Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1583 Give the child a name

Time passed by, and the delivery room was still quiet.

Tu Rongrong was lying on the delivery bed and had calmed down.

I have to say that Ning Xiruo’s massage techniques are really effective!

The delicate palms pressed against Tu Rongrong's belly, making her feel a kind of warmth.

Even the fetus in the belly became quiet.

Ning Xiruo stroked and pressed gently, feeling the rhythm coming from the heart of her hand.

It turns out that this is what it feels like for a baby to be in the mother’s womb!

She may never experience it in this life...

At this moment, she suddenly felt a movement in the palm of her hand. The baby who had just calmed down seemed to be naughty again!

Tu Rongrong grabbed Xu Liyan's arm and shouted: "Mom!"

Lu Jiping immediately ran over to check and shouted to everyone: "Three fingers open, ready to deliver the baby!"

Outside the delivery room, Chen Xin'an couldn't stand the grandparents and grandchildren, so she walked to the side and made a phone call.

"Xin'an, why do you have time to call my aunt?" Yue Dingxian on the other side of the phone was a little surprised.

After returning from Montenegro, she once went to see Ning Xiruo.

But after confirming her identity, Ning Xiruo didn't talk to her at all, made an excuse and walked away.

Yue Dingxian wasn't angry either, let alone had the right to be angry.

If she doesn't tell whether what she does is right or wrong, it will definitely cause great harm to the Yue family.

It was natural not to be forgiven by Ning Xiruo.

It is difficult to measure such a scientific madman using ordinary people's ethical viewpoints and secular morality.

In their view, everything they do is for the development of all mankind and should not be limited to families or individuals.

But judging from her current performance, she probably regrets some of her actions back then.

It's just that if she wants to repair her relationship with her granddaughter Ning Xiruo, she has to give the other party time to accept her.

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Auntie, I want to ask you something about Hua Longsu."

"Huh?" Yue Dingxian was a little strange and asked Chen Xin'an: "Why did you start studying this?

Peace of mind, my aunt reminds you, don’t be addicted.

My great-aunt has studied it for decades and can tell you responsibly that this is a swamp.

Once you're trapped, you can't get out! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said, "Auntie, I don't want to do research, I just want to know something.

When I was in the desert mountain jungle, I encountered some drugs made from the variability of Valonin, which formed a strange orc after injection.

They will become infinitely powerful and their strength will increase several times.

The most important thing is that there is no pain, and once injured, it has a strong ability to heal itself..."

"Peace of mind!" Yue Dingxian interrupted him hastily and said in a deep voice: "This is a research direction that is officially prohibited by China!

You'd better not mention it at all in the future, it's very dangerous! "

"But I need it now!" Chen Xin'an raised his voice and said, "I don't need other abilities, I just value the self-healing ability of those medicines.

Auntie, I know that your Chinese Academy of Sciences has a connection with Dekra.

I'd like to know more about this, can you help me? "

There was silence for a while, and he said softly: "Child, did something happen to you?

Can you tell your aunt? "

Chen Xin'an did not hide anything and said to her: "My sister-in-law, the daughter of Dragon Shield Fantasy God, had her skull smashed.

I put her back together again, hoping to use my own repair abilities to restore her.

But I'm not very sure.

If I didn't use medicine, it's possible that the repair I made was just an illusion to deceive myself and others, and she would still break at the touch of a touch! "

Yue Dingxian groaned and said to him: "So you remembered the powerful self-healing ability of Valonso and wanted to ask me if I have that kind of medicine here?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an responded.

Yue Dingxian sighed and said to him: "Silly boy, even if the Chinese Academy of Sciences has ever been in contact with Dekra.

I won’t risk China’s disapproval by cooperating with them on a human experiment project!

And since you have dealt with those people, you know how terrible the side effects of that drug are!

Do you really dare to give it to your sister-in-law? "

"But..." Chen Xin'an was extremely disappointed and her heart sank.

Yes, even if there is really medicine, would you dare to use it on Konoha?

Is turning like a beast in order to recover what Konoha really wants for herself?

Yue Dingxian continued: "But it's not impossible..."

Chen Xin'an's eyes lit up, she grabbed her phone and asked, "Auntie, what can I do?"

Yue Dingxian chuckled and said: "Actually, we in China have developed drugs without side effects a long time ago, but there is no formula or original drug!"

Chen Xin'an was immediately discouraged and said angrily: "Auntie, what you said doesn't mean it was in vain!"

Yue Dingxian sighed helplessly: "Silly boy, why are you talking in vain?

The perfect formula is actually inside your body!

Every drop of blood flowing in your body is the most perfect original medicine!

Don’t you still know what kind of condition your body has been in these years? "

At this moment, Chen Xin'an felt like he was enlightened, and it became clear instantly!

Yes, why did you forget this one!

He and Xi Ruo are both experimental subjects of the Oasis Project!

At this moment, the grandfather and grandson at the door of the delivery room suddenly burst into laughter!

Chen Xin'an quickly said to Yue Dingxian: "Auntie, I understand, I know what to do!

There's something else going on here, so I'll hang up now.

When we return to Kyoto, I will take Xiruo to see you! "

"Okay!" Yue Dingxian said tremblingly.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an walked over and asked the father and son, "Have you given birth?"

Wan Qianshui said excitedly: "Give birth! I heard the baby's cry! Chief instructor, listen!"

Sure enough, a baby's cry came from inside, and Chen Xin'an also showed a smile, and said to the father and son: "Congratulations!"

At this moment, the delivery room door suddenly opened, and Ning Xiruo stood at the door with bloody hands, shouting to Chen Xin'an:

"Husband, something's wrong! There's massive postpartum bleeding and three hemostats can't stop it. Come in and have a look!"

Wan Zhenwei and Wan Qian Shui's smiles froze on their faces.

"Wife!" Wan Qian Shui shouted, as if rushing inside.

Wu Yan quickly blocked him and shouted: "You can't go in! Be careful of infection!"

Wan Qianshui turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an, and knelt down with a thud!

"Chief instructor, please save my wife!"

Damn, I've told you a thousand times, I don't know how to do obstetrics and gynecology!

Chen Xin'an wanted to kneel down and explain to them.

But now that the situation was critical, he couldn't help but think too much. He thought quickly and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Daughter-in-law, do you still remember the acupuncture and hemostasis I used on Ye Zhen?

You go back to the delivery bed and I talk about the acupuncture points. You come for acupuncture and try it up and down! "

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo turned around and left, and after a while she shouted: "Hubby, I'm ready!"

Chen Xin'an said loudly: "Baihui, Tiantu, Liangmen, Guanyuan, Zhongji..."

He named a dozen acupuncture points in one breath, and Ning Xiruo injected them one by one.

After a while, there was a burst of cheers inside, and Ning Xiruo shouted: "Husband, the bleeding has stopped!"

Wan Zhenwei excitedly slapped Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Chen, you are indeed a master of medicine and a veritable gynecological master!"


Chen Xin'an almost spit out blood!

If you don’t know how to praise others, can you please stop bragging?

Who are you scolding?

A little baby girl wrapped in swaddling clothes was hugged, and Wan Zhenwei and Wan Qian Shui couldn't put it down and kissed her little face.

Wu Yan said with a smile: "Congratulations to Wan Lao, Mr. Wan, mother and daughter are safe!"

"Thank you!" Wan Zhenwei rubbed his eyes excitedly and said to Wan Qianshui, "If your grandma were alive, she would definitely be happier!"

He reported the baby to Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, without you, this little guy wouldn't exist!

Please give her a name! "

I don’t know how to name it either, so don’t regret it if it doesn’t sound good to you!

Chen Xin'an scratched his head, looked at Wan Qian Shui and said:

"Your surname is Wan, and your wife's surname is Tu. Your grandma's name is Fang Rui?"

Then call her Wan Tu Sirui! "


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