Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1695 The madman on the viaduct

The matter in Maoping New District was settled, Ning Xiruo took Long Ye back.

It seemed that another trouble had been solved, so Ning Xiruo's face showed a long-lost smile.

Good news keeps coming these days.

With the financial assistance from grandma Chi Rui, the project of Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City is progressing smoothly.

The five major shareholders at the beginning have now become Ning Ruoanhao and the Luo family.

With Chen Xin'an's nod, all shares of Brilliant Film and Television were transferred to Luoning International.

The Luo family accounted for 30%, and the remaining 70% belonged to Chen Xin'an.

Of course this is obvious.

In fact, 20% of Chen Xin'an's 70% belonged to all the villagers of Pangxingzhuang.

Everything is fine at the winery.

The quality inspector has fully confessed. He received 5,000 yuan and sprinkled some chemicals in the wine barrel, causing the quality inspection to exceed the standard.

Now he has been prosecuted for poisoning.

The Food Safety Administration's investigation team withdrew its original decision on the winery, and the winery resumed production.

The biggest good news is that the Lu family is really in chaos now!

I heard that the office building of Sunny International was smashed.

There were rumors outside that he had offended a group of the most powerful young men in Kyoto City and had them gang up to destroy him.

It was useless to call the police, no one dared to take care of it, and if it was smashed, it was smashed. The Lu family didn't even dare to fart!

There were even rumors that even Lu Zifu was beaten, and Lu Feifan was even beaten so much that he was hospitalized!

Even bigger news came out that the boss Lu Qingyun was about to be transferred to Lingnan.

In other words, after being sent down, it is impossible to return to that place in this life!

Ning Xiruo looked at the news on her phone and shook her head.

Shunfa Supermarket in Kyoto was revealed to have changed the dates of expired products and re-listed them.

It was jointly investigated by law enforcement agencies such as the Industry and Commerce, Health, and Food Supervision Bureau.

Multiple illegal operations were discovered on the spot, and they were immediately sealed and issued a huge fine!

This is the first store of Sunny International to close in the past two days?

It seems that the Lu family has few stores in Kyoto that are still open, right?

The Lu family has really suffered heavy losses this time and may collapse!

The car suddenly paused and Guan Qing came to a sudden stop.

She turned her head and said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss, fasten your seat belt!"

Ning Xiruo nodded, immediately washed the seat belt, and then asked her, "What's going on?"

Guan Qing looked forward and said in a deep voice: "There is a BMW that seems to be saying goodbye to us!"

Ning Xiruo looked around and asked her, "Where are Gongsun Feiyang and the others?"

Guan Qing said: "Behind! It's just on the viaduct, they don't dare to move too much!"

There is still a lot of traffic at this time, and it is on the Dankou Viaduct in Kyoto, which has three levels, which is very dangerous.

Gongsun Feiyang was not sure whether the BMW was out of anger or deliberately targeting them, and it was inconvenient to overtake, so he kept watching nervously.

Seeing the BMW speeding up and approaching Long Ye again, Gongsun Feiyang said to the direction: "Hurry up and catch up! Knock him over!"

Xiang Fang cursed angrily: "Please, look clearly, this is on a viaduct, aren't you afraid of something big happening?"

Gongsun Feiyang said anxiously: "Then force him to stop! Squeeze him away! We can't let him get close to Lord Long anyway!"

The off-road vehicle roared, accelerated to overtake, and rushed towards the BMW!

Unexpectedly, the guy driving the BMW was a lunatic, so he stepped in front of a container truck next to him and said goodbye!

The driver of the container truck was so frightened that he turned the steering wheel violently. The vehicle turned sideways and the wheels made a screeching sound!

The direction's expression changed, and instead of pressing the brakes, he stepped on the accelerator!


The front of the off-road vehicle hit the container body, causing the vehicle to fall sideways. The front of the vehicle turned in one direction and spun around on the road.

The rear of the car crashed through the railing and was hanging outside!

If it hadn't been for this collision, it would have been the front of the container truck that fell out!

And the whole car will fall without any suspense!

The off-road vehicle stopped beside the railing, and a long line of cars behind it stopped one after another.

There were still constant banging and banging sounds, and it was obviously a rear-end collision.

Fortunately, the brakes were applied promptly and no major accident occurred!

"Hurry up and catch up!" Gongsun Feiyang shouted anxiously.

The direction didn't say anything, he just wanted to start the car and reverse it, and then chased after him with a roar!

Shaking off the off-road vehicle behind it, the BMW quickly rushed towards Mr. Long like a mad cow.

Judging from its momentum, it is going to knock Mr. Long off the viaduct directly, and it will even die together!

"Madman!" Guan Qing scolded with a livid face, and warned Ning Xiruo: "Miss, sit down!"

Ning Xiruo said to her: "Try to avoid it and don't collide on the bridge!"

Guan Qing snorted coldly and said: "Don't worry, miss, even if you want to touch it, it won't take advantage!

Master Long is the top security guard. If someone like this is not afraid of death, he will only ask for trouble if he rushes forward! "

Before, she was not sure whether this guy was driving a prank car or seeking revenge, so Guan Qing just avoided it without resisting.

Now looking at the other party's posture, it seems that he is going to knock him off the bridge ruthlessly, so why are you so polite?

There are also cars coming and going below. If you fall more than 20 meters, you can kill the people below even if you don't fall to death.

You want to risk your life, right?

Then I’ll have fun with you!

Guan Qing stepped on the accelerator and made a show of overtaking.

Sure enough, the BMW behind him rushed up and bumped into Mr. Long.

But at this moment, a cloud of black smoke suddenly blew out from behind Long Ye's butt!

The BMW was caught off guard and had no chance to avoid it. It was sprayed all over the front face.


The BMW braked suddenly and stopped.

The people inside immediately used the wipers, but it was useless!

This black dust mixed with oil is difficult to clean and completely blocks the view!

The car behind stopped, and several drivers rushed up to pull the people in the BMW out and beat them up!

If you want to die, don't harm others!

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and the windshield in front of the BMW shattered!

Everyone was startled and turned around and ran!

Long Ye stopped not far away. Ning Xiruo looked at the person sitting in the BMW through the car window glass. Suddenly, she realized and said in a deep voice: "It's Lu Yuhang!"

Lu Yuhang, with a ferocious face, held a Remington in his hand, smashed the broken glass in front of him with the butt of the gun, started the car again, and rushed towards Long Ye!

Guan Qing also started up immediately, and when the BMW rushed over, she quickly stepped on the brakes!

Amid a sharp friction sound, the hacksaw extended from Long Ye's left wheel cut the right tire of the BMW, and the car lost control and overturned, lying in the middle of the road ahead!

After a while, the car door opened, and Lu Yuhang, covered in blood, climbed out of the car with Remington, and shouted to Long Ye: "Get out! I'll kill you!"

Guan Qing looked at the man who was like a madman, and said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss, be careful, I'm going to hit him!"

"Sister Qing!" Ning Xiruo shouted, hesitant.

Right in front of her, she couldn't bear to hit someone to death, even if he was an enemy.

But at this moment, Lu Yuhang had raised his gun and fired a shot at the windshield!


A gunshot rang out, and the onlookers were so scared that they shivered. Someone shouted: "Damn, what a big grudge, so desperate! The people in the Dragon Flag are dead!" But the next second, everyone was shocked! After the gunshot, shrapnel flew everywhere, and the seemingly inconspicuous Dragon Flag was completely intact! It turns out that even the front windshield is bulletproof! Even Lu Yuhang was stunned. He didn't expect this car to be so weird! But at this moment, he didn't care about anything else. If one shot couldn't break the glass, then he would shoot a second shot! I have plenty of bullets! Just when he was about to fire another shot, an off-road vehicle roared over! Before he could react, he was knocked out! ()

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