Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1688 I won’t let this matter go.

The thick stack of documents involves all the properties of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

I really don’t know how the Lu family investigated clearly.

This also shows one thing, the Lu family has never given up coveting them.

He pretends to be honest on the surface, but secretly he is always dishonest.

No wonder my husband never believed that this family would change their ways.

Sure enough, they still have the same moral character and have even become more sinister.

In order to deceive others, they even formed twelve companies to divide the wealth together.

However, you can think with your toes that these companies are all short-selling companies, and the bosses behind the scenes are all Lu family members.

Ning Xiruo took the document and walked to the side.

The middle-aged captain smiled slightly, nodded and said, "I knew that Mr. Ning must be a smart man!"

But the next second, Ning Xiruo had already opened the drawer, put the file in, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do some research, and I'll get back to you when I've researched it thoroughly!"

The middle-aged captain's smile froze on his face, he looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Mr. Ning, it would be boring if you do this!

I want to take the document with me. It is just a copy for Mr. Ning to look over.

The real contract is not in this.

If Mr. Ning wants to sign, someone will meet with Mr. Ning.

I am just passing along a message, there is no need to leave a copy! "

Ning Xiruo snorted coldly and said, "The copy is enough!

I can tell you all now.

From the moment you step into Niangruo Anhao, everything you do, every word and deed, has been recorded by surveillance cameras.

All our conversations in this conference room have been recorded.

With this copy, I am going to accuse all of you, all departments, of joint blackmail!

Later, these videos and materials will be handed over to my lawyer, and she will help me sort them out and submit the appeal! "

Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that this weak-looking little woman could actually play such a trick!

The middle-aged captain sneered coldly, looked at Ning Xiruo with disdain and said:

“Mr. Ning, it’s boring for you to do this!

We didn't do anything, we just fulfilled our responsibilities seriously.

At most, it was to help someone bring something to show Mr. Ning.

Anyway, we haven’t read the content, so we don’t know anything about it.

What did Mr. Ning tell us?

Do you want to sue us for enforcing the law seriously? "

A group of people from the law enforcement team also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, our operations are not illegal, so what are you afraid of?

Ning Xiruo snorted coldly and said: "Whether there are any violations, what you did is not your job, what you said is not appropriate, it is not up to you.

Forget what I just said, you are always under surveillance!

And I have hundreds of employees. If I say you violate the rules, you violate the rules!

It seems that you all have forgotten one thing, I am the richest person in Kyoto.

I will take out the money now and throw it at you until you bear legal responsibility!

Let me ask you, are the people hiding behind you willing to spend money to help you solve these troubles? "

Everyone on the law enforcement team looked embarrassed.

One person sneered coldly and said: "What's so great about having money? Does it mean you can do whatever you want if you have money?"

I never thought that you, Ning Xiruo, could be such a person!

It will only embarrass us little people! "

Ning Xiruo looked at her and said angrily: "Don't kidnap me morally here!

Ever since you helped the evildoers and came to target me, Ning Ruoan, you have already chosen to be my enemy!

Do I need to be polite when dealing with my enemies?

You put a knife to my, Ning Xiruo's neck, and you still expect me to be polite to you?

Do you think I, Ning Xiruo, am a fool? "


The middle-aged captain slammed the table, looked at Ning Xiruo and shouted: "In that case, let's just wait and see!

Many companies under the Ningruoanhao Group have been found to have violated regulations and are now being sealed!

Is it great to be rich?

Even if you have money, you have to listen to me!

If I prevent you from opening the door, you will have no choice but to close the door! "

A group of people from the law enforcement team also stood up angrily and said:

"Boss Ning doesn't need to talk harshly to us, because we work according to the system!"

"Now that we've broken up, there's nothing left to talk about! Let's see who suffers in the end!"

"I don't even think about it. Who are you trying to spar with? Can you beat them?"

"Even if you have money, so what? In front of a real boss, no matter how much money you have, you will be crushed to death with one finger!"

"If your man is still here, you can still continue to be arrogant. But now that he is dead, who do you think will betray you?"

Ning Xiruo stared at the person who spoke, walked up to him, and slapped him on the mouth:

"What did you say? Say it again! My husband is not dead. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

"You dare to hit someone?!" The man in uniform did not expect that Ning Xiruo would dare to attack him in public.

This is simply handing your own leverage to the enemy!

It's just that the other party's look is scary now, as if he wants to fight him desperately!

Guan Qing ran over and hugged Ning Xiruo. She looked at the man in uniform and gritted her teeth and cursed: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will make it impossible for you to leave this conference room!"

The man in uniform snorted and glanced at the middle-aged captain.

Seeing the other party nodding to him with approval, he suddenly became brave and said with a cold snort:

"Did I said wrong thing?

You are a powerful man, amazing, I admit it.

But no matter what, he has become a dead person now!

You can't even find the corpse!

Without Chen Xin'an, who will give you face?

It's only a matter of time before this group collapses! "

"Fuck you!" The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a man and a woman walked in from the outside!

Seeing these two people, Ning Xiruo was stunned!

Even Guan Qing, who was just about to go all out and take action, was stunned, and then his face was full of ecstasy!

The woman said to Ning Xiruo: "I came here on a special plane, so I didn't notify you to pick me up.

We're all downstairs. I wanted to call you. You didn't answer. Xiao Zhou answered.

I didn't want to disturb your meeting, but after standing outside the door and listening for a while, it became more and more excessive, so your grandfather and I couldn't help but come in! "

Ning Xiruo, who had been acting very strong these days without shedding a single tear, burst into tears after seeing the two people in front of her!

She threw herself into the woman's arms and cried out, "Grandma!"

Chi Rui gently stroked her head and said lovingly: "If I don't come, will you have to deal with everything by yourself?"

She turned her head, looked at the sitting law enforcement team members, and said coldly:

"How dare a group of little crawlers who can't even get on the countertop come here to take advantage of the situation?

Is my grandson-in-law someone you can bully?

Those who don’t know whether to live or die will not even stand in line.

Who would let you use chicken feathers as arrows? "

The middle-aged captain swallowed his saliva and asked carefully: "Who are you?"

He was not a fool, but he felt that the aura of the woman and the old man was not simple, so he did not dare to be bold with his words!

The old man beside him took out a red notebook, handed it to him and said: "I am Xu Huaqiang!

Chen Xin'an is my grandson!

Ning Xiruo, she is my grandson-in-law!

I don’t care who instructs you, I won’t let go of what happened today! "


The middle-aged captain slumped in his chair.

He raised his hand and slapped his mouth hard!

The middle-aged captain’s intestines are about to turn green!

Why do you want to get involved in this matter?

It's all over now!

He didn't see clearly what the words on the red book were.

But he could clearly see the golden palace background above.

That's the Grand Palace!

Starting today, Xu Huaqiang comes to Beijing.

Officially settled in the Grand Palace!

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