Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1696 We were all fooled

Lu Yuhang flew out and fell on the guardrail on the second floor. He was bounced and continued to fall.

On the bottom floor, I was unable to dodge a bus that came through a red light and was run over with a headshot.

Seeing the body on the ground, the passengers in the car were so frightened that their legs became weak.

Gongsun Feiyang got out of the car, walked to Lord Long, nodded to Ning Xiruo who was sitting in the back seat, and then said to Guan Qing, "Let's go, I'll handle it here!"

Guan Qing nodded and drove away.

Back at Anhao Building, Ning Xiruo seemed to be still in shock, looking worried and silent.

For a dandy young master like Lu Yuhang to come to Ning Xiruo with death in mind, it shows that the Lu family has really reached a desperate situation now.

Ning Xiruo was afraid that they would risk everything and fight to the death.

No matter how careful she is then, it will be difficult not to get caught.

After all, the Lu family has been prosperous for half a century, and their strength and heritage cannot be underestimated.

Even when the Ning family was at its peak, they had to be manipulated by the Lu family.

Once this kind of family reaches a desperate situation, the death blow that breaks out is very terrifying.

There are more than one lunatic like Lu Yuhang in the Lu family!

As soon as she returned to the office, the phone rang. Ning Xiruo took it out and saw that Sun Galo was calling.

"Brother Sun, it's better for me to go over there, and I'll wait for someone to identify you!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, call Zuo Meng and the brothers who escorted the Wufu Jewelry mission last time, and follow me to the city bureau."

"Okay!" Guan Qing walked out immediately.

Ning Xiruo also walked out of the door and went downstairs. Guan Qing also came down with three people from the security company.

The three of them shouted in unison: "Hello, Mr. Ning!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said to the three of them: "The city bureau has caught a robber. Go and identify him!"

After driving to the city bureau, Sun Galo was already waiting at the door of the interrogation room and said to Ning Xiruo:

“Let’s talk about a personal matter first.

Principal Meng thanks Mr. Ning for his help some time ago and would like to find an opportunity to treat you to a meal.

I was good at making my own decisions and gave her Mr. Ning’s mobile phone number.

Maybe I will call you in the next few days! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "No problem! I just want to take some time to visit her!"

Sun Galuo nodded, sighed and said, "I would like to thank Mr. Ning for Master first.

Principal, she... the teacher's wife may have to remarry, and Xiaodouzi may have to be taken away.

The principal is reluctant to let her go. Recently, she wants someone to accompany her and talk to her.

After all, it is inconvenient for me. It would be best if Mr. Ning could go! "

Ning Xiruo was not polite to begin with, so she nodded and said to him:

"It's been quite busy these two days. I'll go there next week."

Sungalo turned around and said: "Okay! Thank you.

Come with me and see if this is the person! "

Everyone entered a room next to the interrogation room. There was a huge mirror on the wall, which was one-way glass.

There was a man sitting in the room opposite. He had yellow hair and earrings, and he looked very cool.

Two policemen were interrogating him. The boy leaned on the chair with his hands and talked absentmindedly.

Sun Galo asked Zuo Meng and the two escorts next to him: "Was this kid at the scene at that time?"

The two escorts looked at it for a while and both shook their heads.

"They were all wearing masks at the time, so you couldn't see their faces at all!"

"There is a guy named Huang Mao, who seems to be driving a car. I don't know if he is this guy..."

Ning Xiruo asked: "What did he confess?"

Sun Galo said helplessly: "You are very slippery, and you didn't reveal any valuable clues!

If we hadn't found the abandoned empty jewelry box in the Grand Canal, extracted the fingerprints on it, and found this kid, there really wouldn't be anything we could do to him! "

"Captain Sun!" Zuo Meng said to Sun Galo, "Can I talk to him face to face?"

Sun Galo looked at the two people next to him, and Zuo Meng quickly said: "I can do it myself!"

"That's no problem, come with me!" Sun Galo shook his head and left with Zuo Meng.

Zuo Meng took off his uniform jacket and followed Sun Galo into the interrogation room.

Seeing Sun Gallo come in, the two interrogators said angrily: "Captain, this guy talks a lot and is very cunning!"

Huang Mao shouted with an aggrieved face: "Police officers, I am a good citizen!

I will tell you whatever you ask, and I will tell you even if you don’t ask. Isn’t this satisfactory? "

Seeing Zuo Meng walking in front of him, Huang Mao narrowed his eyes and cursed: "Boy, what are you looking at your father for?

Look at your bad behavior, are you looking for trouble? "

Zuo Meng looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "How do you know I'm not a plainclothes guy?"

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment and immediately snorted: "Looking at your virtue, you are not a policeman!

I have very poisonous eyes, I can spot people accurately!

Police officers, what are you doing?

Let an outsider come in to judge me?

Isn't this against the rules? "

Zuo Meng suddenly put his hands on the interrogation table and stared at Huang Mao from top to bottom. A strong sense of oppression instantly emitted!

"Which security company are you from?

Was the gun you used during the robbery an HSD-79 single-shot shotgun? "

Huang Mao's expression suddenly changed, he glared at Zuo Meng and said, "What nonsense are you talking about here!

I'm not from the security company at all!

I don’t use any guns either…”

Zuo Meng ignored what he said and continued to ask: "There are eight of you in total, you are all colleagues, right?

No one else took action but you fired, so how much did you get?

Now only you have been brought in to take the blame for them all.

How much can you get for the jewelry sold?

Stop being such a quibble, you are such a big bastard!

If you shoot someone to cause trouble, you are a murderer!

Go to jail until you die! "

Huang Mao turned pale and shouted loudly: "You fart!

It wasn't me who fired the gun, it was Guang who fired it, it has nothing to do with me!


He suddenly closed his mouth, then looked at Zuo Meng with a smile on his face and said:

"Did you lie to me?

You know nothing at all! "

Zuo Meng laughed, nodded and said, "I've seen the bullets at the scene, they are HSD-79.

This gun is just for security.

Your techniques at the scene were amateurish, but your cooperation was good, which further proves that you are trained colleagues.

Only peers can easily find security loopholes.

I was just testing it out, but I didn’t expect that you had a guilty conscience and were eager to shirk responsibility, so you exposed yourself! "

After saying these words, Zuo Meng turned his head and said to Sun Galo and the others: "This guy is also a security guard.

Are Kyoto City security companies registered with the police?

There are only a few people who are qualified to carry guns.

Even fewer use HSD-79.

This shouldn’t be difficult to check! "

"Okay, boy!" Sun Galo smiled and punched Zuo Meng in the chest and said to him:

"For a while, I might as well come to the city bureau as an auxiliary police officer!"

Sun Gallo laughed, shook his head, turned around and wanted to walk out.

"Hey!" Huang Mao's voice suddenly came from behind.

Zuo Meng stopped and turned around to look at him.

Huang Mao said sarcastically: "The box is empty, we have all been fooled!"

Zuo Meng frowned, looked at Huang Mao and said, "What did you say? How is that possible!"

The box was packed under the supervision of both the jewelry store and the convoy, so how could it be empty?

But seeing the boy's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying.

Sungalo seemed to have thought of something and said to the police officer next to him: "You two continue to interrogate him!

If you are not honest, put all the charges on him alone!

Aren't you loyal?

Then let you sit through the bottom of the prison!

Xiao Zuo, tell Mr. Ning that we will go to Wufu Jewelry Main Store together! "


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