Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2222 I want to take this baby out

The gunmen were eliminated and everything fell silent.

Zhang Jian made a gesture to Li Qi, who squatted at the door with a gun on guard.

Li Qi quickly ran to Luo Xiaoman, raised his arms, and dragged him to a safe place at the door.

"Brother Man, don't scare me!" Li Qi was so anxious that his eyes were red.

He has not been in Chen Xin'an's team for a long time, but he has a good relationship with everyone.

Luo Xiaoman usually jokingly competes with him for favor, saying that after you come, Old Chen will have a new person and forget the old one.

In fact, he also knew that this was a joke.

Luo Xiaoman also admired him very much. He got along like a brother and took good care of him.

If Luo Xiaoman's awareness of danger hadn't been sharper just now, both he and Instructor Zhang would have been injured!

Seeing Luo Xiaoman covered in blood in front of him, Li Qi groped around him anxiously and kept saying:

"Brother Man, where are you injured?

tell me!

Hold on, I'll carry you out to find the boss.

He can definitely save you! "

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman in his arms coughed and cursed feebly: "Boy, have you touched enough?"

We are all brothers, you are so cruel to take advantage of me! "

"Brother Man, are you okay?!" Li Qi shouted in surprise.

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "Look at me like this, do I look like I'm fine? My bones are about to fall apart now!"

Zhang Jian shouted: "Aman, where was he shot? Tell us quickly and deal with it in time!"

Luo Xiaoman touched his body and hissed: "It seems like he was shot in the chest..."

Li Qi and Zhang Ji'an felt nervous. Just as they were about to run over to check, they heard Luo Xiaoman continue:

“But I didn’t get in, I was still wearing a body armor!

But it hurts so much!

It's like being stabbed several times...

No, it hurts more than getting a knife! "

Li Qi and Zhang Jian looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he didn't get hit, of course they know the feeling of a bullet hitting a bulletproof vest.

Even they who have withstood countless bullets and bullets cannot bear it.

But now that Luo Xiaoman is fine, the two of them are relieved.

It was really scary to see him covered in blood.

Li Qi squatted in front of Luo Xiaoman and said to him: "Brother Man, I will carry you on my back!"

With a heavy weight on his shoulders, Li Qigang wanted to help Luo Xiaoman lie on his back, but found that the other party had already helped him stand up and gave him a light kick on the butt.

"Okay, it's not that far! Brother Man, you're not that pretentious! Let's go in and see what's inside!"

The three of them approached the iron gate and saw many corpses lying scattered in front of them.

Li Qi and Zhang Jian bent down to look for ammunition clips on the corpse. When they saw bullets of the same type, they took them over to refill the ammunition.

Under the dim light, Li Qi saw a row of circuit control boxes on the wall not far away. He walked over and pushed up all the switches.

It became brighter in front of them, and the three of them noticed that there was a long corridor in front of them, with iron doors on both sides.

This pattern is a bit like...


There was a sudden crashing sound from the iron door next to it, which startled the three of them!

Immediately afterwards, more and more iron doors heard violent collisions!

Zhang Jian walked to the iron door next to him and opened a small iron plate on it, revealing a small window.

Inside is a small, bare room...

Before Zhang Jian could see clearly, a man suddenly lay on the iron door inside, looking straight at him!

One eye was wide open, but the other eye was bleeding with yellow pus, and there were some white maggots crawling on it!

Through the iron gate, Zhang Jian could smell a disgusting stench!

"Ugh!" Zhang Jian took two steps back and said to the two people beside him: "This is a prison!"

Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman also noticed it and nodded together.

Unexpectedly, there is such a prison hidden under the Killer Alliance.

Looking at the size, there are quite a few people locked up inside.

Who are these people?

Although none of the three people know each other, one thing is certain, these people are all enemies of the Killer Alliance, otherwise they would not be locked up here!

"Instructor Zhang, do you want to release these people?" Li Qi glanced at Zhang Jian. The boss was not here, and it was Instructor Zhang who made the decision.

Zhang Jian frowned and said, "We don't know these people, and we don't know what they do.

We cannot predict the consequences if it is released! Brother Man, what do you think? "

Luo Xiaoman rubbed his chest and curled his lips and said: "Consequences? What does it have to do with us? This is not China!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

So when our friends are in trouble, we have to help! "

As he spoke, he had already walked to the iron gate next to him, holding a gold coin and preparing to throw it in.

But after looking for a long time, I couldn't find where the coin slot was. How could I open the door?

Li Qi said to Luo Xiaoman and Zhang Jian: "Places like this are usually controlled by electric gates.

There is a dedicated control room, not here. "

Luo Xiaoman and Zhang Jian nodded, and the three of them had to leave here first.

After coming out of the underground prison, the gunshots outside were much sparser than before.

They vaguely heard the roar of a car and the screams of people. The three of them looked at each other and immediately rushed towards the direction of the sound.

In a spacious underground garage, a Hummer was rampaging.

A group of killers fled in panic, and several vehicles tried to intercept the Humvee, but were instantly blasted by the heavy machine gun raised from the roof of the Humvee!

Luo Xiaoman and the other three were dumbfounded!

Isn't this too fierce?

Seeing a group of killers rushing towards the three of them, the three of them were not polite, they raised their guns and shot!

A group of killers fell to the ground in a daze.

They were chased by a lunatic driving a Hummer. They finally found the exit, but they didn't expect that they would still die!

Seeing the killers who wanted to escape falling to the ground and dying, the people in the Humvee also discovered Luo Xiaoman and the others.


The car stopped sideways, and the door next to it opened. Xiao Zhang was sitting in the driver's seat, waving to the three of them and shouting: "Come up! Hurry up, let's go find the boss!"

The three of them quickly got into the car and closed the door.

Looking at Xiao Zhang who looked excited, the three of them were speechless.

Originally I thought he was the weakest one in the team, and everyone was a little worried about his safety.

Unexpectedly, he was the most fierce, chasing the killer until he cried for his father and mother, and he didn't even have the courage to fight him!

Xiao Zhang said happily: "Isn't this car awesome? It's so enjoyable! It has a bullet-proof shell and a heavy fire control system, and it can hit tanks without any problem!"

Did you see that lift?

Drive the car up and you can rise directly from here to the ground above!

I'll tell Brother An later and let's drive this treasure away! "

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "It's a good thing, but the boss probably won't let you drive it out!"

"Why?" Xiao Zhang said, accelerating the gas pedal and knocking over a car blocking the road.

Then he pushed it forward until it hit a car parked in front.

There were several killers in the overturned car, crawling out in panic.

But the Hummer stared at them and kept sliding backwards with the car. They tried to open the door several times but failed. They climbed out of the window and were afraid of being run over by the Hummer!

After all, he was attacked from both sides and trapped in the middle.

But the Hummer had no intention of letting them go, and the accelerator made a loud roar.

The car behind was also blocked and could not move.

The killers' cars made a rattling noise and were squeezed out of shape.

The killer inside screamed loudly, and now he can't even crawl out!

The Hummer pinched their car into a knot before reversing.

The killers inside were all squeezed out of their human form, bleeding from their mouths and noses and died in the car!



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