"How could he say that?

Why would you say such things to foreign media reporters?

Those media originally like to spread rumors to cause trouble and smear China.

Why is this man so ungrateful! "

Li Niandong's face turned red with anger, and he wanted to rush forward and grab the microphone directly.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked her, "What did that guy say?"

Ricardo was interviewed in Eagle Flag, so Chen Xin'an didn't understand a word of it.

Li Niandong translated to him what Ricardo said just now, and Chen Xin'an's face darkened.

Only then did Li Niandong remember his grandfather's explanation before.

Chen Xin'an has been in a bad mood these past two days, so don't irritate him.

Otherwise, if this guy goes crazy, no one can stop him, and he might do something at random!

Li Niandong took Chen Xin'an's arm and said softly: "Forget it.

We can't control other people's mouths, let's say whatever we want!

Grandpa is waiting for you in the lounge and wants to discuss your return trip. "

"Don't worry, listen to what this guy has to say!" Chen Xin'an looked at Ricardo who was surrounded by spear sprinters with interest.

Do you still listen?

If I continue to listen, I guess I will just retort a few times and grab the microphone.

If you can't help it, you have to take action.

Maybe the leader of Xinlun will have to be put on the plane!

Li Niandong was thinking about how to persuade Chen Xin'an to leave when suddenly there was a sound of plates falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

The two turned around and saw several Incas wearing turbans and robes pushing a food delivery waiter.

And at the waiter's feet, a large plate of dishes and the plate were thrown to the ground, making a mess.

Many reporters also gathered around, as well as some spectators.

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked around and asked, "Why are there so many Incas?"

Li Niandong explained: “They all came with the Inca leader.

Just because they did not report in advance, our Red Star Hotel did not prepare rooms for them.

These people were smart enough to find a hotel outside to stay.

Now that they were ready to leave, they came to meet the Inca chief. "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized that it was the group brought by Mohad.

He cursed angrily: "They know nothing! I drove them away!"

"Ah?" Li Niandong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Chen Xin'an looked at the Incas with a straight face.

They might be Mohad's people, or they might have nothing to do with that.

But they are certainly not good things.

The same mysterious confidence and rudeness of the Incas, as well as the sense of superiority that comes from nowhere.

At this moment, they were all talking to the waiter with a sense of arrogance, which made Chen Xin'an feel very unhappy.

"Did you do it on purpose? Don't you know what these things represent to us Inca people?"

"Is this the Chinese way of hospitality? You even say you are a country of etiquette. I think it's all in vain!"

"This is simply a naked insult and discrimination! I want to file a complaint against you! This is a huge disrespect for us Incas!"

Li Niandong walked over quickly, pressed down his hands, and said to the Incas: "Don't be excited!

Can you tell me first, what happened? "

The waiter said with an aggrieved look: "I just brought a plate of steak and they knocked it over.

It's just placed here as a public meal. Whoever eats it can take it. If you don't eat it, just ignore it.

But they knocked over the plate and said I insulted them! "

A bearded man angrily cursed at the waiter: “In our Incas, cows are sacred and should be worshiped.

You actually regard it as food, and you will be punished by the gods!

Putting these things in front of us is a great insult and disrespect to the Incas! "

A foreign female reporter with long hair and blue eyes took a microphone and said to the camera next to her:

“In our Eagle Flag State, when people of different religions are present, food is usually served separately and there are obvious signs.

Obviously, China will not have these details.

Therefore, China, which claims to be a land of etiquette, actually lacks consideration of details in many places, and etiquette is only superficial.

I think this is something that China needs to improve on. "

She turned around, looked at the Incas and said, "Gentlemen, are you satisfied with this cocktail party?"

"Extremely disappointed!" Big Beard said angrily: "I feel like my character has been insulted!

The drinks here are poor and the menu is single.

I just asked for a few tissues, but it's been ten minutes and no one has brought them to me!

And even my faith has been trampled on here!

I am extremely disappointed with this. China is really a..."

"In that case, just get out of here!" A lazily speaking voice suddenly came from behind the crowd.

The bearded man shouted angrily: "Who said this? If you dare, stand up and say it again!"

Chen Xin'an came over, hung up the phone, held it in her hand, stood in front of him with a look of disdain and said, "Since I have insulted you, why are you still here?"

Li Niandong also walked up to him and said angrily: "We have prepared one hundred and three flavors and types of wine for this reception.

There are nearly two hundred kinds of dishes.

It can satisfy people with different eating habits.

If you take this as an example, then I can now take you around the president of this cocktail party. Where is your so-called poor wine and lack of dishes? ! "

She was originally in charge of the reception, and it took two days just to prepare the materials.

Now that the bearded man said he was useless, it would be strange for her not to be angry!

Not all those attending the reception were Inca, and not all were enemies of China.

Several Xinlun guests sneered coldly, looked at the bearded man and said with a smile: "I don't know where your confidence in criticizing others comes from!

I went to Inca for a drinking party and it was so disgusting that I didn’t want to go there again.

The wine is made from river water filled with dead bodies and feces.

It just smells like a stench, and only you Inca people regard it as a treasure, saying that it will cure all diseases!

There are also those seven or eight kinds of food, except for the mucus-like mucus, they are just mucus, dirty and unpalatable!

For you Inca people, you can't afford this kind of drinking party in your lifetime. How can you still have the nerve to criticize others? "

Everyone burst into laughter.

The bearded man looked ashamed and cursed at the Xinlun man: "I'm talking about the poor service here! Not polite, disrespectful to us Incas..."

"Do you need to be respected?" Chen Xin'an looked at him indifferently and said, "Everyone knows that when going to eat with others, they must abide by other people's rules.

If you don’t eat something, there are still many people eating it, so why not let others put it on the table?

Why do we have to stop the whole world from eating beef just because of the habits of you Inca people?

Also, if you want paper, just get it here.

This is called a tissue box!

Who can give it to you if you need it?

That's right, the Incas didn't have this thing. After all, you wipe your butts with your hands when you eat!

You could be forgiven for not recognizing a tissue box! "

Everyone burst into laughter again.

The bearded man was ashamed and angry, and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "How dare you insult our Inca traditions?"

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone, found a picture of a cow, put it on her chest, and shouted to the bearded man and a group of Incas:

"Why don't you kneel down when I see your sacred creature! Didn't you say it yourself that everyone in your Inca state would kneel down and worship the cow?"

The bearded man said angrily: "We worship the sacred cow of our Incas! Not cheap cows like you Chinese!"

Chen Xin'an kicked him to the ground and cursed at him: "Then are you sure that what we are eating is your Inca sacred cow?

He came to our house to eat and drink for free, and even smashed pots and bowls.

Is it rude? Who disrespects whom?

Who the hell gets used to your faults! "


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