Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2336 The moon is so big tonight

There were no stars in the dark night sky. Only the sound of waves crashing on the beach could be heard, and nothing else could be heard.

Suddenly, a light shone on the sea, but it disappeared in a flash.

Behind a rock on the shore, a light also lit up, flashing three times in a row.

After a while, a ship appeared in the darkness and sailed toward the shore quietly.

The originally empty dock suddenly became lively. A dozen Mofei people came over excitedly and stared at the approaching ships with wide eyes.

One person asked his companion: "Migo, what kind of good thing is on the ship? My brother attaches so much importance to it that he just asked me to come. Why did he even send you here?"

Migo patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "It's a gift from your brother, Joseph!"

"A gift?" Joseph looked puzzled. He looked at the ship that had docked and couldn't believe it.

When did you become so generous?

All the gifts you gave me were shipped by ship!

Migo pressed his shoulder and said, "Now that you are back, we Murphys will be able to show off our talents.

Your brother has been holding back all these years. Dongchao people, Da Ying people, and even us Mofei people are all bullying us and taking our things.

Now that we have these weapons, who dares to bully us?

Let's seize their territory and drive them away. From now on, the city of Lieton will belong to us Murphys!

I will never see Dongchao people, Da Ying people, and those damn Chinese people again! "

Josephhan's expression changed, he looked at him in surprise and asked, "Migo, but aren't the Chinese our friends?"

"Friends?" Migo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed with everyone.

Migo patted Joseph on the shoulder and said: "Joseph, remember!

Murphys have no friends, only brothers.

But only our own people can be brothers.

Others are taking advantage of us, and we are taking advantage of them.

Everyone gets what they want, and can turn against each other or betray at any time. "

Joseph lowered his head and said, "But they don't have any conflict of interest with us, do they?"

Migo shook his head and said: "But they are rich! They are the ones who open restaurants and pharmacies.

We can make more money by stealing their money than selling those things, and it is easy and safe.

Joseph, I know you have a good Chinese friend.

But you have to remember that your brothers are us.

We are the only ones who will never abandon you! "

Josephhan stopped talking.

The ship had reached the shore and someone had dropped the rope.

The Mofei people below went over to smash the anchor and tied the cable tightly.

A shirtless burly African-American man appeared on the bow of the boat.

When the plank road was lowered, Migo stepped onto the boat, opened his hands and shouted: "How are you? My dear Augustine!"

The big man laughed and hugged him, patted his back and said: "Migo, my good brother! I'm so happy to see you!

Look at the gift I prepared for you, I think you will like it! "

He waved, and a Murphy sailor next to him took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Migo.

Click, lit the cigarette, Migo took a puff and closed his eyes.

After a while, his face showed extreme enjoyment and satisfaction, and he said lightly:

"Great! Perfect! Even more perfect than the previous ones!

Augustine, how many? I want them all! "

"Hahaha!" Augustine laughed and hugged his shoulders and said: "Don't worry, I'm well prepared this time, enough to make you a big profit!

That guy Ped will be satisfied. I can't help it, who made me owe him a favor! "

Migo also smiled and nodded and said: "On behalf of Ped, thank you, my good brother!"

He turned around and said to everyone: "Unload!"

He casually handed another half of the cigarette to Joseph: "Here, you have a taste!"

Knowing that there was something inside, Joseph was a little hesitant. He didn't want to touch these things.

Augustine looked at him and said with disdain: "Is this Ped's brother? Compared to his brother, he is far behind!"

When Joseph heard this, he picked up the cigarette and took a puff.

It was just the first time I smoked it and I couldn't bear the smell, so I choked and coughed violently.

Migo and Augustin both laughed.

Soon, all the cargo on the ship was removed and piled on the beach, like a hill.

Augustine stretched out his hand, took Migo's hand, and said to him: "I'm leaving, my brother.

Migo held his hand tightly and said: "Don't be like this, my brother, the boss has already arranged a carnival tonight!"

Augustine shrugged his shoulders and said: "We can only wait until next time. I have to deliver these goods to Pearl Pier before dawn, otherwise the loss will be too great!

Anyway, we have plenty of opportunities, tell Pede that he owes me a carnival! "

After hearing what he said, Migo had no choice but to retain him.

Smuggling like this is usually mixed in with normal logistics.

Delaying normal things will have serious consequences, and may even threaten the existence of this smuggling line!

So he could only get off the ship and watch the ship leave.

Migo turned around and looked at the hill in front of him, feeling happy.

The cheap AK shipped from outside is easy to use, not easily damaged, bullets can be prepared anywhere, and the price-performance ratio is very high.

For the Mofei people, this kind of gun is simply standard equipment!

Now everyone has to move the hill to the parking location, load the car, and then drive back to celebrate.

No one dared to stay any longer. After all, if they stayed for one second longer, they would be in danger for one second.

This smuggling point is very hidden, and in order to prevent exposure, no one dares to bring more people.

After working for more than an hour, everyone finally moved the hill to the collision point. Everyone was out of breath and soaked with sweat.

Migo said to the boy next to him: "Go ask Aken to bring the car over! This bastard, is he asleep?

Don't dare to park your car on the roadside, the target is too big.

So I had already hid the car in the woods nearby and followed orders to load the goods.

But now, everyone has come out, and the guy driving the car hasn't moved yet, and has obviously fallen asleep!

The younger brother turned around and ran into the woods. After five minutes, he still didn't come out.

Migo cursed: "Damn it!" He was about to ask someone to take a look, but suddenly he frowned and said to everyone: "Be careful, there is something wrong!"

Everyone quickly took out their pistols and gathered around the goods, being cautious.

Migo whispered: "Elan, Hughes, you guys go to the place where the car is hidden and shoot if you find anything unusual!

Joseph, call for backup! "

At this time, Josephhan's body was swaying, his eyes were looking at the sky, and he kept saying: "The night is so beautiful tonight!

Have you seen it? The moon is so big and round! "

"Fake!" Migo cursed and said to the boy next to him: "Go and help him sit down and wash his face with cold water. This guy is hallucinating for the first time!"

Several Mofei people carefully sneaked into the woods. A few minutes later, a burst of gunfire and yelling suddenly rang out in the forest!

The other Mofei people wanted to rush in, but Migo shouted: "Everyone come back! Don't act rashly, the goods are the most important thing!"

Soon, the shouting and gunshots stopped, and the forest became quiet again.

But the people who went in never showed up again.

Now Migo also knew that he might have been ambushed.

But what is the other party?

Is it a human or a terrifying beast? Nothing until now.

But Migo felt that he should be the enemy.

With these goods, the Mofei people will definitely threaten their interests!



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