Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1582 Professionals are not necessarily right

In fact, according to modern medical techniques, it is not a big deal if the umbilical cord wraps around the neck three and a half times.

It can be easily solved by caesarean section.

But the problem was that Wan Qian Shui's wife Tu Rongrong was born with congenital anemia and poor blood coagulation, so she was not suitable for caesarean section.

This is a bit tricky!

The fetal position must be corrected by hand before delivery can be successful.

Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin looked at each other's X-rays that had just been taken, and discussed the corrective plan with Lu Jiping, director of the obstetrics and gynecology department who came from the Provincial People's Hospital.

On the delivery bed, Tu Rongrong was fidgeting uncomfortably. She grabbed Xu Liyan's arm and kept shouting: "Mom, I can't hold it anymore! Let's do a caesarean section. As long as the baby is fine!"

"Don't say stupid things!" Xu Liyan stroked her sweat-soaked hair and said softly:

“Take a deep breath, calm down, and leave the rest to mom!

Now we have to correct the fetal position and endure the pain! "

Ning Xiruo walked in with Luo Qianxue and Wu Yan and said to Xu Liyan: "Dean Xu, is there anything we can do to help?"

After all, it is a small city hospital and there is a shortage of medical staff.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to get involved, but she asked her daughter-in-law and her best friend to come over to help.

Xu Liyan said gratefully: "Excuse me! Help me hold my face and bring a basin of water over.

We have to use our hands to correct the fetal position, which will be very troublesome. We need your help! "

"No problem!" Ning Xiruo nodded.

A group of men waited outside the delivery room.

Mr. Li has already returned to the hotel.

Wan Zhenwei and Wan Qianshui were as anxious as ants on a hot pot when they heard the painful screams coming from the delivery room.

Yan Qiwen stood aside and said to Wan Zhenwei: "Leader, Dean Fei has prepared a lounge nearby. You can go sit inside and wait..."

"Why sit down! Can I sit still in this situation?" Wan Zhenwei cursed angrily.

Turning his head and looking at Chen Xin'an, who was sitting on the lounge chair next to him with his eyes closed and concentrating, he asked:

"Mr. Chen, what's going on? Is she about to give birth? Why does she scream so loudly?"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "It's not that fast. The fetal position is not corrected, so I don't dare to give birth.

Nowadays, it is very painful for the mother to manually correct the fetal position.

It's normal to bark a few times, don't worry! "

Wan Zhenwei kept nodding and said: "Yes, you are an expert!

Qianshui, what did I say?

As long as Mr. Chen is here, there will be no problem!

You stupid boy, how dare you stop Mr. Chen?

You know that he is the chief instructor of the entire army, but do you know that Mr. Chen is also the descendant of the medical fairy?

An authentic inheritor of ancient medicine?

Even your mother calls Mr. Chen "teacher" respectfully.

His medical skills may be even better than your grandma's!

Where do you have the nerve to refuse Mr. Chen? "

Wan Qianshui's face flushed, and he bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and said, "I'm sorry, Chief Instructor, I didn't know you still had this level of identity.

I was reckless just now. If you want to go in, please go in now! "

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an was really furious!

A grown man who is full and full wants to enter the delivery room?

Which of your eyes can tell that I want to go in?

I'm afraid this family is all seriously ill, right?

Wan Zhenwei, you are a big leader after all. Can you be calmer and more reserved?

I just said common sense, how can I become an expert and an expert?

I have said it hundreds of times, obstetrics and gynecology is not my strong point!

Why don't you two understand?

In the delivery room, Tu Rong's face was pale in pain and his body was soaked.

Luo Qianxue used a wet towel to wipe the sweat from her forehead, but her eyes looked at her bulging belly in horror.

Lu Jiping pressed her hands on her big belly, and together with Xu Liyan, they tried their best to turn the baby under the belly who had not yet made a sound.

This scene is really terrifying and cruel, and it is also a great torture for pregnant women.

"No!" Wu Yan suddenly shouted, holding down Lu Jiping's arm and said:

"Director Lu, wait a moment, this situation is wrong!

Pregnant women are reacting very strongly now, and the fetus' reaction is also abnormal.

I suspect the direction is wrong, or there are other problems! "

Lu Jiping wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Wu Yan and said:

"In the hospital in Kyoto, which department are you the head nurse of?"

Wu Yan said truthfully: "Inpatient department!"

Lu Jiping sneered coldly and said, "Then do you know who I am?

I am the chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Provincial People's Hospital!

Over the years, the number of children born from my hands has been as many as 2,800 or 3,000!

I have met all kinds of pregnant women. Do you think I will make mistakes? "

Wu Yan quickly explained: "I'm sorry, director, I didn't question your intention.

I just think that the reactions of pregnant women and fetuses are a bit abnormal now, and I should check first before doing anything..."

"What's the situation now? How can I still have time to get checked?" Lu Jiping said impatiently:

"You're not a nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department, so where do you get your experience in this area?

If you don't want to help, just go out!

If it doesn't work, you can just watch from the side, don't be too meddlesome, don't get in the way! "

Wu Yan blushed and dared not speak anymore.

Ning Xiruo glanced at Lu Jiping and said, "Director Lu, you..."

Before she could finish her words, the phone in Xu Liyan's pocket rang.

"Who is it again? Why are you so annoying!" Xu Liyan took out her mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and answered the call impatiently:

“Dean Fei, I’m busy, to make a long story short!

What did you say?


Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Fei Lexian, if my child has any shortcomings, I can't spare you! "

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, Xu Liyan pushed away Lu Jiping's hand on her daughter-in-law's belly and shouted to her:

"Stop turning, it's the other way around!

Fei Lexian said that the X-ray printer in their central hospital broke down a few months ago, and the printout was a mirror image, that is, the reverse!

We just turned the other way! "

"Ah!" Lu Jiping's face suddenly turned pale!

Bian Qinxin shouted next to him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Turn around again!"

But Lu Jiping was frightened now. She put her trembling hands on Tu Rongrong's belly, but she couldn't do it!

Ning Xiruo wiped her hands and said to everyone, "How about I give it a try!"

"You?" Xu Liyan looked at her doubtfully and asked, "Xi Ruo, have you ever delivered a baby with someone else?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "Never! But my husband taught me massage.

I just saw Director Lu's corrective action, and I feel that if I use the massage technique my husband taught me, it may have better results.

It will not cause too much pain to pregnant women!

I think I can give it a try! "

Bian Qinxin opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Ning Xiruo knew what she wanted to say, so she smiled and said, "I'm not a professional.

But there are some things that don’t necessarily require professionals to do.

It doesn’t have to be professional, what you do is right! "

Lu Jiping knew that he was talking about her attitude towards Wu Yan just now, so she blushed and lowered her head in shame.

Ning Xiruo said to everyone: "Time is running out, and Director Lu is exhausted now.

Just let her rest for a while and I'll do it.

If it doesn't succeed, just let Director Lu take over! "

Xu Liyan stroked Tu Rongrong's forehead, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll bother you, Xi Ruo!"

A pair of grandparents and grandchildren waiting outside the delivery room suddenly raised their heads and looked at the door of the delivery room in confusion.

Doesn't it seem like it's barking anymore? what happened? Why is there no movement?

Wan Qianshui looked at Wan Zhenwei with a pale face and asked, "Grandpa, what's going on? Is Rongrong okay?"

Wan Zhenwei forced himself to calm down, waved his hand and said, "Don't panic, calm down! As long as Mr. Chen is here, Rong Rong will be fine!"

Chen Xin'an covered her face with both hands and rubbed it vigorously.

It has something to do with me!

I'm worried even if I scream, and I'm worried even if I don't scream. Can you two calm down for a while?


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