Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1654 Why don’t I give you a chance?

Chen Xin'an used the cover of the cars in the repair shop to quickly move his position.

Suddenly, he rushed through a door and locked it inside!

Curly shouted with a proud look on his face: "This idiot! He ran in by himself!

Don't worry, there's a toilet inside!

There is only this door, and he has nowhere to escape! "

The group of people all laughed.

A strong man asked the people around him to get out of the way. After taking a run, he slammed his body against the door!

With a loud crash, the toilet door was smashed!

Everyone swarmed forward and rushed in!

But after searching around, I found that the guy had mysteriously disappeared!

A big living person disappeared right under everyone's noses!

The entire restroom, including the toilet, shower room and dressing room, was turned upside down.

Even the lockers in the locker room were opened, but no one was there!

At this moment, shouting and cursing came from outside, and everyone hurriedly ran out.

Master Muzhu rushed to the front and saw at a glance the guy standing next to Abraham, it was Chen Xin!

what happened?

Can this guy do magic or is he a ghost? How come he can change his shape?

The thugs who were standing next to Abraham were all knocked down at this moment.

Chen Xin'an saw the crowd coming up, but she didn't run away. She just stretched out her hand and grabbed Abraham's neck!


Master Mu Zhu shouted sharply, not only referring to Chen Xin'an, but also to the people around him.

Everyone stopped, fearing that Chen Xin'an would hurt Abraham in his haste.

Mgard frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an, why did this guy appear here?

So many people saw him enter the bathroom, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind them!

Is there some secret passage in the bathroom?

The place where someone can appear here so quickly is...

He turned his head and looked at the position behind Abraham, and his expression changed.

Is it an oil depot?

But the doors there are equipped with advanced anti-theft locks.

Unless you have a key.

Or... open it from the inside!

Could it be that this guy entered the oil depot from the bathroom and then walked around behind everyone?

Only this possibility can reasonably explain why this guy changed shape!

But in such a short period of time, did he make a hole?

This is simply impossible!

Mgaad always felt that he had forgotten something, but he could never remember it.

He was going to go around to the oil depot door to see if it was really opened.

But there were many people around him. He stood at the bathroom door and couldn't squeeze through for a while!

At the entrance of the rolling shutter door, a large number of police lights flashed.

The police from Jiabang City also arrived, also here to arrest Chen Xin'an.

Through Chen Xin'an's phone number, they found the pharmacy and traced it all the way here.

They originally wanted to force their way in, but when they found out that the person leading the team was Abrahan, the head of the Balosa family, they didn't dare!

There were police guarding the door outside, and thugs from the Brahsha family inside, as well as dozens of maintenance workers.

Chen Xin'an was facing a total of more than 200 enemies at this moment.

Coupled with the fact that Master Mu Zhu, an extremely skilled master, was keeping a close eye on him, Chen Xin'an was now unable to escape!

Abraham held Chen Xin'an's wrist with one hand, trying to break him open.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes, and her fingers began to tighten.

Seeing his flushed face, Master Muzhu, who had thought of taking a sudden attack, did not dare to attack rashly again.

He owed Abraham a favor, so he promised him to protect Mohad and escort him back to Mutan City.

Unexpectedly, this guy named Chen Xin actually killed Mohad right under his nose.

This made him feel extremely guilty towards Abraham, and now he couldn't let him make even the slightest mistake.

"Chen Xin, don't mess around!"

Master Mu Zhu said coldly to Chen Xin'an: "You can't hurt him, let him go, and I'll let you leave here!"

Anyway, there are police outside. Even if he walks out from here, he can't escape at all!

Chen Xin'an kept looking at Abraham in front of him, and slowly loosened his fingers, but still pinched his throat.

Abraham panted heavily, but looked at Chen Xin'an without any fear.

Although he has not escaped Chen Xin'an's control, he can now speak after all.

"Just what you are doing to me now is already a capital crime!"

Abraham looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said: "I am the head of the high-caste Inca family, the Borosa family. Even if you are the Inca leader, you must be polite when you meet me.

Do you know the consequences of doing this now?

Don't even mention killing me, even if I lose a hair, it's something a pariah like you can't bear!

I know you just want to live, I give you this chance!

But you killed two of my sons, so you can't just walk away.

So be it, you kneel down, swear allegiance to me, and be a slave of the Brahsha family for twenty years.

I can cancel this account with you! "

Chen Xin'an just looked at him like this, with a sarcastic sneer at the corner of her mouth.

But in Abraham's opinion, he had begun to hesitate.

After all, with the current situation, it is simply impossible for this guy to leave alive!

Abraham looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt and said, "This is your only chance to survive.

If you are a smart person, you will never give up! "

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said, "Abraham, why don't I give you a chance.

Kneel down now and beg me to spare you.

Then in front of your younger brothers and the police outside, confess the crimes you have committed.

Slap yourself in the face and admit your mistake.

what do you think? "

Abraham glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed angrily: "Despicable thing! If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, you will deserve to die!

So what if you catch me?

With my noble status, do you dare to kill me?

Not yet..."


Before he could finish his words, Chen Xin'an slapped him on the head!

Abraham's voice stopped suddenly, and his whole head was bleeding from all the orifices!

Moreover, his cervical vertebrae broke instantly, and his head sat directly on his shoulders!

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if he didn't believe that this man actually dared to kill him!

Chen Xin'an grinned, slapped him on the head again, and whispered into his ear:

"I dare!

In the next life, please don’t mess with me.

Don't mess with my wife Ning Xiruo!

Remember? "

Abraham died in anger.

The entire maintenance shop was silent, watching helplessly as Abraham's body fell straight to the ground!

No one in their wildest dreams thought that this guy was really crazy to the extreme!

Even the head of a high-caste Inca family dared to kill!

Doesn't he know what the consequences will be?

Even Master Muzhu was stunned!

Looking at Abraham's body blankly, I couldn't believe that all of this was real!

Right in front of him, this Chinese actually killed his benefactor?

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an had already rushed over!

The shocked Master Mu Zhu was punched in the face by Chen Xin'an before he could react!

The moment his body flew backwards, the opponent followed him like a shadow, kneeling him and hitting his dantian hard!

Master Muzhu, who was already seriously injured, was knocked two meters away and spit out a mouthful of blood!

But after all, he was an extremely skilled player, and he reacted the moment he was injured, and his body protected and defended himself.

This mouthful of blood spurted onto Chen Xin'an's face, causing his eyes to hurt.

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to do anything, and rushed forward to pursue the victory.

At the same time, Master Mu Zhu, who was lying on the ground, jumped up and rushed towards Chen Xin'an.

The fierce and fast punches were like thunder hammers, hitting Chen Xin'an intensively!


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