Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1555 I am a policeman

A group of men in black ran over, and the leader was Zhong Jingwen, who had fled back from Kyoto in embarrassment.

Seeing King Qingxi covering his chest and bending over, Zhong Jingwen exclaimed: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

King Qingxi waved his hand and asked in a deep voice: "Is everything arranged inside?"

"Yes!" Zhong Jingwen nodded and said to him: "Everyone has evacuated for the time being, and things are sealed. We can start work again after a while!"

King Qingxi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes and looked at Lao Jun on the ground and said:

"Actually, I have always known your identity.

But I still appreciate you.

Originally I thought you would abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, but now, I am disappointed! "

"Hahaha!" Laojun laughed and sat up, touched the blood on his face, looked at King Qingxi with sarcastic eyes and said:

"Zhong Hongyi, abandon the darkness and turn to the light? Are you worthy of using this word?

Don’t you know who is dark and who is light?

Do you really think that you can cover the sky with one hand just because you have been the king and hegemon in Qingxi all these years?

Stop dreaming, Zhong Hongyi, everything you do is evidence of guilt! "

King Qingxi nodded, looked at him with cold eyes and said, "The premise is that you can get out alive! Do you really think I was shot?"

He sneered, tore off his clothes, revealing the body armor underneath, and said with a ferocious smile: "I was already prepared for this move from you! Just hack them both to death!"

Zhong Jingwen, who originally wanted to take out a gun, showed a sinister smile on his face when he heard this, pulled out a short knife from his body, and walked towards Lao Jun.

"Hundreds of dollars a month, what the hell are you trying to do with your life!

Do you really think that what you have done is watertight?

In fact, from the beginning, our Zhong family has been using you to help us get rid of those who are dissatisfied with the Zhong family.

As long as you remain the dog of our Zhong family safely, your benefits will be indispensable!

Don’t you know the consequences of betraying the Zhong family?

I won’t let you die comfortably! "

Following a sharp shout, a group of men in black holding short knives rushed towards Lao Jun and Luo Xiaoman who were lying on the ground, shouting wildly.

"Come on!" Laojun shouted angrily and rushed towards Zhong Jingwen!

Seeing the fearlessness in his eyes, Zhong Jingwen panicked.

Why the hell are you coming at me?

As soon as he showed his timidity, Laojun's fist had already hit him in the face.

Following Zhong Jingwen's scream, his knife-holding hand was grabbed by Lao Jun.

With a sharp pain in his wrist, Zhong Jingwen's short sword was snatched away by Laojun!

"What the hell!" Zhong Jingwen was shocked and frightened, and took out the pistol from his waist.

But the moment he aimed at Lao Jun, a cold light flashed, and his right hand was severed at the wrist!

Looking at the severed hand that fell to the ground but was still holding the pistol, Zhong Jingwen had an expression of disbelief on his face.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he started to cry and howl like a slaughtered pig!

At this moment, King Qingxi flicked his wrist, and the iron walnut hit Lao Jun hard on the armpit!

The knife in Lao Jun's hand flew away.

King Qingxi flicked his arm again, and another iron walnut flew towards Luo Xiaoman who was on the ground!

Lao Jun flew over and lay on Luo Xiaoman's body with his own body, blocking the fatal blow!


Lao Jun spurted a mouthful of blood on Luo Xiaoman's chest, and said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, friend, I can't save you!"

Luo Xiaoman lay on the ground, looked at him and asked: "Brother, who are you?"

Lao Jun smiled slightly and said to him proudly: "I am a policeman!"

The group of men in black had already rushed over, raising their knives and slashing at Lao Jun and Luo Xiaoman crazily.

Lao Jun lay on Luo Xiaoman's body, using his own body to block these crazy chops for Luo Xiaoman, and said with a smile: "Until death...no regrets!"


A white Nissan appeared at the corner of the factory building, then turned a corner, increased the accelerator and rushed straight towards it!

Before the men in black could react, the white Nissan was like a mad cow, knocking those men away!

Looking at the bloody man lying on the ground, Xiao Zhang in the driver's seat had red eyes and yelled:

"I just fucked your grandma! You bastards!"

A group of men in black screamed in surprise and ran away with their heads in their hands.

But where can one escape Xiao Zhang's skillful driving skills?

He was overtaken by a white Nissan, knocked away, and then drove over and rolled over!

A ray of cold light rushed towards Xiao Zhang!

The moment after the windshield was smashed, a hand stretched out from Xiao Zhang's side, and with a snap, he firmly grasped an iron walnut in his hand!

Chen Xin'an shouted sharply: "Stop!"


With the screeching sound of brakes, the white Nissan stopped instantly.

With a crash, the windshield was completely smashed.

Chen Xin'an turned around and stood firmly on the ground. He swung the iron walnut in his hand and hit King Qingxi who was standing not far away!

King Qingxi caught Tie Walnut with his hand, but his body swayed, and he finally took a step back.

His face instantly turned pale, and his right arm trembled slightly.

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to rush forward, Master Luo shouted from behind: "Aman!"

Chen Xin'an shuddered, ignored others, turned around and ran towards Luo Xiaoman.

When Zhong Jingwen saw Chen Xin'an, he had an expression of fear and hatred on his face. He held his right arm with his left hand and shouted to King Qingxi:

“Dad, it’s this bastard who ruined all our arrangements in Kyoto!

How dare he come to Qingxi?

Dad, kill him quickly!

Don't let him..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and kicked him in the air like a ball, hitting him hard on the head!

Even King Qingxi wouldn't dare to take such a powerful blow from a master of internal energy.

Zhong Jingwen’s head instantly deformed!

The cervical vertebrae were also broken, and the whole person flew two meters sideways and fell heavily to the ground.

In fact, Zhong Jingwen was already dead the moment his body flew up.

His kung fu was average, his strength was nothing compared to Chen Xin'an, and he couldn't withstand that kick at all.

So what's hitting the ground now is just a corpse!

"Awen!" King Qingxi screamed, watching his own son die in front of him, how could he not be heartbroken!

However, he did not immediately rush to take revenge. He just shouted: "Chen Xin'an, you and I are irreconcilable!"

After saying that, he turned around and fled!

"Zhong Hongyi!" Lao Jun, who was lying on Luo Xiaoman, shouted, holding a remote control in his hand and a decisive sneer on his face.

Then he pressed the red button fiercely, and there was an explosion in the factory not far away, and flames shot into the sky!

"You..." King Qingxi looked pale, stared at Lao Jun closely, glanced at Chen Xin'an again, gritted his teeth, turned around and left!

Chen Xin'an walked to Luo Xiaoman's side and carefully moved Lao Jun away from him. Looking at the injuries all over his brother's body, his eyes were red!

"Master Luo! Xiao Zhang! Kill without mercy!" Chen Xin'an's voice sounded like it was coming from between his teeth, and it was so cold that it made people feel chilled all over.

Master Luo and Xiao Zhang took a deep breath and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Luo Xiaoman suppressed his pain, looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled and cursed: "Old Chen, I knew you could come here!

Although you are not as smart as me, you are not too stupid. You will definitely be able to find us! "

"Stop talking, I'll suppress your injuries for you!" Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman with red eyes and a trembling voice.

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said: "We can't faint now, I have to ask this brother's name.

Without him, I would have died!

Old Chen, save him first.

This is my benefactor, and you will treat him as your brother from now on. "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Lao Jun beside him.

He was still looking at the factory building that was already on fire not far away, and there seemed to be something to say on his face.

Chen Xin'an injected Luo Xiaoman with one hand, and injected the needle on Lao Jun's head with the other hand, and asked him: "Brother, what is your name?"

Lao Jun pointed to the factory building and said with difficulty: "Feng, Cong, Jun! I am, a, police officer!"

It turns out that he is Principal Meng’s son!

Chen Xin'an said excitedly: "Feng Congjun, your mother, Ms. Meng Aihong, has entrusted me to come to Qingxi to find you this time, and I will take you home!"

Feng Congjun's raised hand froze, a soft expression appeared on his face, and he whispered softly: "Mom!"

The arm slumped down!


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