Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1849 Who told you that I lost?

After hearing what Chen Xinan said, the faces of the people around him were a little ugly.

Zhu Ming looked at Chen Xinan with a sidelong look, snorted coldly and said: "Boy, you are so arrogant!

Whose life can you take in my place?

You can't even protect your own life!

If you lose all your money and can't pay it back, I will let you know who is the boss here!"

Chen Xinan glanced at him and sneered with disdain.

Turning his head, he said to Huang Erlang: "Let's start!"

This obvious contemptuous attitude made Zhu Ming's face turn blue, but he couldn't get angry now, after all, the money hadn't been received yet!

He also glanced at Huang Erlang and said impatiently: "Mr. Huang, let's start!

If you want to chat, wait until he loses all his money and then you can chat enough!"

Huang Erlang said nothing more and said to Chen Xinan:

"In that case, let's start!

Let's play poker again, each person has three cards to compare the size.

It's just grabbing cards!

Is there any problem?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and made a gesture of invitation.

Huang Erlang brought a new deck of cards and asked Chen Xinan, "Do you want to check the cards?"

Chen Xinan waved his hand.

Huang Erlang opened the card box, took out the cards, and began to shuffle.

He made a few card-pulling movements, then took half of the cards with both hands, and rolled them up a few times with his forehand and backhand, like a peacock spreading its tail, which made people dazzled.

This fancy shuffling made a group of thugs stunned.

Chen Xinan looked calm, just watching indifferently.

"Please cut the cards!" Huang Erlang said to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan still shook his head.

Zhou Connie pulled the corner of Chen Xinan's clothes and whispered, "Don't be careless, he is..."

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at her. Although he didn't say a word, the coldness in his eyes still made her shut up quickly!

Huang Erlang also laughed angrily, snorted and looked at Chen Xinan and said, "Do you trust me or do you not take me seriously at all?"

Chen Xinan did not speak, waved his fingers a few times, meaning to stop talking and deal the cards quickly!

Huang Erlang's face was livid, and he said to Chen Xinan, "Let's play a little bigger.

No cards will be dealt, just touch them yourself!

The cards you can get are your own cards, do you dare to play?"

Chen Xinan stretched out his right hand, please!

Huang Erlang put the cards on the gambling table with his right hand, and then slowly pulled them to the right.

A deck of cards was pulled into a straight line, lying in front of the two people.

Huang Erlang glanced at Zhou Connie and said with a smile, "Miss, you come and shout to start!"

Zhou Connie's face turned pale and she glanced at Chen Xinan nervously.

This round of bets was so big that she had never seen it before.

She glanced at Chen Xinan, but found that the other party didn't even look at her, so naturally he wouldn't object.

Take a deep breath, Zhou Connie said, "Start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xinan had already reached out to take the cards.

With his eyes, he could naturally see the position of each card.

He wanted to take an Ace of Spades!

But just when his hand was about to touch the card, a hand suddenly stretched out from the opposite side and flicked it on Chen Xinan's hand!

Chen Xinan's fingers slowed down, and the card below was taken away, and his fingers fell on the card next to him!

If you touch the card, you have to take it. As a last resort, Chen Xinan had to take the card back, but he knew that it was definitely not an Ace of Spades!

Fortunately, there were still two cards!

Chen Xinan stretched out his right hand to another card again.

Just when his hand touched the Ace of Hearts, the other party's hand suddenly appeared again!

Like lightning, it flicked towards his fingers!

But this time Chen Xinan learned to be smart and pressed his wrist down to avoid the other party's flick.

He pressed the card with his fingertips and was about to drag it in front of him, but the other party flicked his hand again, and a card next to him cut under his fingertips like a knife, replacing the Ace of Hearts!

Chen Xinan was angry, put away the card that was no longer the Ace of Hearts, and grabbed the last card with both hands!

"Hey! What is that!" Zhu Ming pointed at him and shouted.

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

But at this moment of daze, Huang Erlang had already made a move and snatched the last card into his hand!

Chen Xinan also grabbed the wrong card because of nervousness, but he could no longer change it, so he could only take the last card back unwillingly.

"You are cheating!" Zhou Kangni stood up angrily.

Zhu Ming laughed and said: "Cheating? How could we cheat? I just reminded him to be careful, is that not okay?"

Zhou Kangni pointed at Huang Erlang and shouted: "But he is snatching other people's cards..."

Huang Erlang sneered and said with disdain: "If you don't take the cards away, they are not yours.

The original rule is that you can get your own cards, but there is no restriction.

This is allowed within the rules!"

Zhou Kangni was speechless.

Huang Erlang glanced at Chen Xinan, shook his head and said, "Young man, it's already very good to have your eyesight and hand speed.

If you hadn't met me, with your gambling skills, you could have made a lot of money in the casino!

But young man, you have to change your temper.

You must know that there are people who are better than you.

You think you are very powerful, but there are people who are more powerful than you who can suppress you!

If you talk too much and act too arrogantly, you will suffer the most in the end!"

Zhu Ming laughed loudly!

"Bring me my guillotine!

I not only want his money, but also chop off his hands!

You are so arrogant to me!

How dare you challenge me in Dongshan?

I'll kill you! "

Chen Xin'an had no expression on his face, looked at Huang Erlang and said, "Let's open the cards!"

Zhu Ming smiled evilly and cursed: "Why the hell are you still talking about this? Do you think you are losing or winning?"

Chen Xin'an ignored him and just stared at Huang Erlang.

"Okay, let's open the cards and let you know your loss!" Huang Erlang smiled slightly and lined up his three cards.

Opening the first card, it turned out to be the Ace of Spades, the second card was the Ace of Hearts, and the third card was the Ace of Diamonds!

Three Aces, the three highest cards!

"Hahaha!" Zhu Ming laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an proudly and cursed: "What the hell do you have to say now? Are you convinced that you lost?"

He walked to Chen Xin'an and wanted to put away his chips and the Golden Dragon card.

But Chen Xin'an grabbed his wrist and flicked it, and asked coldly: "What are you doing?"

Ju Ming sneered coldly and scolded him: "Are you so blind? Can't you see that you have already lost?

These things are all mine!

By the way, there are also your hands.

And this girl! "

He pointed at Connie Zhou and laughed.

Zhou Connie's face turned pale, she looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I'm sorry, it was me who hurt you!"

She turned her head and said to Ju Ming: "I'll stay, you let him go!"

Ju Ming raised his hand to give her a slap in the face: "Who the hell do you think you are..."


His wrist was grabbed.

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked, "Who told you that I lost?"

Ju Ming looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Huang Laodu has done this, so you still lose?

Do you have the same cards as him?

Then you are cheating!

I will make your life worse than death! "

"Reveal my cards!" Chen Xin'an looked at Ju Ming expressionlessly and said.

Ju Ming sneered coldly and said to him: "I will make you convinced that you lost. Do you want to open the cards? I will open them for you!"

He picked up the three cards in front of Chen Xin'an, flipped them over and slapped them on the gaming table!

2 clubs, 3 diamonds, 5 hearts!

The smallest card, if you pick up three cards at random with your eyes closed, they are all bigger than this card!

Ju Ming wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t!

Because no one can control this smallest deck of cards, only leopards!

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