Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1938 Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance

This kind of display screen is not very clear, but it is still readable.

What is playing now is the case information transferred from the city bureau on Chen Xin'an's mobile phone.

It's all about Popda Corporation.

What Glary was shown was only part of it, and now these are more detailed information.

Looking at the shocking scenes played on the video, a group of leaders all lowered their heads.

There are even many people who appear in the picture.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to pause and said to Han Cungao: "This is your star enterprise in Xihe, and this is your big taxpayer!

I don’t understand, is it possible that as long as it gives enough taxes and fees to Xihe, it can be superior to all Chinese people?

Leader Han, how much do you know about these things? "

Han Cungao took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I know you won't believe anything I say now.

But I still have to say in my defence, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t even believe it was real.

No one has ever reported this to me! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

This is not difficult to understand.

The higher you are in a position of power, the further away you are from true evil.

Because the people below report good news but not bad news, and everything reported is filtered through layers of filters!

Han Cungao turned his head, glared at Cai Yingwu and shouted: "Cai Yingwu, what have you done behind my back these years!"

Cai Yingwu's face was pale, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat!

With a joking sneer on her lips, Chen Xin'an pointed at the three people in the air and said:

“I just used them to catch a few fish, but I didn’t expect to catch so many!

A company that does not regard the Chinese people as human beings has so many leaders standing up for it and supporting it. No wonder it is so arrogant!

Leader Han, every one of these people who appeared tonight must be dealt with! "

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Han Cungao also said nervously: "Mr. Chen, if you do this, there will be big trouble!

It can even cause official work to get into trouble!

I want to report it to Mr. Fang. Without his instructions, I dare not do this! "

"Then I don't care!" Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said:

"All I need to see is that they won't be at their original posts tomorrow morning!

If you need to go in, go in, if you need to go down, go on!

Even if there is one, none of them can escape!

Don't look at me with unconvinced eyes and feel that you are innocent!

I will send you the addresses of a few people, and you can go and have a look at their homes.

Go and see with your own eyes whether they are living a human life!

If it weren't for your maintenance and connivance, they would have fallen to this point! "

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an pointed upward and shouted to Li Qi: "Aqi!"

Li Qi got off the car, nodded to him, climbed onto the roof of the car, and lowered the three people hanging in the air.

Looking at the bloody Robert, some leaders turned pale.

Many of them had good personal relationships with the Prince of Popuda, but they never expected that he would be beaten like this.

Li Qi took Robert's feet and dragged him in front of everyone.

Only then did everyone realize that this was actually a corpse!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Song Lezhang, bent down, grabbed his hair, and lifted him up.

After being hung for several hours, Song Lezhang was now a little delirious.

At this moment, he opened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an and murmured: "Let me go? I'm just a nobody, you don't have to treat me like this, right?

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "You're right!

In my eyes, you are like an ant.

In this matter, you are just an insignificant person.

But it is a little person like you who has done so many bad things for Popda!

The woman who was kicked by Gullali and had a miscarriage died in your hands, right?

You people enjoy China's various benefits and preferential treatment, and you have achieved today's achievements.

Just like those people! "

He pointed at the leaders around him.

Everyone looked embarrassed and embarrassed.

Chen Xin'an ignored what they thought and just said with a calm face:

"You never think about who gave you what you have now.

Who gave you everything you have now.

Just accept a small favor from these Eagle Banner people.

I feel like they are your great benefactors, great saviors, and your good friends!

Help them do evil and do all kinds of evil!

Willingly become a traitor!

You little people are more hateful than these Eagle Banner people!

You said, why should I let such a traitor and such a loser go? "

"No!" Song Lezhang shouted in horror after seeing the murderous intent in Chen Xin'an's eyes.

But Chen Xin'an squeezed his cervical vertebrae with a click!

The movement was crisp and neat, like breaking the neck of a little chicken!

In less than a minute, Song Lezhang's face turned from white to red, then red to purple, and finally turned into black gray, and his breathing slowly stopped.

A group of leaders did not expect that Chen Xin'an would dare to kill someone in front of them!

But thinking about his identity, I felt there was nothing wrong with it.

He is originally a big shot who holds the power of life and death for others!

There was silence all around, even Han Cungao looked shocked and remained silent.

Cai Yingwu's face turned pale and his legs trembled.

Chen Xin'an walked to Galli's side, grabbed her hair, lifted her head, and asked her to face the leaders.

"This is what gives you the confidence to do evil in Xihe, right?

But now, if I kill you in front of them, no one will dare to say no!

Your husband no longer wants you, your son is dead, and your life is useless.

Let me send you to accompany your son! "

"No!" Greili didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly shouted, saying to Chen Xin'an: "Don't kill me!"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "Give me a reason!"

"I know all of Diesel's secrets," Glory cried.

"What about?" Chen Xin'an said with a sneer.

Glaery's eyes widened and he said, "Diesel is a lurker!

He has a secret monitoring center in Bopuda that monitors Xihe officials and some more important companies.

He will send this data to his superiors at any time.

I know where this monitoring center is! "


A group of leaders fell down several times!

If Diesel is a lurker, they're in big trouble!

What's even more frightening is that they originally thought they had a good relationship with Diesel, but they didn't expect that they were actually being monitored by this guy!

Sure enough, Chen Xin'an let go of his hand, stood up, looked at Glaery and said, "Take me to that place, if you cooperate well, I will spare your life!

Otherwise, I will let your family of three get together in hell! "

Everyone was shocked. The meaning of this sentence was obvious. Chen Xin'an had no intention of letting Diesel go!

He didn't even plan to hand him over to the authorities, but wanted to kill him with his own hands!

Han Cungao said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what do you need me to do now?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the leaders around him and said: "Do what you should do. And from now on, don't worry about anything!"

Han Cungao took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Xin'an dragged Galli to the car and threw him into the car.

There were still three people squatting in the carriage, and they were Greli's three bodyguards.

Chen Xin'an said to them expressionlessly: "You know what you are going to do later, right?

Don't say I didn't give you a chance!

If you still dare to ignore right from wrong, I don't mind killing a few more! "

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