Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2335 He prefers to stay here

Sitting on the ground, looking at the two bodies that had been put together, Li Zecheng's face had no tears.

He just kept saying: "I killed them! I had to come here!"

"Mr. Li!" Gongsun Feiyang wanted to say something with red eyes, but Li Qi shook his head at him.

Gongsun Feiyang sighed, patted his big bald head, and kept silent.

Li Zecheng's crying was heartbreaking.

"They got married this year and were just about to have a child!

They have been with me for so many years, just like my two children.

All my children are gone, and everyone around me is dead, all killed by me..."

The successive blows made Mr. Li's words a little messy, and his emotions were close to collapse.

Chen Xin'an squatted beside him, took out a silver needle and pierced him in the middle of the top of his head, and pierced one needle on each temple on both sides.

The pain made Li Zecheng resist a little, and he waved his hands around.

Chen Xinan whispered: "Mr. Li, I am Chen Xinan!"

Li Zecheng instantly calmed down, looked up at Chen Xinan, and whispered: "Xinan, you are here!"

Chen Xinan nodded, gently touched his temple with both hands and said: "Mr. Li, this is not your fault, you don't have to feel guilty!"

Li Zecheng sighed and said: "Xinan, now I begin to understand why you have been reluctant to join Dragon Shield.

This is destined to be a dead end!

Even if you have arranged it decades ago.

You think you have no worries, but in fact everything is calculated by God, and no one can escape this fate!"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, I never believe in God, and I don't believe in fate. I only believe in myself.

The real reason why I don't join Dragon Shield is because I can't have the high sentiments that you people have.

At the critical moment, I can't put public interests before private interests!

But if you say that Dragon Shield is a dead end, I don't agree.

At least my grandparents are still very happy now.

Mr. Li, a lot of things have happened in the past few days, calm down.

There are still many things that we need to deal with with a clear mind."

Under the massage of silver needles and Chen Xinan, Li Zecheng gradually calmed down.

He sighed, waved his hand to signal Chen Xinan not to press it, and said to him: "Xinan, let me tell you a secret, actually under this tomb..." Chen Xinan nodded and said to him: "Mr. Li, I know. Black Dragon once had a treasure map with six treasure points marked on it. I have found five of them, and I think the sixth one should be here. I should have left the things here, but Moses has guessed it. So we have to take the things away, which may disturb Auntie's peace!" Li Zecheng waved his hand and said: "She won't blame you, because I promised. She has always been like this, very docile and obedient. She does whatever you ask her to do, and never complains." After cleaning up the scene, everyone started to dig the tomb. When the last tomb board was opened, a dark coffin appeared in front of everyone. Everyone did not touch the coffin, but looked at the four bronze boxes next to it. Each box can fit a person, and there are locks on the outside. These are some of the treasures hidden by Black Dragon here, and some are hidden in other places. For example, the rocky reef on Black Hawk Island. After the box was lifted up, backfilling began.

But at this moment, Li Zecheng brought an urn and said to Chen Xinan: "Xinan, help me open the coffin lid, I want to put Yinuo's ashes in it!"

Gongsun Feiyang said anxiously: "Mr. Li, didn't Heilong's ashes agree to be sent back to China and placed in the base's martyrs' hall?"

Li Zecheng shook his head and sighed: "I think he prefers to stay here and accompany his mother!"

Gongsun Feiyang looked at Chen Xinan with a look of help.

"Open the coffin!" Chen Xinan called everyone.

Everyone walked over and started to remove the coffin nails, carefully opened the coffin lid, and revealed a female mummy inside.

Maybe due to the special geographical location, it has been buried for many years, but it has not rotted, and you can still see what it used to look like.

Seeing Li Zecheng's somewhat excited look, Chen Xinan quickly showed his brother below, put the urn next to the body, and then covered the coffin lid again and buried it.

After everything was done, it was already dark.

Chen Xinan went to Kanbul Village in person and bought a second-hand pickup truck.

The boxes and the bodies of Duan Yu and Han Xiaolei were put into the car. Gongsun Feiyang drove and Li Qi sat in the passenger seat.

Xiao Zhang drove the Reggie Business, and everyone turned back to Ledon City.

The bodies were first sent to the morgue of Hopes Hospital for storage. Everyone did not stop and drove the car back to the Four Seasons Hotel and carried them into the presidential suite.

A room was arranged for Li Lao and Gongsun Feiyang next to them. They wanted them to rest and have dinner together, but Li Lao shook his head and refused.

He took a shower and went to bed, and now he can't eat anything.

Ning Xiruo has prepared dinner, and everyone changed clothes and sat together to eat.

Chen Xinan said to Gongsun Feiyang: "You have been following Li Lao these days. He is not in a good state now!"

"Okay!" Gongsun Feiyang nodded.

Chen Xinan said to Ning Xiruo: "You should also deal with your affairs as soon as possible. It's best to go home early."

Ning Xiruo responded: "I know! I'll see if I can finish it tomorrow. If everything goes well, I can get on the plane the day after tomorrow!"

Luo Xiaoman took a sip of wine and asked Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, what should I do with those things?

How about we find a way to take it back directly? "

"Don't touch it!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said: "The security check is not a decoration. Once found out, it will be too much trouble!

Find a way to contact Zhang Jian and let him handle it! "

It’s better to let professionals handle this kind of thing!

If it wasn't an emergency, he wouldn't even want to bring the thing back or touch it!

Just after dinner, I got a phone call.

Chen Xin'an took out her phone and took a look at it, then picked it up and walked to the living room to answer it.

From the other side came Boorman's trembling voice with excitement: "Has it been solved?"

Chen Xin'an hummed.

After taking several deep breaths, Boorman said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, Boorman will always be your best friend!"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Don't be so happy yet, there are still a lot of troubles!

There will definitely be a lot of turmoil during this period, and I don’t want my relatives and friends to be affected.

Boorman, you know what to do! "

"Don't worry, my friend!" Boorman said loudly: "I will take care of all troubles, and you will be absolutely safe!

There have been a lot of things these past two days, and work has been a bit chaotic. When I’m done, I’ll go find you! "

After hanging up the phone, Gongsun Feiyang came over and asked him, "Will you get into big trouble if you talk like that in the cemetery?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "Are you talking about admitting to being entrusted by Boorman?"

Gongsun Feiyang nodded.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and asked him with disdain, "Then do you think that if Moses dies, everyone will think who did it?"

Gongsun Feiyang thought for a while and asked curiously: "Bullman?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and sneered: "If I don't say anything, everyone will doubt him.

Just like if he died, everyone would suspect that Moses did it.

It has nothing to do with whether I say it or not!

Boorman knew this too, and it was something he would exploit.

And I’m not telling the world the truth, I’m just letting the people behind Moses know. "

Gongsun Feiyang seemed to understand and said: "No wonder you talked a lot of nonsense to that guy at that time!"

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes at him, "You know nothing about what I do!"



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