer!

But I also know that some people in my team have forgotten!

I couldn't be cruel before, but now at this time, I think it's time to take care of it! "


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