Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1554 My brother will avenge me

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Luo Xiaoman grinned silently.

This wave is not a loss, everyone around King Qingxi has fallen to the ground!

Even the two men in black holding umbrellas and the security guards with guns were lying on the ground.

Blood flowed from their bodies, washed away by the rain, and flowed into the nearby drainage ditch.

The price paid is not small either.

He was shot twice in the stomach and received an iron walnut blow from King Qingyang in the chest. At least two bones should have been broken.

A walnut hit my left shoulder, the pipa bone was broken, and I could no longer lift my entire left arm.

King Qingxi stood under the heavy rain and looked at the guy in front of him who was laughing and vomiting blood.

He didn't understand either. How could this kid still laugh even though he was so seriously injured?

"Even Luo Lie from the Luo family once asked me for Kung Fu lessons when he was young.

Your boy has a second level of inner strength at a young age, and he can be considered a good candidate for martial arts training.

It’s a pity that it’s still not enough in front of me!

Don't you feel it's a pity that you died in my hands at such a young age and ruined your great future? "

Luo Xiaoman nodded with all his strength and said: "What a pity! What a pity!

Okay, since we both feel so sorry, just pretend you've never seen me.

Goodbye, I will treat you to a drink when I go to Kyoto..."

As soon as he took a step, King Qingxi kicked with his right foot. The black umbrella fell to the ground and flew up, spinning and crashing into Luo Xiaoman's body.

Luo Xiaoman quickly stepped back and made a sound. His pants were cut by the edge of the black umbrella, revealing a bloody mouth on his thigh.

"Are you talking nonsense?" Luo Xiaoman angrily scolded King Qingxi: "It's a pity, it's a pity. You won't let me go. Isn't your question unnecessary?"

King Qingxi sneered coldly, looked at Luo Xiaoman and said: "It's easy to leave here alive, there are only two conditions.

Hand over what you have taken.

Another one, kneel down and beg for mercy, be loyal to me and do things for me!

I rarely give people two chances, and today is an exception, so you must cherish it! "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said with disdain: "Okay, stop pretending to be invincible!

If those gunmen hadn't interfered with me, and we had fought to the death, even if you could kill me, it wouldn't have been so easy, and you would have had to give up most of your life!

It doesn't matter, I didn't take advantage of you. When my brother comes, he will avenge me! "

"Your brother? When did the Luo family produce another genius?" King Qingxi frowned.

Luo Xiaoman snorted, pointed at his nose and said, "In the past fifty years, the biggest genius in the Luo family has been me!

My brother's surname is not Luo, his name is Chen Xin'an!

You'll see him soon.

Don't blame yourself for being the King of Qingxi or King Qingdong. As long as you are targeted by him, you will be in bad luck!

His kung fu is better than mine. If you meet him, you will be dead! "

"Chen Xin'an!" King Qingxi recited the name in a low voice, and the iron walnut in his hand rattled.

"I have heard this name more than once during this time!

Even Jingwen suffered a loss at his hands and returned from Kyoto in disgrace!

I will settle this account with him sooner or later!

Don't worry, after I deal with you, I will deal with him.

Since you are stubborn and refuse to give in, then I will ask you two brothers to meet again behind closed doors, so that you will have no companions on the road to hell! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at him with contempt and said: "Old man, don't talk so much!

If you really see my brother, it’s too late for you to kneel down and beg for mercy! "

King Qingxi's face was gloomy, and he no longer had the patience to argue with him here, and said coldly:

"Let me ask you two questions.

First, where is the bag?

Second, where is Chen Xin'an hiding?

You'd better tell me honestly so that you don't have to suffer unnecessary physical pain before you die! "

Luo Xiaoman's answer was also very straightforward. He jumped up and spit at King Qingxi!

King Qingxi was furious, moved his feet, and slapped Luo Xiaoman!

In normal times, Luo Xiaoman relied on his youth and strength, and his body skills were flexible enough. Even if he couldn't defeat this old boy, it wouldn't be a problem for him to fight for self-protection for a while.

But now, his body was seriously injured. Every time he moved, the injury would be involved, and his whole body would twitch in pain.

So we have to move much slower!

In the blink of an eye, he was caught up by King Qingxi. He avoided the opponent's grasp, and then punched King Qingxi hard in the chest!

King Qingxi snorted coldly, placed his right hand in front of his chest, and wrapped Luo Xiaoman's fist.

Luo Xiaoman concentrated on his right arm and punched forward fiercely!

Qingxi Wang pinched Luo Xiaoman's fist with his five fingers and swayed his body back.

Then he pressed down hard with the heel of his palm and shouted, "Hey!" He pushed hard towards Luo Xiaoman's right fist.

A soft and unstoppable energy came from the front of the fist. Luo Xiaoman felt that his right hand was in severe pain, so he quickly withdrew his strength, and with the help of King Qingxi's offensive, his body retreated backwards!

King Qingxi grabbed his hand and prevented him from breaking away. He jumped up and landed lightly in front of Luo Xiaoman, following him like a shadow!

Luo Xiaoman was so worried that he broke off his right hand and slammed his body into King Qingxi!

I can’t get rid of you, so I’ll have a close encounter with you!

If you break one of my hands, I'll break a few of your old bones. It's not a loss!

But King Qingxi saw through his plan at a glance, sneered coldly, loosened his fingers, turned his grasp into a fist, and smashed Luo Xiaoman's chest!

Luo Xiaoman's already injured chest could not withstand such a blow. It almost completely collapsed!

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out and fell to the ground.

King Qingxi raised his right arm, wiped the blood off his face bit by bit, walked slowly to Luo Xiaoman, and stepped on his right leg with his foot!

"Where are the things? Where is Chen Xin'an?"

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and said with a ferocious smile: "You old-fashioned bitch, go home and ask your father!"

King Qingxi raised his leg and stamped it down fiercely.

With a click, Luo Xiaoman's right leg instantly twisted and deformed!

Luo Xiaoman's whole body tightened, his teeth were almost broken, but he stared at King Qingxi and remained silent!

King Qingxi raised his leg, stepped on Luo Xiaoman's left leg, and said coldly: "Where is the thing? Where is Chen Xin'an?"

Luo Xiaoman's lips trembled, but he still laughed ferociously, looked at King Qingxi and cursed:

"Come on, call daddy, I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll remember it!"


Luo Xiaoman's left leg was also broken!

"Damn old dog, I'll kill your father if I dare! My brother will avenge me!" Luo Xiaoman roared, vomiting blood!

He wanted to hit King Qingxi's leg with his fist, but the opponent stepped on his right hand.

Then circle with the soles of your feet and crush hard!

"To say it or not to say it?! Hold on tight, otherwise all your limbs will be useless!"

The severe pain in his legs almost made Luo Xiaoman faint, but with his fingers connected to his heart, the severe pain in his hands forced him to stay awake.

His eyes were almost bleeding, he stared at King Qingxi, and cursed loudly: "I am the old man of death!"

King Qingxi's face darkened, he released his right foot, raised it, aimed at his head, and stamped it hard!

At this moment, a figure appeared not far behind him, wearing a ragged felt hat, and said to King Qingxi: "Your Majesty, the less likely you are to die!"

"What did you say?" King Qingxi suddenly turned around and stared at him in disbelief!

The old felt hat lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "The less you are killed at the gate, your lord, please go and have a look!"

King Qingxi exclaimed: "Impossible!"

At this moment, the broken felt hat suddenly raised his hand, and the pistol he had already held in his hand banged, and the bullet hit King Qingxi's chest!

Almost at the same time, King Qingxi raised his left hand, and two iron walnuts flew out!

One hit the ragged felt hat hard on the face, and the other hit his gun hand!

The broken felt hat fell to the ground on its back, blood pouring out of its mouth and nose.

Two fingers on his right hand were also broken, and the pistol fell to the ground.

King Qingxi covered his chest with his hands and looked at the ragged felt hat coldly, and said hoarsely: "Old Lord, you still can't help but take action!"


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