Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1638 Our rural teacher here

At this moment, Chen Xin'an shrank his eyes and stared at this person closely.

Just now, he was speaking Chinese!

Although the accent is a bit strange, Chen Xin'an can understand it.

The young man felt his scary gaze, his body trembled, and he quickly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, there is a Chinese teacher in our village, and I learned Chinese from him.

I just saw that your operating system is in Chinese, so I think you understand Chinese.

Can you understand? "

Chen Xin'an frowned, patted the place next to him, looked at him and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

The young man sat next to him and said in a low tone: "We are all villagers from Luowa Village in front of us, working at a construction site in Hydera.

Our village is now occupied by others.

Some big bosses came and said they would buy our farmland to grow rubber.

Even our houses will be sold and special resettlement houses will be provided for us to live in.

But that’s where our ancestors have lived for generations, and we don’t want to sell it!

Just now, Uncle Jieding called the village and asked.

Our crops have been knocked down.

Those people brought by the big boss are preparing to knock down our house!

Many people in the village have been injured by them. When we go back, what we will see may be ruins.

Our homes are all gone! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked for more demolition?

He said with a straight face: "How dare your village chief sign this kind of contract?

How can you live without land?

If there is no contract signed, how dare they force it down?

Wouldn't it be over if you call the police? "

The young man shook his head and said: "It's useless, they are a big family business.

They are from a high caste, and even the police dare not offend them! "

This is the deep-rooted Inca surname hierarchy.

These humble peasants and poor people do not even have the ability to protect their homes.

Those high-caste rich people want everything they have with just one word!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What company is so domineering?"

The young man looked at him strangely and said, "It's the Wackeer Rubber Group!

In Inca, they are the only ones doing the rubber industry! "

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened and she asked in surprise: "The Balosa family?"

The young man nodded sadly: "Yes!"

What a coincidence!

Chen Xin'an grinned and said nothing.

The train suddenly paused and then slowed down significantly.

Jie Ding, the man with his head wrapped in front of him, shouted.

The young man stood up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Good-hearted uncle, our village is coming and we are getting off the bus! Thank you!"

Even if it is about to enter the station and has slowed down, the speed of the train is now about forty kilometers per hour, which is still very fast.

It's just that these people obviously do this kind of thing often, and they all go down the escalator of the train door.

Then he jumped down with both hands, ran two steps in the direction of the train, rolled on the ground, and stood up.

In order to evade fares, a group of farmers trained themselves into railway guerrillas, which can be regarded as an Inca characteristic.

No wonder they were not very nervous when their companion was kicked off the train by Chen Xin'an.

Turns out they knew those people would be fine.

A group of people got off the train and walked towards their village.

The young man turned his head and glanced, stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an also jumped out of the car.

It's just that he didn't stand firm and fell directly to the ground!

Jiedin shouted to him: "Ohm, what are you doing? Leave quickly! We are needed at home!"

It's already afternoon. If they don't go back in time, not only them, but also their families will have to spend the night in the ruins tonight!

"Good-hearted uncle!" The young man called out and ran over to help Chen Xin'an up.

Only then did everyone notice Chen Xin'an and hurried over.

Jieding laughed and said, "Brother, no matter how powerful you are, you can't jump on the train without training!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an stood up unsteadily, smiled, and said to everyone: "I'm just taking a stroll and visiting your village. I won't hinder you!"

Ohm translated Chen Xin'an's words to everyone.

Although I was full of doubts, I didn’t know what was so interesting about their dilapidated village.

But they didn't dare to ask too much about this fierce general who could defeat more than twenty of them alone, so they could only let him follow behind.

Just after taking two steps, I heard a thud behind me.

The master who beat twenty of them was lying on the ground, motionless!

"Good-hearted uncle!" Om ran over and helped Chen Xin'an up from the ground.

Feeling that his body temperature was abnormal, I touched his forehead and shouted to Jieding:

"Uncle Jieding, this kind uncle's forehead is so hot! He has a fever!"

As soon as she got out of the car, Chen Xin'an felt something was wrong with her body.

Heaviness of head and feet, chills all over.

He knew he had a fever and the wound was already inflamed!

He originally wanted to go to a big city to find a pharmacy to get some medicine, but the members of the Balosa family were in Lowa Village, so he insisted on coming with them.

He never thought that the illness would come like a mountain. Even though his physique was obviously stronger than that of ordinary people, he would not be able to bear it now!

His head was always groggy, as if he was always having nightmares. There was a faint fragrance coming from his nose. Chen Xin'an called out: "Daughter-in-law!" and grabbed the hand of the person in front of him!

What he held in his hand was indeed a woman's wrist, but it was not the hand of a daughter-in-law, but the hand of an Inca girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Those big, smart eyes were fluttering their long eyelashes at the moment, looking at him curiously but shyly.

Chen Xin'an quickly let go of her hand and said to her: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you!"

"I know that you have been having a high fever and you are still calling Xiruo's name. She is your wife, right?"

The girl wrung out the towel in her hand and wiped the sweat from his face.

Chen Xin'an wanted to take the towel from her hand and wipe it himself, but when he raised his arm, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"Don't move!" The girl held his shoulders and said, "Your injuries are very serious. Uncle Anhe re-applied medicine and bandaged you. Now you can't move!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to the girl, "Can you speak Chinese?"

The girl smiled and nodded and said, "Uncle An He taught me!

Many people in our village can speak Chinese, and they were all taught by Uncle Anhe! "

Chen Xin'an remembered that Om told him on the train that there was a Chinese teacher in their village.

It seems that this is Uncle Anhe.

Unexpectedly, he stayed here and did not leave.

The wound was very painful, as if there were countless ants crawling on it.

But this kind of ant is not an ordinary ant, but a fire ant that bites something like a piece of meat.

Chen Xin'an slowly stretched out her hand, gently untied the gauze on her chest, reached in and touched the applied medicine, and then licked her fingers.

After a while, his expression changed drastically, and he forced himself to move. He put his hand on his chest, trying to tear off the gauze.

The girl stopped him and shouted: "What are you doing!

Uncle Anhe finally found some medicine and applied it for you. Why do you want to tear it off? "

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "This is not medicine, this is poison!"

The girl was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't believe it.

Chen Xin'an was just about to tear off the gauze and wipe off the medicine when she heard someone at the door curse:


How to distinguish poison from medicine depends on the combination, not the properties of the medicine.

If you don’t even know this, how can you learn ancient medical skills? "

An old man with black hair and wrinkles walked in, holding a medicine basin in his arms, and glared at Chen Xin'an angrily.

The girl called out affectionately: "Uncle Anhe!"

The old man nodded and said to her: "Diva, you go outside and watch me boil the medicine, and I'll give him the injection!"


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