Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1850 We don’t care about this matter

The three A's were the biggest leopard cards, but they were eaten by the three smallest 235's.

Everyone around the gambling table was dumbfounded!

Huang Erlang was also pale, watching this scene in disbelief.

He seemed to have thought of something, raised his head and looked at Chen Xinan in horror, and asked in a trembling voice:

"You knew from the beginning that I was going to grab the leopard?

So you deliberately let me grab it, but you took the smallest card?

This was your plan from the beginning?"

Chen Xinan shrugged his shoulders and said with disdain: "How can a master like you prove your gambling skills if you don't take the biggest leopard card?"

Huang Erlang's face turned pale, pointing at Chen Xinan and said: "You... who are you?"

Chen Xinan grinned and said: "I am just a little gambler with a bad temper.

Thank you for letting me see that there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens."

Huang Erlang was so ashamed that he could hardly raise his head. He sighed and said: "It is true that the waves behind push the waves ahead! I lost, and I am convinced!"

Chen Xinan curled his lips and sneered, and said to Zhou Kangni: "Put away the chips you won and exchange them!"

Zhou Kangni did not recover from this huge contrast, and still stared at the cards on the table with unbelievable eyes.

She never dreamed that Chen Xin'an would be so bold!

He dared to use the smallest card to eat the biggest card!

If Mr. Huang's hand trembled and he didn't get the leopard, he would lose miserably!

After being reminded by Chen Xin'an, she came to her senses and quickly stood up to collect the chips.

But there was a bang, and a chair fell on the gambling table!

Zhu Ming's face was ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said to her: "Did I let you move?

Who dares to move?

These are all mine, no one can take them away!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said coldly: "You don't admit your loss?"

"What if I don't admit it?" Zhu Ming gritted his teeth and cursed: "This is my territory!"

Huang Erlang sighed and said: "Mr. Zhu, since you lost, then..."

Zhu Ming cursed: "Shut up! Useless thing, what's the point of me spending so much money to support you, an old waste!

You can't even win a hand of cards, and in the end I still have to rely on myself to do it!"

Huang Erlang's face was ashen and gloomy.

Zhu Ming pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed: "You son of a bitch, you dare to cheat in my place!

No one in Dongshan dares to do this to me, Zhu Ming!

I'm going to get you today, no one can stop me!

Let you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the finger he pointed at, and broke it out.


The finger broke with a sound!


Zhu Ming screamed loudly like a pig being slaughtered, shouting: "Kill him! Do it!"

Just then, with a loud bang, the door of the box was kicked open!

Li Qi, Guan Fei, and Guan Du walked in from outside. Outside the open door, a large group of casino thugs were lying on the ground in a mess.

Li Qi smiled and said to Chen Xinan: "These grandsons went upstairs to cause trouble for Xiao Fei and the others. I knew something happened downstairs!" Chen Xinan frowned, and Zhu Ming, who was not far away, asked: "Did he arrange people to check up there just now?" Guan Fei scratched his head and said: "Just now, a man in a suit said that he had arranged a box for us, and then took us there. But after we went in, they locked the door tightly and didn't let anyone out! Bova knocked them all down, and the two of us happened to meet Brother Qi, so we came down together! Chen Xinan shook his head helplessly, looked at Zhu Ming and said: "You are really a scumbag!" Zhu Ming gritted his teeth and said to a group of thugs: "What the hell are you all standing here for! Beat them to death..."

At this moment, Chen Xinan suddenly rushed in front of him, kicked the thugs next to him to the ground, and then grabbed Zhu Ming's hair!

At the same time, Li Qi and the Guan brothers and sisters also rushed towards the group of thugs!

Zhu Ming felt that his scalp was pulled off, and he screamed in pain, and shouted to Huang Erlang next to him: "What are you doing? Call someone!"

Huang Erlang had a gloomy face and said nothing.

But a group of people appeared at the door, all holding machetes and steel pipes in their hands, slashing at Chen Xinan and the others!

Chen Xinan lifted Zhu Ming's hair, made him look up, and said coldly:

"Don't be arrogant with me, talk nonsense, you will die, do you understand?"

"I understand! Kill me if you have the guts!" Zhu Ming gritted his teeth and cursed with a ferocious face:

"You dare to do this to me, I will kill you!

Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know! "Chen Xinan reached up with his right hand and pulled out a large piece of Zhu Ming's hair, along with a piece of bloody scalp!

Zhu Ming screamed in pain and kept cursing.

But Chen Xinan grabbed his hair again to prevent him from breaking free!

"Let Zhu Shao go!" A burly man appeared at the door, staring at Zhu Ming's current appearance and shouted.

The thugs around breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Brother Hua is here! Now these bastards can't leave!"

Brother Hua rushed over and ran straight to Chen Xinan.

But at this moment, Guan Fei rushed over from the side and collided with him with a bang.

The two of them collided with each other physically, without even any defense, and then fell to the ground at the same time!

But he stood up at the same time, looked at the other party with burning eyes, and rushed forward desperately!

At this moment, someone yelled: "You old man, get away! Can't you see what's going on inside?"

Another old man came to the door of the box and strode in.

The thug who just spoke to him slapped his shoulder with a stick and cursed: "Are you deaf?"

Unexpectedly, the old man suddenly hit the thug in the stomach with a cannon. He hit him so hard that he spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Kehua, stop!" The old man strode in and shouted to Brother Hua.

Brother Hua stopped, took a step back, and shouted in surprise: "Master, why are you here?"

The old man snorted and cursed: "Why, I can't come? I've been here for almost half a month!

You told me that you were going to make a fortune with your uncle, and you came to this shabby place? "

"I..." Brother Hua's face turned red and he didn't dare to defend himself.

The old man ignored him, turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile: "Boy, I just said you won money here, it's not easy to take it away!"

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said, "What, you're here to stop me too? Huang Sangou!"

This old man is the one who just collected a hundred chips with Chen Xin'an outside.

Huang Sangou grinned and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not from here.

I just came to see my apprentice, this guy is a stick, and he was kidnapped by my second brother in just a few words! "

"Sangou, don't talk nonsense here! I didn't ask Kehua to come, he followed him himself!" Huang Erlang cursed with a dark face.

It turns out that these two are still brothers!

Those thugs and waiters never dreamed that this Huang Sangou, who usually looked slovenly, was actually the master of Sun Kehua, the boss of the show!

Those who usually scolded him for bullying him were all frightened at this moment!

"Tell your people to stop, we don't care about this!" Huang Sangou said to Sun Kehua.

"Yes!" Sun Kehua responded, clapped his hands and said, "Stop! Get out!"

A group of thugs who originally besieged Li Qi and the Guan brothers and sisters suddenly withdrew more than half of them!

"A bunch of rip-off bastards!" Zhu Ming gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and gritted his teeth and said, "If you have the guts, let me make a call!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and let go of his hand.

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