Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2223 They are not something you can deal with

The five of them have already met.

There are still many killers here, and the danger is still there, but the more powerful ones have been dealt with.

The Eagle Flag Police spent several years trying to find this place, and they were helpless against the Killer Alliance.

Five Chinese people came and destroyed this place in less than half an hour. This sounds like a myth!

Sure enough, as Zhang Jian said, it is impossible for cars here to be driven up there.

No matter how good the things of the Killer Alliance are, they must be thrown away, otherwise it will be equivalent to actively exposing every move of oneself to the enemy, allowing them to retaliate at any time.

What's more, this is the Eagle Flag Country, and it's impossible for the police to allow a few Chinese people to drive such cars and run rampant in their own country!

Even if you have a good relationship with Boorman, you won't be able to enjoy such privileges!

So no matter how reluctant you are, you must destroy these things!

It's just that they don't need to do it.

The five people found the control room and console, and opened the prison below.

I don’t know how long those poor people were imprisoned. Once they were released, they went crazy and killed everyone they saw!

What's even more terrifying is that they are obviously more familiar with this place than Chen Xin'an and the others.

They actually found the weapons room and took out all the guns and ammunition!

When the five people left the Killer Alliance headquarters, a violent explosion occurred below.

The garage and parking bay were loaded with explosives. The explosion was deafening and even caused a large-scale collapse!

What Chen Xinan and others did not expect was that nearly one-third of the people imprisoned in the dungeon of the Killer Alliance headquarters turned out to be Interpol!

These people originally came to track down the Killer Alliance because of various assassinations, and then disappeared.

No one can be seen in life, no corpse in death.

Colleagues originally thought they were sacrificed, but they didn't expect that they had been locked in the dungeon and tortured all these years!

There are also some people who are targeted by their employers.

They weren't killed, they were just captured and imprisoned. When necessary, they would be dragged out to show their faces.

Once these people escape from the dungeon, it will be disastrous for the Killer Alliance.

But this is what everyone in Chen Xinan is happy to see!

It's already twelve o'clock noon.

Zhang Jian sat on a chair in Baya Restaurant and asked in a low voice to Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang next to him:

"Why did the boss let us come here to eat? What's so delicious about Tailan's food!"

Everyone shook their heads.

After everyone came out of the Killer League, they went back to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes.

Then came to this place.

Chen Xin'an walked back calmly. As soon as he sat down, a dark-skinned man walked over quickly and stood beside him.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here? If you need anything, just give me a call. You don't need to come in person!"

Everyone looked at that person a little strangely. He was actually an acquaintance of the boss?

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, turned to look at him and said, "Chahongtu, what are you afraid of!

If I don't come over, I'm afraid you will never look for me again in this life, right?

I remember telling you that you should go to me for treatment every year.

You haven't been there in the past two years. Have you asked someone to see you? "

Chahongtu had a complicated expression on his face and said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face:

"Mr. Chen made a joke, and I believed it for two years.

If I hadn't hired an expert to do a comprehensive examination, I would have traveled all the way to China to find you!

But no one can blame him. I can only say that Mr. Chen is very clever.

I still want to thank Mr. Chen for not killing me back then. I’ll treat you to this meal today! "

He clapped his hands, called a waiter, and gave him a few instructions. The waiter turned and left.

"Please wait!" Chahongtu also turned around, apologized to Chen Xin'an and walked away.

After a while, he came over with a tea tray with a teapot and several cups on it.

Unexpectedly, the tea brewed in the teapot was actually authentic Chinese black tea.

Chahongtu poured a glass for everyone and said to Chen Xin'an: "I open this restaurant.

Because I was injured in China and my actions were affected, I quit.

I opened this Tailan restaurant to earn some retirement money.

After this meal, we pretended we didn’t know each other.

Mr. Chen, I would like to advise you, this is Black Eagle Island, you'd better not stay too long! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that no one was drinking tea from a cup, Chahongtu curled his lips and said, "Don't be afraid, the tea is clean!

In front of Chen Xin'an, no one dares to poison! "

The restaurant's business was average, except for two tables of Tailan tourists, there weren't many customers.

Therefore, the dishes are served relatively quickly and are quite rich. There are chicken, duck, fish and shrimp, and it just smells like curry.

Everyone was hungry, so they were not polite and ate and drank.

Chahongtu curled his lips and sat aside to watch everyone eat without moving his chopsticks or moving away.

Seeing that everyone was full, Chahongtu said to Chen Xin'an: "Is it enough for everyone? If not enough, I will order a few more dishes."

Everyone ignored him and picked their teeth with toothpicks.

Chahongtu was not angry, smiled slightly, and said to everyone: "Since everyone is full, I won't leave you alone!

I'm just busy, don't delay the business of the store.

I won’t give it away. If you want to eat in the future, come over and I’ll treat you all to it without spending any money! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the tea cup, rinsed her mouth, spit it on the ground, squinted her eyes and asked:

“Chahongtu, do you think this is Black Eagle Island and I can’t do anything to you?

Or do you think that now that I’m on your territory, things have changed and it’s your turn to take advantage of me? "

Chahongtu smiled, shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, I didn't mean that!

I just want to tell Mr. Chen that I am just a businessman now, and other things have nothing to do with me!

Mr. Chen did not kill me back then and spared my life.

I also left all my wealth to Mr. Chen. This can be regarded as buying my own life. We owe each other nothing.

I have given up my previous grudges and just want to be a businessman.

Does Mr. Chen understand? "

Chen Xin'an picked up the teapot and poured a cup, and said with a sneer: "Chahongtu, what did I say when I spared your life?

Your little net worth is not the money you paid for your life, but a little compensation for me.

So if you want to survive, you have to do what I say.

I asked you to come to me once a year, but you didn't do it.

I came to the Eagle Flag Country and asked you to give me some information about Pyrothes, and you can deal with it as you please.

Before coming to Black Hawk Island, I asked you about the Killer Alliance, but you didn't even tell me the address!

Chahongtu, are you kidding me now when you tell me that we don’t owe each other? "

Chahongtu took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, there is no need to be so aggressive.

I have already said that I am a businessman now, and those affairs in the world have nothing to do with me!

As a friend, I would like to advise you that this is not China. If you dare to mess around here, there is Pyroses on the surface and the Killer Alliance secretly.

You may even lose your life here, and also bring harm to these friends of yours.

Don’t blame me for not reminding you! "


The teapot with more than half of the tea left hit Chahongtu hard on the head.

Chen Xin'an kicked him hard again, knocking both Chahongtu and his chair to the ground!

"Boss!" Several waiters were stunned for a moment, their eyes immediately turned fierce, they picked up the guy next to them and rushed over!

Without saying a word, Luo Xiaoman picked up the plate on the table and smashed it!

The other three people all stood up and rushed forward aggressively to take action!

Chahongtu covered his head and shouted quickly: "Stop hitting! You go back and continue working!"

They are not something you can deal with! "

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