Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1639 This matter has nothing to do with you

The girl got up and walked out. When she reached the door, she turned around again, pointed at Chen Xin'an, and pinched the bottom of her neck twice.

what does it mean?

Chen Xin'an was a little confused.

But he immediately remembered something and reached out to touch the bottom of his neck.

Sure enough, the corners of the mask had already lifted up!

He quickly pressed it down in panic, glanced at it, and was stunned again.

At this moment, in Uncle An He's hands, spread out next to him, was his cloth bag!

It seems that Uncle Anhe is also an inheritor of ancient medicine and is quite skilled in acupuncture and medicine.

Before Chen Xin'an could react, Uncle An He held his shoulders and pierced his body with the silver needle in his hand.

Within thirty minutes, Uncle An and He injected a total of more than two hundred injections into Chen Xin'an, almost turning him into a hedgehog!

Breathing a sigh of relief, Uncle Anhe looked at Chen Xin'an who was covered in silver needles and curled his lips and said:

"Okay, boy, you didn't say a word, I underestimated you!

In fact, you are also an inheritor of ancient medicine and know acupuncture.

According to the old rules, you should cover your eyes when I give the injection.

But from what you said just now, I can guess that your ancient medical heritage is also half-assed.

So even if I use it in front of you, you won’t learn it.

If you really learn it, it will be your fault..."

Chen Xin'an, who was lying on the bed, said angrily: "The Gypsophila technique.

I knew it when I was eight years old!

In fact, my injury did not require acupuncture at seven points on the lower limbs.

On the contrary, as long as two needles are placed in the Baihui area on the top of the head and the Dantian area in the lower abdomen, it can be connected up and down, saving a lot of trouble.

However, that kind of acupuncture is a bit dangerous. It may cause dementia and destroy the Dantian.

You are not familiar with the technique and don’t dare to take risks, so I used this most conservative technique of gypsophila!

When I have time, I will teach you how to scatter flowers. It is much more advanced than this technique! "

Uncle An He's face turned green and white, and after holding in his energy for a long time, he cursed:

"You're crazy! Are you here to see a doctor or to teach?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "I'm here for a trip!"

Uncle An He snorted and cursed: "Now that you are in my hands, you are my patient!

There is so much nonsense, how can you be injured if you are so stupid! "

The inheritor of ancient medicine who has lived for sixty or seventy years does not know as much about acupuncture as a boy who is only twenty years old when he hears voices.

It would be a bit embarrassing for anyone to have to deal with this matter. It's no wonder that Uncle Anhe became so angry.

"Uncle Anhe, the medicine is ready!" Diva shouted from outside.

Uncle An He, who was giving Chen Xin'an an injection, said: "Bring it in!"

The Inca girl Diva carefully walked in with a bowl of soup and placed it next to Chen Xin'an.

Seeing that she kept staring at him, Chen Xin'an felt a little unnatural and asked her:

"Your name is Diva? This is Luowa Village, right?

Isn’t there someone who wants to take away your farmland and rent?

What's going on now? "

When Diva heard this, her two big bright eyes curled up and she said with a smile:

“My dad and the others came back in time, and folks from nearby villages also came over to help.

We drove those bad guys away and our village was saved! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and Uncle An He next to him also had a gloomy face, looking worried.

He took the last injection and said to Chen Xin'an: "Drink these medicines and get out of here!"

When Diva heard this, she said anxiously: "Uncle Anhe, he was so seriously injured and it's so late now, why did you drive him away?"

Uncle Anhe frowned and said, "This is not the right place to take him in!

It will be dangerous in the village tonight.

He is just a traveler passing through and should not be here.

We don’t have time to distract ourselves from taking care of him! "

"Danger?" Diva said with a puzzled look on her face: "What's the danger here?

Those bad guys have been driven away! "

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her: "They are only gone temporarily and will come back soon!"

Uncle Anhe nodded and asked Diva, "Where did your father Jieding go?"

It turns out that Diva is Jiedin's daughter.

Diva said to Uncle Anhe: "He is on the phone outside and will go to the village chief with you later!"

Call up?

Chen Xin'an pulled her clothes next to her and touched it. Sure enough, her phone was taken away!

He yelled at Diva: "Call him back quickly!"

Diva was startled and looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, but turned around and ran out.

Uncle Anhe frowned and looked at him and said, "What are you doing? Just use your mobile phone to make a call? Do you need to be so nervous?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said nothing.

After a while, Jieding Sansanran walked in, handed him the phone and said:

"I'm sorry, I just saw that your phone was out of battery, so I went to help you charge it for a while.

Then I borrowed your mobile phone to call acquaintances in other villages and asked them to come and help..."

Chen Xin'an couldn't understand what he was saying at all, so she took the phone and checked the call records, and cursed:

"Who asked you to use my mobile phone to make random calls? How many calls have you made? How long have you been calling?"

Jieding blushed and was at a loss.

Diva was unhappy and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Hey! You don't have to do this, right?

Just borrow your phone!

You don’t need to be so stingy, right?

The worst we can do is give you money!

Very few people in our village have mobile phones, so borrowing one won’t cost you much in phone bills!

What a stingy person! "

Chen Xin'an paid no attention to what she said. He just stared at Jieding and shouted, "I asked you how long you have been on the phone!"

Hearing his daughter's translation, Jieding hesitated and stretched out four fingers.

That means, almost forty minutes!

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to Uncle An He: "Help me inject three drops of blood into Bingfeng, Hunmen and Huiyang on both sides!"

Uncle Anhe's expression changed and he scolded him: "Boy, what do you want to do!

This is to temporarily suppress the injury. If not, the rebound will be even greater and your life will be lost! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I can't control that much anymore!

And I have a tough life, so I won’t die that easily! "

Uncle Anhe frowned and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to be like this!

You asked me to do this, I won't do it! "

Chen Xin'an scolded him angrily: "What time has it been now, and my mother-in-law and mother-in-law are still here!

Ever since I followed them back, it has been made clear that this matter has something to do with me!

Uncle Anhe, I won’t ask you about your origins, and you don’t ask me either.

But I can tell you that I am from Qingniu Mountain in China! "

Upon hearing this name, Uncle An and his expression changed drastically.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an hesitantly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you the injection!"

Diva had already run out angrily, and Chen Xin'an no longer had any scruples.

He lay on the bed, took off half of his pants, and said to Uncle Anhe: "Come on!"

At the same time, he took his mobile phone, took out the calling card inside, handed it to Jieding, and said to him:

"Throw it into the nearby river immediately and let the water carry it as far away as possible!"

Uncle Anhe translated his words to Jieding. Jieding seemed to understand something, turned around and ran out with the card!

Taking a deep breath, Uncle An He injected needles into three large acupuncture points on Chen Xin'an's back.

Just after pricking the Huiyang point, Chen Xin'an gasped for blood and vomited on the bedside!

At this moment, Diva ran in furiously and threw a few crumpled pieces of money on Chen Xin'an!

"Is this money enough for your phone bill?"

Neither of the two people in front of them spoke, they just tilted their heads and looked at her without blinking.

Diva was still wondering when she suddenly realized that the guy lying on the bed had half of his pants off!

Her face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck. She covered her eyes with her hands and turned around to run away, cursing loudly: "You stinking scoundrel!"

Chen Xin'an is extremely depressed!

Why the hell did you break in, take a look at someone's butt, and now you call me a stinker?

How the hell does this make sense? !


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