Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1987 Go back and bring me something

What's going on? !

Chen Xin'an was dumbfounded.

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi looked not surprised.

When Dao Lei came over with Juliet in his arms, Chen Xin'an asked him, "Then the foreign woman won't sue you?"

Dao Lei said to Chen Xin'an seriously: "Boss, watch your words!

You can call her sister-in-law or sister-in-law.

Just can't call her a foreign woman! "

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "I'll give you a big competition bag!"

Dao Lei ran over with a playful smile and said to Chen Xin'an with a shy face: "Boss, if you say you want to marry a foreign woman, the country doesn't care, right?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "Even if you marry a sheep, no one else will bother to care about you!"

Dao Lei touched his chin, nodded and said, "What about marrying two?"

"Huh?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and glanced at Dao Lei.

Then he looked at Juliet, who was in his arms. She couldn't be called a sweetheart, but she was absolutely honest and sweet. She couldn't help but feel curious in her heart.

"How did you surrender? You kid, are you really powerful?"

Dao Lei hehe said: "It depends on your strength! Anyway, as long as you sue me, you can carry it directly into the bedroom and throw it on the bed.

Let me experience the strength of our Chinese men!

At first I was still struggling, but later on I became more energetic and even more addicted than me.

I really want to wake up from her tormenting me even if I sleep!

She told me that she wanted to stay in China forever and marry me!

Because I feel that I am a real man in China! "

After the guy finished speaking, he clenched his fists, made a strong arm bending motion, and said with a look of embarrassment: "I think she's right!"

"To your sister!" Luo Xiaoman kicked her and scolded him: "How the hell are you a real man? You are just an animal!"

Can I have a face?

There is no place you dare not stay on the living room balcony!

I have to draw the curtains! "

"Yu Zetao! I dug out your eyeballs and used them as yo-yos to play with!" Dao Lei cursed with a dark face and gritted teeth.

Chen Xin'an rubbed her eyebrows and said helplessly: "Dalei, let me tell you this, it's okay to marry one, but not two.

Marry one person and live a life of three together. As long as they don't object, no one can stop you!

Do you understand? "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said with disdain: "Dalei Zi, didn't you say that this girl doesn't want to leave?"

"Yes!" Dao Lei said nonchalantly: "She wanted to go back to China, but I said the boss didn't allow it and didn't let her go!"

Your mother!

Does this allow me to take the blame for you?

Dao Lei said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, that house in Building 42 was bought by that bullshit honorary dean.

Let this little secretary serve the more important guests here.

What we saw that night was Juliet and that Pang Qianzhang.

I didn’t expect that kid was not only unattractive, but also useless. He only lasted less than three minutes..."

"Tell me the important point!" Chen Xin'an said with a dark face and frowned at Dao Lei.

Dao Lei said awkwardly: "There was a guest in the room above who gave Elke a black bag.

What should be inside is a pistol!

Juliet didn't see clearly at the time, and Elk wouldn't let her know more about these things.

But when Elke took the bag away, the customer said, be careful of fire! "

The living room fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Juliet.

Chen Xin'an walked up to her, suddenly grabbed her neck and lifted her up!

"Boss!" Dao Lei exclaimed, but Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi immediately waved their hands to stop him.

Dao Lei just sat back on the sofa obediently, looking at Juliet with a look of pity, but also determination.

Dao Lei didn't care about this woman as much as he did Catherine.

Except in bed of course.

Even though this foreign woman looks a bit stupid, she seems to have a deep understanding of this kind of thing and knows how to please a man.

In comparison, Catherine seems extremely raw.

Of course, this rawness is relative.

The way he treats women is more novel than that of a grown man like him!

Even Dao Lei thought it was an eye-opener.

That's why this guy wants to marry two.

Anyway, if Catherine didn’t object, he would be happy to do it!

A bad smell came from Juliet.

Her mouth opened wide, her face turned red, and her jeans were all soaked!

Depend on!

Chen Xin'an just lifted her and threw her into the bathroom, scolding Dao Lei angrily:

"Get her clean! Who the hell is this person? Incontinent when scared?"

Dao Lei said helplessly: "I was just like the boss I told you, she has become like this since that night.

Don't scare her in person, she'll wet her pants if you speak louder! "

Chen Xin'an is now sure that this woman is not pretending to be dementia.

Even though he has regained some consciousness now, he still can't bear the fright.

This is caused by nervous system disorders and excessive secretion of adrenal hormones.

You can't fake this symptom.

Juliet collapsed on the ground, crying and shouting: "Don't kill me!

You can do anything you want me to do! "

As she spoke, she began to tear off her clothes.

Chen Xin'an said to Dao Lei helplessly: "Take her back! What the hell is this!"

Li Qi quickly asked: "Who is that person? Can she tell it now?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "In this case, there is only fear, and you will not remember anything!"

Dao Lei also shook his head and said: "I don't know when I'm awake. I asked her, but I don't know her. Elk didn't mention the other party's name in front of her either!"

Is this clue broken again?

Chen Xin'an frowned.

A voice came from the living room: "I know!"

Xiao Zhang came back from outside with a bag in his hand and said to Chen Xin'an:

"It's Zhang Sui'an!

At the property security office, I found out that this car had entered the Four Seasons Flower City.

This is Zhang Sui'an's car! "

"This bastard!" Luo Xiaoman scolded with a cold snort:

"I didn't like him on the wedding day!

I don’t know who invited me here!

If I had met him in the past two days, I would have settled a score with him! "

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "You can't see him anymore!

This morning, someone found this car on the Grand Canal, and there was a body inside, it was Zhang Sui'an!

This guy is also a descendant of the Zhang family.

Maybe Mr. Jade's dark chess left in Kyoto is him! "

Mr. Yu is Zhang Jiayu.

Zhang Jihai gave her own life in exchange for her chance to survive.

It's a pity that this woman doesn't seem to cherish this opportunity!

Do you really want to die?

Do you really think that you can sit back and relax by hiding abroad?

Chen Xinan asked Dao Lei to take Juliet away.

But when passing by the living room, Juliet turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in her eyes and asked, "Can you let me go back to China?"

Chen Xin'an pointed at Dao Lei and said, "Ask him. If he lets you go, I have no objection!"

Juliet looked at Dao Lei pitifully.

Although he was a little reluctant, Dao Lei still sighed and said to her: "I will help you book a flight tomorrow!"

"Thank you!" Juliet said gratefully: "I will serve you well tonight!"

Everyone was too embarrassed to listen anymore.

Chen Xin'an suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

He turned back to the bedroom and came out after a while, holding a card and an envelope.

"There is an address on it. Go back and do something for me and put this thing at this address."

Li Qi took a look and saw a skull on the card with two knives underneath.

Only now, the two knives have turned into two strings of red stars.

This is the first time since the Black List Killing Order appeared in the world that the order was reversed!


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