Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1586 I have investigated it for you

In front of so many foreign reporters, he dared to attack these Inca people.

Except for Chen Xin'an, no one else can do such a thing.

The bearded man stood up in embarrassment, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said to the foreign reporters:

"Did you see it?

This is Chinese hospitality!

This is the so-called land of etiquette!

I want to protest! "

Li Niandong was really afraid that Chen Xin'an would do something more impulsive, so he pulled his arm and said:

"Mr. Chen, calm down! Don't make things too big, it will have a bad impact!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said with a look of disdain: "You have to consider the impact of cleaning up a few bed bugs that crawled into the house?

Isn't it disgusting to you to beat them to death and leave them here buzzing and noising you, spitting and spraying feces on you from time to time? "

Li Niandong didn't know what to say for a moment.

Someone's voice came from behind and said in a sinister manner: "Mr. Chen is also a big shot sitting on the negotiating table. Isn't it a bit disrespectful to argue with a bunch of ordinary people?"

Ricardo walked over with a wine glass in his hand, looking modest and polite, and said to Chen Xin'an:

“But looking at the entire negotiation process, this seems to be Mr. Chen’s consistent approach.

If you can't say anything, take action and use force to coerce the other party into submission.

China's ancient martial arts masters are indeed not to be underestimated.

It's just that if China could have more masters like Mr. Chen, my bodyguards and guards wouldn't have been hit so hard!

Such a security issue occurred during the negotiations. I, Ricardo, have been the leader for so many years, and this is the only time I have encountered it in China!

It is really heartbreaking that those bodyguards and guards who have been with me for so many years were wiped out in one fell swoop in China. "

The foreign reporter with long hair and blue eyes raised the microphone and asked him: "Excuse me, Mr. Li, will Xinlun investigate this matter?"

"Of course!" Ricardo snorted and said: "Those guards have been with me for three or four years, they are loyal and conscientious!

But as soon as they came to China, they started killing each other.

If there is no instruction from others behind the scenes, I certainly don’t believe it.

Xinlun State has set up a special investigation team to thoroughly investigate this matter. "

The foreign reporter with long hair and blue eyes asked: "Do you have any suspects, sir? Are the Chinese behind all this?"

Ricardo raised the corners of his mouth, glanced at the female reporter approvingly, and immediately put on a nervous look and said:

"Be careful!

Before the investigation results come out, any speculation will not be used as direct evidence.

Although once such a thing happens, it will certainly be the greatest benefit to China.

But we still believe that China will not make such a conspiracy, and let the investigation results speak for itself. "

Li Niandong trembled with anger and yelled at Ricardo: "You are simply burning bridges and being ungrateful! You are slandering us like this..."

Chen Xin'an pouted, waved her hand and said, "Okay, there's no need for your special investigation team, I'll investigate it for you!"

Ricardo and the reporters all looked at each other, not understanding what Chen Xin'an meant.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to tell them more, took out her mobile phone and said: "Yunyan, are you coming in?

Okay, I'll go to the host station to find you! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an glanced at Ricardo and the female reporter and said, "You want evidence, right? Come with me!"

Ricardo wanted to say something else, but a group of reporters had already followed him, so he had no choice but to follow him obediently.

On the hosting stage, Du Yunyan had connected the computer to the big screen next to him and nodded while looking at Chen Xin'an.

Soon a cocktail party scene appeared on the big screen.

This is a popular video with over 3 million views on well-known foreign video websites.

The filming location was a local cocktail party in Eagle Flag Country.

The uploader is an Inca.

As an invitee, he said this was the worst drinking party he had ever attended, because all the Eagle Flag people inside insulted him in various ways.

It was obviously a plate of beef, but the owner said it was venison. The Inca didn't tell him the truth until he had eaten most of the plate.

Unexpectedly, the Inca smiled awkwardly and finished the whole plate.

There are also many traditional humiliations against the Inca people. The Eagle Banner people are having fun, while the Inca people pretend to smile and look embarrassed, but they don't dare to get angry.

The only way is to make a video after returning and upload it online to gain some sympathy.

When this video was broadcast, both the female reporter and the Inca below looked ugly.

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "Someone just said that the Eagle Flag Country is so nice and respects people.

Judging from this video, it doesn’t seem like it’s what she said!

And they are even less classy and immoral than us!

Are you an Eagle Banner person? "

The female reporter was so ashamed that she glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "You..."

Chen Xin'an ignored her at all, nodded to Du Yunyan and said, "Show the feature film!"

Du Yunyan nodded, clicked a few times on his laptop, and a surveillance screen appeared on the big screen.

This is what the dash cams of those vehicles captured.

The key paragraphs were what Chen Xin'an had seen before.

As soon as this scene appeared, everyone at the scene was in an uproar.

The leader of Xinlun looked pale, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Despicable Chinese people, you secretly filmed us! This is an invasion of privacy!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with disdain and said, "If the Incas said this, I can still understand it.

After all, they are all a bunch of country bumpkins who have never seen the world but still feel like they are on top of the world.

But Xinlun Country is not backward and its economic conditions are not bad. Why doesn’t it even have a driving recorder?

I dare not say that everyone will install it, but will it be installed in the car you use every day? "

Ricardo's face turned red.

Using this to attack others really doesn't work.

What shocked him even more was the content on those videos.

He really suspected in his heart that Hua Xia was behind everything.

I never expected that they were Incas!

No wonder his driver has disappeared since returning from the negotiation.

The matter was destroyed, the damned person was not killed, and the final investigation will definitely fall on his head!

So he ran away immediately!

"Floz!" Ricardo glared at the Inca leader who had just walked over and punched him without saying a word.

Floz was also prepared to put on airs and arrive later, so that at least it would be a scene that attracted much attention.

Unexpectedly, before he understood what happened, Ricardo punched him directly in the face, and a baby's breath came!

He had never dealt with Ricardo, how could he endure such an attack?

He rolled up his sleeves and rushed in front of Ricardo, grabbed his hair and punched him twice in the face!

Ricardo was not an energy-saving lamp either, so he hugged Floz's neck.

The two leaders were like street gangsters, hugging each other and falling to the ground. You punched me, and I kicked you. They were fighting like crazy!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

The picture on the big screen paused, and the two people on the ground seemed to have their acupoints tapped.

Chen Xin'an said to the two leaders: "You continue to fight, I'm talking about the video!"

The two leaders blushed and let go of each other angrily.

What the hell are you talking about in human language?

Chen Xin'an said to Du Yunyan: "Go back two seconds!"

Du Yunyan nodded, pulled the video and fell back.

The screen shows the scene where a Xinlun driver and an Inca driver came into contact at a gas station.

Chen Xin'an said: "That person in the upper right corner, zoom in and adjust the definition!"

Soon the picture froze again and a human face appeared.

It was the bearded Inca standing in the crowd!


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