Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1653 Desperate Situation

Behind the crowd, a large group of men holding homemade rubber knives rushed in from the direction of the rolling shutter. There were probably hundreds of them!

"Chen Xin, you can't escape!" A man walked to the front and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I want to ask for your life for the two sons of the Brahma family and my six disciples!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the man in front of him who was wrapped like a mummy and asked in shock: "Who are you?"

The mummy cursed in grief and anger: "Chen Xin, you burned me like this, and you still don't know who I am?"

Oh my god!

Master Muzhu?

Chen Xin'an looked at the guy in front of him who couldn't see his appearance at all, with only two eyes, two nostrils and a mouth left by the gauze, and laughed and cursed: "How did you become like this?"

Master Muzhu was furious, rushed up and punched Chen Xin'an in the heart!

Why did I become like this, don't you know it yourself?

Chen Xin'an dodged and asked: "I burned six of your disciples to death? There are still four left? What a pity!"

Master Muzhu was so angry that he almost went crazy when he heard it!

Four people were burned to death on the spot, which was enough to make him feel distressed.

But because they failed to send him to the hospital in time, two more died on the way.

Master Muzhu now wanted to tear Chen Xinan into pieces!

"So he is a Chinese! No wonder he doesn't talk!" M'gad cursed with contempt: "All Chinese people deserve to die!"

Originally, he felt guilty for betraying this guy who just came, but at this moment, he was gone!

Since he is a Chinese, he must have done the right thing!

But he seemed to have forgotten that his son was still in the hands of the other party!

For others, the injured Master Muzhu is still ridiculously strong!

The big monk's punch rushed fast and hit hard.

If it was another person, he would definitely not be able to dodge it, and it would be a miracle if he didn't die!

But for Chen Xinan, it can be seen from this punch that Master Muzhu was seriously injured!

When he rushed over, his steps staggered, indicating that his feet were injured.

The punch was not strong enough, and his strength had dropped a lot compared to the first time they fought!

But this does not mean that Chen Xinan is now at the same level as him.

Because Chen Xinan had fallen down a lot, and his internal injuries were serious.

But Master Muzhu was only injured and weak, and did not fall down.

Although the injuries seemed serious, they were all external injuries, and the impact on strength would not be too great.

Despite this, for masters, the slightest mistakes will be caught.

From a distance, Master Muzhu punched again, and Chen Xinan no longer dodged, but grabbed Ji Li's neck and sent him to him!

Master Muzhu's punch hit Ji Li's back without bias!

After being punched, Ji Li couldn't even scream, but a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his open mouth!

Fortunately, Chen Xinan was prepared and turned his head to avoid it.

Mgad almost popped his eyes out, crying out in grief: "Jimmy! Damn it, you hurt my son!"

Abraham next to him said to him with a stern face: "I will give you the entire car modification market in Gabon later!

Don't be so petty to kill that Chinese man!"

Mgad was stunned, looked at Abraham, and didn't dare to talk back.

But he kept complaining in his heart.

If you are not petty, why did you bring so many people from afar to kill this guy?


Chen Xin'an threw the unconscious Jili who was vomiting blood to Master Muzhu, but he kicked him away.

"Son!" Mgad rushed forward with a wail.

He was not like Abraham who married several wives and gave birth to more than a dozen children for him.

He was the only one!

Holding Jili, who was vomiting blood, Mgad pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted to his younger brother: "Kill him!"

Just when everyone wanted to rush forward, they heard Abraham shouting: "Stop!"

A group of employees in the repair shop wanted to run forward, but the thugs brought by Abraham waved homemade rubber knives and chopped them on the head!

Frightened, they quickly stepped back two steps, shrank to the side, and looked at each other in horror.

Abraham ignored the others and walked step by step to Chen Xin'an and stood beside Master Muzhu.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and asked in very poor Chinese: "Your name is Chen Xin?

Answer me a question, why did you kill my son?

I asked the master, he was already seriously injured at that time, you didn't actually have to kill him.

You only went there for one day, and you didn't have such a deep hatred for him.

But why did you risk your life to kill him in the hospital?"

As expected of the head of the Balosa family, your mind is not as simple as others, and you can always look at problems more deeply.

Chen Xinan squinted at him and asked, "Are you Abraham?"

Abraham was stunned, frowned and looked at Chen Xinan and asked, "Do you know me?"

Chen Xinan grinned, his eyes turned cold in an instant, and suddenly rushed towards Abraham.

With a mountain lock, he bent his middle finger and slashed Abraham's throat!

If it hits, Abraham's throat will be shattered, and he will die in pain and spit blood!

Of course, the wooden bead master standing next to him is not a piece of wood, he has been guarding against Chen Xinan!

At the moment when Chen Xinan made a move, the wooden bead master dodged and blocked in front of Abraham, and smashed Chen Xinan's mountain lock with his right fist!


The two fists collided with each other, and with a click, the middle finger of Chen Xin'an's right fist was broken!

This is the gap between the two, one move can cause Chen Xin'an to suffer fractures and injuries!

Master Muzhu gritted his teeth and smiled ferociously: "You are not me at all...ah! You deserve to be damned!"

Chen Xin'an's right foot stepped heavily on the instep of his right instep!

My already injured feet were in excruciating pain even when I put on shoes, let alone walking.

So he deliberately wore shoes one size larger.

Walk carefully too.

I didn't expect that this damn guy opposite me would be fake to punch him, but it would be real to step on him!

This guy is simply a psycho!

He would rather have a finger broken than step on him.

It seemed like it was certain from the beginning that he would stand in front of Abraham!

He roared angrily and punched Chen Xin'an in the head!

But Chen Xin'an had already turned around and ran away!

Yes, he knew from the very beginning that if he wanted to attack Abraham, Master Muzhu would definitely stop him.

He wanted Master Muzhu to be unable to catch up with him. Only in this way could he have a chance of survival!

The people from the maintenance shop and the thugs brought by Abraham have sealed the place tightly, and he can't get out at all.

If Master Muzhu faces a head-on confrontation, he will definitely die here tonight!

Now, he has fallen into the biggest crisis in his life. Even if it is said to be a desperate situation, it is not an exaggeration!

"Block the door, don't let him escape!" Mgaad shouted to his men while holding his unconscious son.

In fact, without him shouting, it was not easy for Chen Xin'an to rush through the crowd of hundreds of people and run to the door.

But it's not like he hasn't experienced such a scene before.

When he was at the Dingxin Factory, he locked himself in the workshop and killed the Inca security guards. The situation was similar to the situation now.

Moreover, all the security guards have guns, and these thugs are just armed with knives and iron rods.

But there is an extra wooden bead master!

This guy is much scarier than a gun!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an's kick was not in vain.

Master Muzhu's feet were already injured, and this kick greatly affected his movements.

Now he walks with a limp!

It is simply impossible to catch up with Chen Xin'an!


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