Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1687 We will come often in the future

The employees of the company were angry, and the people surrounding the law enforcement team kept explaining, but the other party didn't listen at all.

A department manager's face turned red with anger and said to a man in uniform:

“There are no mice or flies, so you just say that the health and epidemic prevention work is not up to standard!

If you list the ones that are unqualified, we can rectify them.

Good guy, just put a seal on it!

There are no law enforcers like you, it’s just nonsense! "

The man in uniform yelled at him angrily: "Who are you saying is a fool? Say it again?

Let me tell you, we checked strictly according to the system!

If you have any dissatisfaction, you can call our complaint hotline!

But if you obstruct and obstruct our law enforcement, you will be severely punished! "

The department manager waved his hand and shouted: "How have I obstructed and obstructed your law enforcement? I'm just trying to reason with you..."

Before he could finish his words, the uniformed man standing opposite let out an ouch, covered his face and fell to the ground!

Other members of the law enforcement team shouted: "Hit someone? Attack a law enforcement member! Detain him!"

The department manager looked pale and shouted aggrievedly: "I didn't! I didn't touch him at all!"

But others didn't care what he was talking about. A group of law enforcement members swarmed him and pushed him to the ground without saying a word!

A man in uniform shouted: "Call the police! They didn't come just now. Let's see if they dare to hide now!"

At this moment, a woman came over and shouted to the person on the ground: "Manager Yuan, why are you..."

A woman wearing a work suit next to her grabbed her and shouted: "Don't go there! Don't get in the way..."

As soon as her hand touched the woman's arm, the woman fell to the ground and exclaimed: "Ouch!" She tilted her body and fell to the ground!

Wang Yi shouted in the crowd: "The law enforcement team is beating someone!

Get out of the way, don't block my lens!

Let me see which units these people belong to?

He ran to the Ning Ruoanhao Group building and brutally beat the company managers!

Fortunately, they were all photographed. This is evidence, sue them!

Secretary Zhou, are you okay? "

Zhou Zhi lay on the ground and moaned in pain: "Headache! Maybe I hurt the back of my head!"

The people in the law enforcement team all looked ugly, as if they had eaten Xiang.

The woman in uniform shouted: "What are you pretending to be!

I just touched your arm and you fell down?

Even up to the back of the head?

Are your arms on the back of your head?

Is your health too bad?

Will it break when touched? "

A female staff member sneered and said: "Much better than your people!

At least you still bumped into each other. We, Manager Yuan, didn’t even bump into your people just now, and now they are still lying on the ground! "

"My body is weak! If you move in front of me, the wind can knock you down!"

“Why should I join a class with this kind of physique or join the law enforcement team?

Go home and take care of yourself!

Isn't it okay to let the person in good health do his job? "

A group of people from the law enforcement team were all red-faced and looked extremely embarrassed.

This method is also a magic weapon for them to deal with each other.

In this way, they can use more severe methods and deeper punishments.

But now they are actually learning and using it to deal with them!

At this moment, someone came over and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone, get up.

There is no need to use such despicable methods to deal with me, Ning Xiruo!

Xiao Zhou, arrange for someone to clean up the conference room on the 35th floor.

Dear comrades of the law enforcement team, let’s go to the conference room to talk! "

A group of law enforcement team members looked at each other and let go of Manager Yuan.

The leader glanced at Ning Xiruo and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ning.

We are also acting under orders, so... I'm sorry! "

Ning Xiruo said expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter, no matter whose orders you are taking, there is no way around it.

Let's go, sit down and chat, you just tell me your requirements! "

Everyone came to the conference room, and Ning Xiruo invited everyone in.

The phone rang again, this time it was an unfamiliar number. Ning Xiruo took out the phone and handed it to Zhou Zhi and said to her:

“Answer the phone for me and don’t bother me with normal things.

Unless allowed, try not to let irrelevant people into the meeting room! "

"Got it!" Zhou Zhi took the phone and nodded.

Before closing the door, Ning Xiruo added: "If Lawyer Mou comes back, ask her to come over immediately!"

Zhou Zhi nodded and said, "Okay!"

After closing the door of the conference room, Ning Xiruo sat in the president's seat, looked at the people from the law enforcement team in front of her, and said straight to the point:

"Tell me, what do you want?

Money, or something else? "

The members of the law enforcement team looked at each other. Someone slammed the table and said angrily to Ning Xiruo:

"Mr. Ning, what do you mean? Who do you think we are?"

"That's right! Do you think we are here to get benefits? This is our job!"

"I would like to advise you, Mr. Ning, the tricks you use to deal with other law enforcement officers will not work on us! We are worthy of our job!"

Guan Qing snorted coldly and said with disdain: "But you are sorry for your own conscience!"

The group of people were all angry, glaring at Guan Qing and scolding her.

Ning Xiruo didn't want to hear their argument, so she clapped her hands and said, "Okay! That's enough!

I'm telling you what might happen.

Mr. Li Zecheng, the president of Junhao Group, is on his way. You have more than one boss, and you may hear different orders soon.

Also, the entire chamber of commerce is communicating and has lodged a joint protest with the higher authorities.

You yourself know whether your law enforcement actions are completely legal.

It's like you can find fault with our company at will.

As for your operation this time, and everyone involved, no one is impeccable!

Can you bear the consequences of the Chamber of Commerce completely breaking up with you?

Maybe you think that the big shot who ordered you to do this is tough enough and strong enough.

The Chamber of Commerce will eventually give in, and it is impossible to completely provoke the big shots for our sake.

But there will be a game process.

Can you afford all the losses caused during this period? "

The faces of the group of people changed, and each of them looked gloomy and remained speechless.

Several people secretly winked at a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, please state in advance that we are only following orders.

As for any inside stories or grudges, it has nothing to do with us.

Here I have a document given by a leader.

If Mr. Ning is willing to negotiate, that's fine, just sign the documents.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. Anyway, joint law enforcement is a phased process, not a one-off event.

We will come often in the future.

The stricter the investigation, the more responsible you will be for your work! "

Ning Xiruo took the document with an expressionless face.

After looking at the two pictures quietly, Ning Xiruo's face turned livid and she gritted her teeth and said:

“The Lu family has such a big appetite!

Not only do they want to swallow up Liangmao Liquor Industry and Ningruo Anhao Group, but they also care about our house in Kyoto?

And have they clearly arranged the family business in Dongshan?


I really want to ask Lu Zifu, even if I really agree to sign, can he afford this over 100 billion assets? "

There are so many!

The faces of a group of law enforcement team members were full of shock.

Not to mention hundreds of billions, even one thousandth of it is still a huge amount of money that they could not earn in their entire life!

The middle-aged captain smiled slightly, looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Boss Ning doesn't need to tell us this.

Just let us know whether to sign or not.

We don’t know the beneficiaries of this document, and we can’t control that many! "

Ning Xiruo glared at him and asked, "Do you think I will sign such a contract?"

The middle-aged captain shrugged and said, "If Ning is always smart, he will sign it!"

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