Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1556 None of you can believe it

The heavy rain finally stopped.

Police cars roared over, and many black cars appeared in the factory area together, stopping not far from Chen Xin'an.

Seeing a man chasing a man in black with a short knife, and a Nissan car rampaging next to him, crushing the man in black, a group of police officers got out of the car and shouted: "Stop!"

No one listens to them.

A man in civilian clothes pulled out a pistol and fired two shots into the sky.

The white Nissan finally stopped, and so did the man with a bun and a short knife in his hand.

Chen Xin'an closed Feng Congjun's eyes with her hands.

He inserted more than a dozen needles into Luo Xiaoman's body with both hands, then gently picked him up and said to him:

"You go to sleep for a while first, and I'll ask Lao Xiao to take you to the hospital."

Zhao Weiguo came over and said anxiously: "Mr. Chen, why is this matter so big?

The provincial department has been alerted!

Come, let me introduce you.

This is the leader of the provincial department, Niu Chengniu.

This is Secretary-General Yan Qiwenyan of the provincial government.

Who is this……"

Chen Xin'an hugged Luo Xiaoman and said expressionlessly: "Get away!"

Zhao Weiguo's face darkened, but he did not dare to say anything and stepped aside.

But the leaders next to them all looked angry!

"Are you Chen Xin'an? How do you speak?"

"What's going on here? Give me a reasonable explanation!

Otherwise, even if you are sent from above, if you dare to do evil in Qingxi, I will arrest you! "

"Do you know that Valerona Energy Company is a foreign-owned enterprise? Why do you let your people come to other people's units to cause trouble? You..."

Before the man could finish his words, Chen Xin'an kicked him away!

A group of leaders did not expect Chen Xin'an to be so bold, and they pointed at him and yelled.

The man who shot into the air just now was Guard Shuping from the Security Department. He raised his arm and pointed his pistol at Chen Xin'an's head!

Zhao Weiguo quickly said to him: "Leader Wei, Mr. Chen is a gold star epaulette wearer!"

Wei Shuping's expression changed and he immediately lowered his gun, but still looked at Chen Xin'an seriously and said:

"so what?

He beat up official officials and allowed his subordinates to kill people in public!

Do you really think that Qingxi is a lawless place? "

The leader who was kicked away by him was prepared to use the excuse of being beaten to severely punish this lawless guy.

When I heard Zhao Weiguo's words, I almost cried!

Damn, your status is higher than mine, how can you use this as an excuse?

Wasn't this kick in vain?

Chen Xin'an ignored everyone, just treating them as air.

I don’t care what kind of bullshit leader you are, just kick me out of my way!

He walked to the white Nissan car, gently placed Luo Xiaoman in the back seat, and said to Master Luo:

"You go with me and send him to the best hospital in Daliang City first. Take this thing!"

He took out a bronze master medal from his body and handed it to Master Luo.

I keep this thing on me all the time, but rarely take it out. I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Chen Xin'an said to Master Luo: "Let them stop the bleeding first, and wait until I get there to do the surgery!"

"Okay!" Master Luo didn't dare to delay and got into the car immediately.

Xiao Zhang drove away quickly. A group of people still wanted to stop them, but they hesitated. If they tried to stop the car again, they had already gone far.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Zhao Weiguo: "Leader Zhao!

Arrangements were made for the man to be sent to the hospital for temporary resting. He was also a police officer.

I will handle his funeral affairs. "

"He is a policeman?" Zhao Weiguo couldn't believe it.

Niu Chengcheng frowned and said, "Chen Xin'an, are you making a mistake?

I know this person, he is the person next to Mr. Zhong of Zhongding Group.

It has nothing to do with the police! "

Wei Shuping nodded and said, "That's right. If he was a policeman, why didn't he report it to the Provincial Department and the Security Department?

And you have never had any contact with us? "

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at everyone and said, "What are you here for?"

Everyone was so angry that they pointed at Chen Xin'an and accused him!

"You still have the nerve to say it!

Why are we here?

Didn’t you guys come to other people’s companies to cause trouble and were complained by them? "

“Are those people who steal other people’s things also related to you?

Chen Xin'an, what on earth are you going to do?

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

I don’t know who instigated your kind of cooking, but that thing is related to someone else’s core technology. If you steal it, you’re breaking the law! "

“We don’t care what your superiors think.

But we must protect foreign-funded enterprises that are willing to invest in Qingxi!

This is called helping managers but not relatives.

Otherwise, we will be sorry for our conscience! "

During the commotion, a man in a suit walked quickly to the garrison and said to him: "Report to the leader, everyone has been caught and brought back!"

Then Chen Xin'an frowned, and a group of men in suits came over escorting four people.

And those four people were none other than Dao Lei, Gongsun Feiyang, Liu Yidao, and Sun Jialuo!

What's even more outrageous is that not only did they all have injuries on their faces, they were also gagged and handcuffed.

And there were more than a dozen men in black, together with the men in suits, escorting the four of them!

A man in a suit kicked Sungalo and cursed at him:

"Hurry up! Leader, he stole the things, but I didn't find anything on him!"

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's eyes were red and he was completely angry!

Like a flash of lightning, he instantly arrived in front of the man in a suit and kicked him in the leg!


The man's thighs were weirdly twisted, and he screamed and fell to the ground!

"What are you doing..." Everyone exclaimed.

Chen Xin'an ignored them at all and quickly walked around the four of them, knocking down all the men in suits who were near them!

He was even more rude to those men in black, kicking them one by one until they fell to their knees and could not stand up!

A man in black took out his gun and pointed it at Chen Xin'an's head, shouting: "What the hell..."

The expression of the companion next to him changed drastically. He glanced at the people around him carefully and shouted to him: "Are you stupid?! Put it away quickly!"

It's too late!

Chen Xin'an stood behind him like a ghost and grabbed his gun-holding hand.

Then the muzzle of the gun changed direction little by little, and finally it was pressed against his own head.


There was a gunshot, and he was shot in the head by himself and fell to the ground!

"Stop!" Wei Shuping shouted and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "You are simply lawless!

Do you know that these people are investigators from our Qingxi Security Department! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at him coldly and asked, "Are these people wearing black training uniforms too?"

Wei Shuping was startled and said with a guilty conscience: "They are Mr. Zhong's people and they are also the guards of Vallerona.

Everyone knows that the boss of Valirona is Mr. Zhong’s son-in-law.

These people went to Valero to steal things, and I acted as a guard to arrest them. Is it wrong? "

Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and looked at him and said, "So, it's natural for these so-called guards to carry guns?

Is it reasonable for a foreign-funded energy company to have security guards and some mysterious armed guards?

They illegally detained the crew and killed and injured so many people, but you don't see it and don't care.

Just because something was stolen, is it normal for you people to mobilize so much to help them out?

Do you know why the deceased policeman did not report or contact you before his death?

Because you can’t believe it!

Because you are all the lackeys of the so-called King Qingxi!

You are all a bunch of worms and scum who are eating the official meal! "


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