Even if the police call the police and arrest Dao Lei, Chen Xin'an will get him out.

Let you harass Ye Zhen again!

Catherine had a look of despair on her face, turned her head and looked at Dao Lei angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "I won't let you go! I'm going to call the police! I'm going to put you in jail!"

Dao Lei said with a look of shame on his face: "If this can make you feel better, then go call the police!

I'm willing to accept any punishment! "

Catherine cursed angrily: "Going to jail is already the greatest kindness to you!

You bastard should be hanged!

Don't think that if you look like you regret it, I will relent!

I also know that everyone here is your friend.

So, you either kill me!

If you don’t kill me, then I will call the police. I don’t believe that even the police are your people!

Even if you kneel in front of me and cry bitterly to ask me to let you go, it will be of no use! "

Dao Lei stood up, looked at her and said:

"Kneel down and cry bitterly, don't even think about it!

I don’t regret it either.

Of course I don’t admit that I’m wrong.

But I can compensate! "

After saying that, he directly carried Catherine on his shoulders all night!

"Put me down!" Catherine screamed loudly and struggled hard.

It's a pity that her strength is nothing compared to Dao Lei!

"What are you going to do? You bastard! You can kill me right here if you want! Where are you taking me?"

Dao Lei hehe said: "I'm going to jail soon anyway, so I'll force you a few more times!

Don't you want compensation?

I'll make it up to you in bed! "


Chen Xin'an and everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence.

Dao Lei, who had just walked to the door, turned back, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Um...boss, did I take everyone away?"

Chen Xinan's lungs hurt from anger.

You've got it all on your shoulders, so why bother asking?

"Get out of here!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand without curiosity.

Dao Lei said happily: "Thank you, boss!"

Then he bent down again, picked up Juliet, put it on the other shoulder, and strode out!

Everyone's eyes were about to pop out, and they all said in unison: "Beast!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman with a dark face and asked, "Did you teach me this?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said seriously: "You taught me!"

It was almost dawn, and the blood in the garage had been washed away.

Chen Xin'an patted Luo Xiaoman on the shoulder and said, "We are so damn close friends!

You don't spend your wedding night in bed with your wife.

I'm in the hospital and can't come back.

You're right outside the window, and you can't get in even after climbing up and down several times.

Okay, everyone takes three days off and has a good rest!

They all go back to their homes, each looking for their own mother! "

Li Qi came over, pointed to the two buckets by the wall and said, "Boss, what should I do with those things? Why not leave them to me..."

"Don't even think about it!" Chen Xin'an smiled and patted Li Qi on the shoulder and said:

"Tell Zuo Meng to be more honest!

After you retire, you must abide by local rules.

There are some things you just can't touch, no matter how privileged you are!

This is the bottom line for us to get along with the above.

Give the stuff to Sungalo and let him handle it! "

Li Qi nodded helplessly.

Xiao Zhang pushed the wheelchair out of the garage and entered the elevator.

"It's not over yet, is it? What do you need me to do?" Xiao Zhang asked Chen Xin'an after the elevator door closed.

Chen Xin'an took out a pistol and handed it to his hand.

"Longxing K bullet. This gun is an imitation mKL59, and only we in China can make it!"

It turned out to be something produced by an underground forging point in Guanbei.

But last year, I personally served this point!

So, how did these killers get their hands on these guns? "

Xiao Zhang frowned and asked him, "Is Mr. Yu involved in this matter?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded, took a deep breath and said, "But I suspect she has not come back.

So there should still be her cronies in Kyoto.

I want to find him out! "

Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be out and about these two days, and I'll let you know as soon as I have any news!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Rest first, and then contact Sun Galuo after you get enough sleep.

He should have useful information there! "

Xiao Zhang put the pistol into his pocket and nodded.

The elevator door opened, Xiao Zhang pushed the wheelchair out and whispered: "Luo Su and his people..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Leave it to Mr. Luo and Aman to deal with it, we won't interfere!"

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang nodded and sent Chen Xin'an into the room.

He slept for two days and two nights. During this period, his wife even brought food to the bedside to feed him, and then he continued to sleep.

Chen Xin'an had never slept for so long in one breath, and this time she made up for it.

After waking up, I was in good spirits, and the injuries on my body had begun to scab!

With a physique like his, he did not die on the spot. Once he received treatment, it would not be easy to die.

But after only three days, there were signs of scabbing, which even he thought was an exaggeration.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Those two monkey pills worked! More effective than any medicine!

The pigeons crush it and fill it with water for you to drink. The effect is great! "

Chen Xin'an widened his eyes and asked, "Did I eat the last two pills? Those are the ones I left for you!"

Ning Xiruo gently leaned her head on his shoulder and said, "You need it more than me! Your body is naturally resistant to drugs. Since this thing works for you, I will give you as much as you need!"

Husband, you are the backbone of our family, you must not fall!

Otherwise I..."

Chen Xin'an kissed her, sighed and said, "Actually, I just want to be a door-to-door son-in-law who eats and waits for death.

I don't care about being a pillar or anything like that! "

"You hate it!" Ning Xiruo punched his shoulder gently and angrily.

Of course she knows that her man is not just talking, he really thinks so!

He originally wanted to get out of bed, but Ning Xiruo held his shoulders and said, "You're not feeling well yet, please rest for two more days!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "If I take a rest, Dalei Zi won't be able to do it!"

Catherine is more than just a talker.

People's outlook on life is different from that of normal people. What Dao Lei did was not as simple as challenging people's bottom line.

This is much more serious than breaking an upright man.

According to Chen Xin'an's estimation, Dao Lei must have grown a full beard in the detention center by now, right?

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, picked up the phone, and said softly: "He's awake, come here!"

After Chen Xin'an washed up and put on some clothes, when she walked to the living room, people at home had already come over.

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi both widened their eyes when they saw Chen Xin'an walking around the living room without a wheelchair.

Isn’t this recovery speed too scary?

"Old Chen, what kind of medicine did you take? You healed so quickly!" Luo Xiaoman circled around Chen Xin'an, his eyes widening like bull's eyes.

Li Qi seemed not to be surprised.

The boss's physique is almost that of a demon, so everything happens as a matter of course.

"Where's Lao Xiao?" Chen Xin'an asked.

Li Qi said: "Brother Zhang has been running around outside these two days, and we rarely see him!"

Chen Xin'an nodded. It seemed that Xiao Zhang was still searching for information about that matter.

He looked at Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to the city bureau today to see if Daleizi is in serious trouble..."

Before he finished speaking, the elevator dinged and opened.

Dao Lei walked out with Juliet in his arms.

Catherine walked out of the elevator, put her arms around Dao Lei's neck and kissed him on the face:

"Darling, I'm going to work first. Wait for me when I come back in the evening!"

(pS: Brothers, Lao Qi is sick and has a high fever of 39 degrees. It’s so painful! I owe two chapters. I’ll make up for it when Lao Qi can get up!)

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