Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1939 You are not an ordinary housewife

The minibus drove into the Bopuda factory area. Because the president's wife was in the car, the guard did not stop it.

Walking in from the west gate, ten minutes later, Glaery pointed to an eight-story building and said:

“That’s the administrative office building, and Diesel’s secret room is on the top floor.

I've been there once, but that damn guy was on guard against me and wouldn't let me go up! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her, and Greli quickly said: "But I know the password! I can take you in!"

The car stopped in the parking lot of the factory and everyone walked towards the office building.

Greili pointed to the three bodyguards and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm going to take you up. These three people can't follow. Let them go!"

Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Diding and let the three of them go.

Seeing the three of them turn around and leave, Greili coughed twice.

The three of them turned to look at her.

Glaery exchanged a quick look with them, then turned around.

A sneer appeared on Chen Xin'an's lips, and she shook her head at Li Qi beside her.

The three of them entered the office building and prepared to take the elevator up.

While waiting for the elevator, several patrolling security guards came over.

Greli winked at them quickly and took two steps back.

The three security guards frowned, and their eyes fell on Chen Xin'an and Li Qi. They put their right hands to their waists, walked over quickly and shouted, "What do you do?"

Chen Xin'an ignored it, and Li Qi turned around and walked towards them expressionlessly.

At this moment, the walkie-talkies on the three of them rang: "Each group, please answer when you hear it!"

One of them picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "I am from the second team, please tell me something!"

The person on the intercom said: "Each group will immediately put down everything at hand and return to the security team for a meeting!"

"Copy that!" the man replied, then glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, turned to his two companions and said, "Let's go back!"

The three of them left quickly, but Glaery was dumbfounded.

Feeling Chen Xin'an looking at her with a half-smile, Greli quickly turned his head.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and asked her, "Are you disappointed?"

Glaery's eyes evaded and he forced a smile and said: "What are you talking about? I don't understand! The elevator is here, let's go in!"

With a ding, the elevator opened.

The three of them entered together. Greli pressed the button for the eighth floor, and then huddled in the corner, looking pitiful.

But her hands kept making some strange gestures on her chest.

Li Qi suddenly turned around and grabbed her neck!

Glaery was startled and looked at the young man in surprise.

Li Qi's eyes showed a frightening cold light and said to her: "Are you from the special department of the Eagle Flag Country?"

"What did you say?" Greli asked tremblingly.

Li Qi snorted coldly and shouted: "You think I don't understand the Eagle Flag Country's tactical sign language? You are not a simple housewife, are you? Who are you calling the police?"

"Ding!" The elevator reached the eighth floor. As the elevator door opened, the man in black robes who was ambushing outside raised his pistol and pointed it at the inside of the elevator car.

But there was no one inside!

Strange, where are the people?

Several men in black robes walked in with pistols raised, but at this moment, a man suddenly jumped out of the elevator car!

The man in black robe who had obviously received training immediately pulled the trigger!

Bang bang bang!

After a burst of gunfire, the man standing at the front shouted and raised his hands.

The person in the elevator was shot several times and was already killed!

But she is Glaery!

At this moment, her mouth was bleeding, her eyes were wide open, and she looked dead.

Maybe she didn't expect that she didn't die in the hands of these two Chinese people, but was beaten to death by the person she originally called to rescue her!

"Fake!" A man in black robe cursed and approached the elevator.

He raised his head and took a look. The roof above was lifted, but it was empty. There was nothing except the elevator cable.

Where have people gone?

Several men in black robes looked at each other.

One person's eyes suddenly widened and he pointed in the direction of the stairs.

Everyone turned around and rushed over quickly!

As soon as the man in black robe at the front reached the corner of the corridor, a hand rushed in and strangled his neck!

In a crisis, he immediately used his left hand to push through the gap between his chest and the opponent's arm, breaking the opponent's restraint!

It's just that the other party has no intention of subduing him with one move.

When his attention fell on his neck, the other hand held his right hand.

At the same time, he involuntarily raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at his companions behind him!

The three companions were shocked. There would be no place for cover around them for a while. If they wanted to survive, they had to strike first!

Choo Choo Choo!

There was a burst of gunfire with a silencer, and the entire corridor turned into a battlefield!

In just one minute, the battle was over!

Chen Xin'an walked out from behind the side door holding a tiger-tooth knife with a look of helplessness on his face.

In such a battle, there is no need for him to take action at all.

For Li Qi, this is the place where he can best perform!

However, the moment the four men in black robes hit the hostage in front of them with the first bullet, the battle was almost over.

He had the corner of the corridor as body cover and a hostage as a shield.

Although the opponent had three people, they had no cover, so they stood still and let him fight.

If this team can't be wiped out, then this elite among the elites of the Sky Patrol Eagles is in vain!

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Chen Xinan said unhappily: "Leave at least two for me!"

Li Qi said helplessly: "I want to, but the key is that my strength doesn't allow it! These guys are too weak. When they go out in full force, I promise to leave two for the boss!"

Is this what a human would say?

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Just then, a click sounded not far away, as if something was rolling on the ground.

Li Qi shouted to Chen Xinan: "Boss, turn your head, close your eyes! Cover your ears!"

Chen Xinan didn't say anything nonsense, he just closed his eyes and pressed his ears hard with both hands!

Almost at the moment when he blocked his ears, his eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a bang in his ears!

Shock bomb!

Fortunately, Li Qi reminded him, otherwise at this time, he would definitely be temporarily blind and deaf!

"Go!" Li Qi shouted to him and quickly rushed in the direction he came from.

The two rushed to the stairs one after the other, picking up all the pistols that fell on the ground!

Behind them, several men in black appeared in the smoke. Walker looked at the corpse on the ground with a gloomy face, waved his arm to the black-robed man beside him, and chased after him.

At this moment, the alarm in the factory suddenly rang!

In the middle of the night, the piercing alarm scared everyone.

Even in the dormitory area, employees who were not on night shifts woke up and turned on the lights in their rooms.

Employees who were on night shifts also ran out of the factory, and someone shouted: "There's a fire! Put out the fire!"

A group of people quickly rushed to the place where the angry flames were rolling, and the whole factory was in chaos.


The door was knocked open, and Chen Xin'an and Li Qi quickly ran in. At the moment when a black shadow flashed at the door, Li Qi fired a shot through the door, and the other party fell to the ground in response!

Really not a human!

Chen Xin'an grinned.

He can do this kind of shooting, but his consciousness can't do it.

This is the difference between him and this special warfare elite!

The room was dark, so the two had no idea where they were.

Chen Xinan grabbed a chair beside him and threw it hard at the window!

With a crash, the window glass shattered!

The two quickly ran to the window, but squatted down by the window and quietly hid aside.

A group of black-robed people rushed in!

At the same time, Chen Xinan and Li Qi, who were hiding in the dark, fired at the same time!

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