Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1587 The more normal it is, the more abnormal it is

He felt that everyone in the audience was looking at him with strange eyes, and the bearded black face turned white!

He turned around and wanted to run away, but Chen Xin'an snapped his fingers.

Several plainclothes policemen in green uniforms took out their pistols and pointed them at him at the same time!

How could there be no guards in this situation? They were just hiding in the dark!

Chen Xin'an nodded to Du Yunyan and motioned for her to close the big screen.

Ricardo came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please give me these information!

Xinlun Kingdom must seek an explanation from Inca! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head and said, "I don't need to give it to you, it's easy to see!"

Ricardo was stunned and asked Chen Xin'an, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Du Yunyan: "Post these videos on the video website you just opened.

And the inside surveillance video here just now, all sent over.

But please pay attention to coding to avoid infringing on other people’s portrait rights! "

"Okay!" Du Yunyan nodded.

Now Ricardo and Flosz were both anxious, glaring at Chen Xin'an and shouting: "You can't do this!"

Floz angrily said to Chen Xin'an: "These are unverified videos and cannot be posted casually, otherwise it will cause very serious consequences!"

Ricardo said with a straight face: "Mr. Chen, I protest! These videos are of great importance and cannot be released casually! You are infringing!"

Even the long-haired, blue-eyed female reporter said angrily to Chen Xin'an:

"How can you act recklessly? Posting a video like this is tantamount to talking nonsense! It is very unethical!"

Chen Xin'an laughed loudly, looked at the people in front of him with contempt and said:

“You seem very nervous!

I just uploaded a few pieces of driving recorder surveillance and indoor surveillance in my own name.

Why are everyone so excited?

Could it be that the video uploaded by you Incas has been verified?

Are you saying I infringed upon copyright infringement?

Whose rights have I infringed upon?

This was filmed in China, so why is it infringement?

As for the nonsense this reporter said, am I immoral?

I really want to laugh! "

Chen Xin'an looked at her with contempt and said: "Excuse me, among the negative news about China published by your news department, which one is not nonsense? Which one is ethical?

You don’t have to admit it, but do you dare to argue with us on the spot about the previously released videos one by one?

You don't let me upload it just because once I publish it, you won't be able to distort the facts and smear China when you go back, right?

Netizens have seen the truth and won’t believe it when they look at the fake videos you posted!

You are the most immoral people!

You are even less qualified to be a fair and impartial media!

Why can't we just make it up out of thin air and deliberately distort it, but we can't plan ahead and announce it in advance?

With double standards, one of you is more playful than the other, and each of you has a darker conscience than the other!

Just because we swallowed our anger and didn't care about you in the past doesn't mean we'll always let you spoil us!

At least for me, Chen Xin'an, no matter how ugly you are and how good you are at pretending, it will make you look ugly! "

Except for the long-haired, blue-eyed female reporter who was dumbfounded and speechless by the scolding, other media reporters focused their cameras on Chen Xin'an, the two leaders, and the female reporter.

The three of them are now too embarrassed to get off the stage and want to leave this place right away!

Chen Xin'an stood on the host stage and snorted coldly: "From the beginning, we in China have adhered to the principle that visitors are guests and arranged this negotiation carefully and thoughtfully.

We strive for perfection in almost every aspect.

But everyone saw it.

The more humble and patient we are, the more some people think we are weak and can be bullied!

We put a lot of effort into arranging fine wines and meals, inviting friends to come, and giving them a grand farewell before leaving.

But what did you get in exchange?

Deliberately framed and framed.

Ungrateful people burn bridges across rivers.

There are also these black shots of interviews that were premeditated!

Excuse me, are such guests our friends?

Do we still need to entertain them? "

Chen Xin'an lowered her head, looked at the two leaders and the female reporter and shouted: "Those who don't know how to commend themselves are not qualified to enjoy our hospitality.

A rude person does not deserve the respect of others!

You are not welcome here, get out of here right now!

A bunch of ungrateful white-eyed wolves, just leave as soon as they leave, why do I need to see you off?

The real hard work is done by the staff who have been ensuring the progress of the entire negotiation!

This cocktail party tonight should be prepared for them!

If you are willing to stay, please toast to celebrate with our staff.

If you don't want to stay, then please leave and leave slowly without seeing me off! "

This guy, how dare he? !

The two big capitals were shocked. They didn't expect that they would be expelled?

This is something they have never encountered in any country!

Even Li Niandong was dumbfounded!

This guy Chen Xin'an really dares to say anything and can do anything!

But why didn't she feel rejected in her heart, but she felt so good?

Staff members actually came over and kicked out the Inca chief, the Xinlun chief, the female reporter and photographer from the Eagle Flag Nation, plus the Incas!

Chen Xin'an asked Li Niandong to make arrangements and call all the green uniforms and policemen on duty at Red Star these days, as well as chefs, workers, floor attendants, cleaners, etc., over!

You can eat whatever you want and play however you want!

As for the two leaders who were still hungry and had not eaten dinner, and their entourage?

You deserve to starve to death, it’s none of my business!

When Mr. Li finished reporting to Kyoto in the lounge and walked out, everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

What about the promised group photo?

After listening to his granddaughter narrating the whole process, Mr. Li looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of helplessness.

Sure enough, with this guy here, no matter who the other party is, he really won't tolerate anything wrong with him!

Even Wan Zhenwei was shocked by this scene when he came over.

Is this a cocktail reception to see off the first person, or a company group meeting?

Hearing Mr. Li's explanation, Wan Zhenwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The two leaders said nothing and drank together.

"Peace of mind!" Li Ruoshan said to Chen Xin'an: "After sending them away tomorrow, we can stay in Qingxi for a few more days.

I want to take you to several places.

I have stayed in Qingxi for several years before. There are some old battlefields that you should visit! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Next time, Mr. Li.

You also know the situation here.

Ye Zhen and Aman must return to Kyoto as soon as possible, where treatment will be more convenient! "

Upon hearing this, Li Ruoshan stopped talking, nodded and said, "That's right! When do you want to go back?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Tomorrow afternoon!"

Li Ruoshan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you! Take your plane!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning his head and seeing Huo Guangqi and others not far away, Chen Xin'an said to Li Ruoshan and Wan Zhenwei: "Two leaders, I'll go say hello to the brothers, you can do whatever you want!"

After Chen Xin'an left, Li Ruoshan looked at Wan Zhenwei and asked, "Lao Wan, what do you say?"

Li Niandong said with some confusion: "Grandpa, I think it's normal! Why do you think he is abnormal?"

Wan Zhenwei also nodded slightly.

Li Ruoshan sighed: "For this kid, the more normal it is, the more abnormal it is!

But I hope it’s my misunderstanding! "


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