Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1689 This is the best solution

All members of the law enforcement team were taken away by the police, and everyone was subject to investigation.

Not being a small person can be forgiven and let go.

Although they came to enforce the law, they were following orders and could not help themselves.

But everything from words to methods can be subjectively chosen by oneself.

If you choose to use the method that hurts others the most, you will have to bear the consequences.

All companies in Anhao Building have been unblocked and all employees are commuting to and from get off work normally.

Ning Xiruo held a staff meeting to stabilize the morale of the military.

And appointed Zhou Zhi, Li Lingyin and Li Lingyu as assistants to the president, with full authority to represent her and Chen Xin'an.

Xu Huaqiang had already gone to the Grand Palace to report, while Chi Rui stayed in Anhao Building.

In the CEO's office, Chi Rui sat on the sofa and listened quietly to Ning Xiruo's account of what had happened in the past few days.

After Ning Xiruo finished speaking, Chi Rui sighed, held her in his arms, and said distressedly:

"It's hard for you, kid!

It would have been better if I had come here a few days earlier. "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "Grandma, I'm not afraid of these things, I can handle them all.

The only thing I'm worried about is...

Where is he now?

It's been more than ten days, why hasn't he come back yet? "

Chi Rui hugged her and said firmly: "Don't worry, my child, everything will be fine!

Your grandfather and I have always believed that he will come back soon.

Now, let's deal with the things at hand.

You can't wait for him to come back and see a mess, right? "

Ning Xiruo nodded vigorously.

She sat up straight and said to Chi Rui: "Grandma, the top priority is to solve the crisis of the two projects of Maoping New District and Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City.

Among them, the Maoping New District is still a civil dispute, and I have asked sisters Li Lingyin and Li Lingyu to handle it.

Things at Pang Xingzhuang are more troublesome, involving some equity contracts and a large funding gap.

I have asked the company's lawyers to handle it, and I am also trying to fill the gap.

In the past two days, I have been contacting the presidents of major banks and asking them for loans..."

"No need!" Chi Rui shook his head and said to Ning Xiruo firmly:

"Don't worry about funds, you just need to handle the equity disputes!"

Ning Xiruo smiled bitterly and said: "No, grandma, you don't know, this gap is very big, I said maybe two to three billion is conservative.

We hold the majority share of that project, but if two shareholders are withdrawn at the same time, it will create a whirlpool effect.

They may not have invested that much, but once they withdraw, it will become two big holes and bring down the entire project!

I don’t know if I can fill this hole with 3 billion, so to be on the safe side, I’m going to take out a loan of 5 billion! "

Chi Rui smiled and said: "I said, no matter how much money you have, there is no need to borrow money. Money is not a problem..."

While they were talking, Zhou Zhi knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Ning, Lawyer Mou is back with someone!"

Ning Xiruo frowned, nodded and said to her, "Then let them come!"

Soon, Mou Pingxuan led two middle-aged men to the office. Ning Xiruo had seen them.

Zhou Shengmin, the boss of Damin Entertainment.

Zhou Xiang, the head of Qilin Pictures.

Mou Pingxuan said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, I have already expressed the company's attitude to them. Now they want to talk to you face to face, so I have no choice but to bring them here!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lawyer Mou!

Let me introduce you, this is me and Xin’an’s grandma. The surname is Chi. "

Mou Pingxuan smiled and said, "Hello, grandma!"

Chi Rui looked her up and down, nodded and said with a smile: "Hello, Xiaomu, I just heard Xiruo mention you.

Thank you for helping her at this time!

Come on, do it, let me talk to you. "

She took Mou Pingxuan's hand and sat on the sofa.

On the contrary, Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang stood awkwardly aside with no one to say hello.

Zhou Shengmin glanced at Zhou Xiang, his face a little gloomy, turned to Ning Xiruo and said:

“Mr. Ning, such a big company doesn’t even have a conference room suitable for discussing things, right?

Let's find a place to chat? "

Ning Xiruo then glanced at them and said in a calm tone: "Actually, I really can't think of anything else to talk about with you two.

But now that you’ve come, let’s sit down!

There’s no need to look for another place, just here.

There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, please tell me. "

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang had dark faces, as if they wanted to get angry, but they finally endured it and chose to sit down.

After waiting for a long time, Ning Xiruo showed no intention of letting someone make tea for them, and the anger on their faces became even more obvious.

But before they could speak, Ning Xiruo said impatiently: "If you two are here to sit around, then I will arrange for someone to carry the sofa to the top of the building.

The scenery up there is great, and it's not boring to sit there.

If you are here to talk to me, then hurry up and talk about something. I don’t have as much time as you two! "

How does this woman talk?

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang almost jumped up in anger.

I need to come sit here with you to sit around?

Don’t I have a sofa in my office?

Zhou Shengmin took a breath and said to Ning Xiruo with a sneer: "I know that Mr. Ning is very busy now, and even a little worried.

So we came here to help Mr. Ning solve the problem..."

"How do you see that I'm exhausted?" Ning Xiruo looked at the two of them unceremoniously and said:

"What's the trouble? It's just some little fleas jumping around in front of you.

You can drive them away with a wave of your hand, but if you really can't drive them away, you'll just crush them to death! "

That we are fleas?

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang's faces turned dark again!

Is this woman a fool?

At this time, you still haven’t realized the seriousness of the problem?

That's right, if she really realized it, how could she agree to their withdrawal?

In fact, although the two people were clamoring to quit, they just wanted to take the opportunity to gain more equity.

It is obvious that the film and television city project is a lucrative business. As long as you hold shares, you can make huge profits, and only fools will quit!

Chen Xin'an is dead. If we don't seize the equity at this time, how long will it take?

So they just take orders from others and do something.

Let Ning Ruoan become chaotic.

When the time comes, a woman who is overwhelmed by so many things will definitely not agree to their withdrawal.

Then they can take advantage of the trend and force Ning Xiruo to give up more equity!

In their opinion, it’s just a woman, isn’t it easy to handle?

But I never expected that this woman would not act according to common sense.

There was just a little fuss here, and she sent a lawyer directly to cut it off!

No one with any sense would do this, right?

As a result, the only outcome for the film and television city project is to be shelved indefinitely, or even finished.

You know, they also invested a lot in the early stage.

This kind of practice of dying together is simply not something that normal people can do!

When your husband dies, you have to die for love, but we still have a big family to support!

As a last resort, the two of them had to come to Ning Xiruo in person.

Competition in business is not how you play it.

Without Chen Xin'an's brains and ability, he is not worthy of guarding such a big stall, so let him out quickly!

That's what they're here for today.

Zhou Xiang said to Ning Xiruo with a dark face: "Mr. Ning, let's not go around in circles anymore, let's get straight to the point.

I talked about the issue of the equity contract between us before. There are indeed many unreasonable things in your group, including overbearing clauses and business traps.

We also thought about going through legal proceedings, but in that case, everyone would lose, and it would not be good for anyone.

So we came here today to discuss other solutions with Mr. Ning! "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "No, you have been removed from the board of directors. This is the best solution!"


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