Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1581 How did the chief instructor become a midwife?

After cremation, Meng Aihong returned to Kyoto holding the urn.

Gongsun Feiyang, Liu Yidao, and Sun Jialuo accompanied her back.

Chen Xin'an, Wan Lao, and Li Lao sent them to the plane and left Qingxi.

On the way back, Li Lao said to Chen Xin'an, who was sitting next to him, "Xin'an, there will be a semi-public farewell reception on the first floor tonight, and you need to attend.

The Indian and New London heads are leaving tomorrow, and this is a farewell.

There will be international media coming, so you have to show up.

I know you don't like such occasions, but this is the etiquette. You can move freely after taking the photos."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I will attend!"

Li Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

If this guy doesn't want to attend, he really can't force him to go.

Elder Wan smiled and said to Chen Xinan: "Xinan, after those people leave, are you interested in going to the provincial capital to play for a few days?

There will be an ancient medicine seminar at the People's Hospital next week, and they are in need of an acupuncture professor to give a lecture. If it's convenient for you, why don't you go and take a look?"

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to Wan Zhenwei: "Elder Wan, let me go! I really have no interest in this!"

Wan Zhenwei was not angry, and said with a smile: "In fact, I know this result.

But since I promised that girl Li Yan, I have to invite her to try!

What if?

Xinan, it would be great if Xiao Rui was here!

You will definitely be able to chat with her!"

"Xiao Rui?" Chen Xinan frowned, and was unfamiliar with this name.

Wan Zhenwei nodded and said: "It's my wife Fang Rui, who has been dead for two years.

She used to be the director of the People's Hospital, and Li Yan was trained by her.

She also chose us to be my daughter-in-law in our Wan family.

Xiao Rui is a very humorous person, and she can chat with young people.

I can't do it!"

Chen Xinan remembered that Xu Liyan had talked about this mother-in-law before.

It seems that the relationship between the family is very good, but the attitude towards the deceased old man seems a bit strange, and there is not much sadness!

As if seeing his thoughts, Wan Zhenwei smiled and said: "Birth, aging, illness and death are common human nature.

Our family is not so...pessimistic about this!

Everyone in the family misses Xiaorui very much, because she is a qualified wife and a competent mother."

As he was speaking, Wan's cell phone rang.

He took it out and answered the phone, his face changed instantly: "What? The umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck three and a half times?

Why didn't the B-ultrasound and color ultrasound find it before?

You are telling me this now?

You want me to find a way?

What the hell can I think of in Daliang City!

Your mother is here too...

Yes, send it to Daliang City!

Central Hospital!

Send it here immediately, don't talk nonsense to me!

Listen to grandpa, don't worry, kid, be calm like grandpa.

Arrange an ambulance immediately, your mother and I will wait for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Wan Lao rubbed his hands vigorously and said to Chen Xinan:

"Mr. Chen, you must help me this time! The lives of my Wan family are all in your hands!"

Chen Xinan was shocked and looked at Wan Zhenwei He was shocked and said, "Old Wan, don't scare me! What's wrong?" Li Ruoshan glared at Wan Zhenwei and scolded, "Old Wan, calm down! Don't say you're relieved, I'm scared by what you said! What's going on? Explain it first!" Old Wan rubbed his head and said, "It's my fault for not explaining it clearly. It's like this, my granddaughter-in-law is going to give birth these two days. It's been three days since the due date, and she hasn't given birth yet. My grandson called me just now, and the doctor said that the umbilical cord is around the neck for three and a half weeks, and it's a difficult birth! And there are other symptoms, I didn't hear clearly. Anyway, the People's Hospital is a bit tricky, maybe we have to save the big one or the small one! Qianshui called me when he was anxious. I I thought, the disciple of the Medical Immortal is here, what am I afraid of?

So I asked him to arrange a car to send him to Daliang City!

Mr. Chen... why did you open the car door?

Driving so fast now, how dangerous! ”

Chen Xinan said with a bitter face: "It's more dangerous for me to stay here!

Wan Lao, you are harming me!

I am the descendant of ancient medicine, not the descendant of midwife!

Do you know where the biggest gap in the inheritance of ancient medicine is?

It is the delivery!

It has been the weakest link in China for thousands of years from ancient times to the present!

And I am a man!

A real man!

You want me to deliver your granddaughter-in-law?

What are you thinking! ” Wan Lao quickly grabbed his arm and said: "You don't need to deliver the baby, it's Deal with her troubles!

It doesn't matter whether there is inheritance or not, the pathology is the same in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad.

As long as there is a disease, just see a doctor.

Mr. Chen, I know this is a bit difficult to ask.

But the current situation is really very critical.

I have no other way, I can only rely on you!

Rongrong's health is very poor, and she had a miscarriage before.

If this one can't be saved, it is possible that she will never be able to have children again in the future..."

Li Ruoshan saw Wan Zhenwei's anxious look and couldn't bear it. He said to Chen Xinan:

"Xinan, just take a look and do it if you can.

There is no psychological burden if you can't see it. It can be regarded as a comfort to Lao Wan. "

Having said this, Chen Xinan had to agree.

And now Wan Zhenwei doesn't look like a big leader in Qingxi.

They are no different from ordinary old people, anxious and pitiful.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an had agreed, Wan Zhenwei was also overjoyed.

I called my daughter-in-law on the way. After arriving at the central hospital, a delivery room had been arranged, but the manpower was a bit stretched.

In less than two hours, an ambulance roared to the central hospital.

A young officer in green uniform jumped out of the car and shouted to Wan Zhenwei, who was waiting at the door of the clinic building: "Grandpa, what are you doing?

When people encounter difficult and complicated diseases, they always go to big hospitals in big cities. Why did you ask me to send Rong Rong here? "

"Shut up!" Wan Zhenweihan scolded him with a stern face.

After the stretcher bed in the car was pulled down, he quickly walked to the side and said to the young woman on it:

"Rong Rong, don't be nervous, relax, you'll be fine when you get here! Mr. Chen is here!"

The young man in green clothes curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Chen? Where did Mr. Chen come from?

Or a man? !

Grandpa, are you kidding me?

Qingxi, why didn’t I know there was such a male obstetrician?

Grandpa, are you afraid that you have been deceived?

I won’t let a man be my wife’s midwife anyway!

Don’t even think about it! "

Wan Zhenwei was about to scold him with a dark face when the young man in green clothes saw Li Ruoshan standing next to him.

He was so frightened that he ran over quickly and stood at attention in front of Li Ruoshan.

Then he saluted and said: "Wan Qianshui, the director of the Propaganda Department of the Fourth Artillery Regiment, has met Chief Li! Salute!"

Li Ruoshan waved his hand and said, "I'm not wearing green clothes, so I won't return the gift.

Wan Qianshui, this is Chen Xin'an, the army's chief instructor, please get to know him! "

Wan Qian Shui's eyes were about to fall out. He looked at Chen Xin'an with his mouth wide open, the expression on his face was very rich!

It seemed a little unbelievable and unspeakable, causing his whole face to wrinkle into a ball, and he saluted Chen Xin'an and said:

"Hello, Chief Instructor! Chief Instructor, why did you become a midwife?

Even if you are the chief instructor, I can't let you deliver my wife's baby!

Sorry, Chief Instructor, I disappoint you! "

Chen Xin'an's face turned black!

Who is so disappointed?

He glared at Wan Qianshui and said, "Don't worry, even if you beg me, I won't do this job!"


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