Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2366 Make the game more exciting

The fourth one!

Li Qi made a gesture to Chen Xin'an, and Chen Xin'an nodded.

Entering the woods, the two quickly solved a surveillance point.

I just didn't expect that this was not the only monitoring room on the island, it was just a small control room responsible for peripheral monitoring.

There is no time to find the main control room now, the hunting has begun, and the two of them must find Long Sheng and the others as soon as possible.

Those children have turned into murderous demons, but even Chen Xin'an and Li Qi can't bear to deal with them with deadly hands.

All they could do was knock them unconscious and hide them under a tree.

However, they also discovered that these children were not fighting on their own, but that black-clothed instructors were secretly supervising them.

Some children whose psychological quality is not up to par will be mercilessly killed by these black-clad instructors if they let their prey go with their own hands, or if they collapse and dare not take action!

Of course Chen Xin'an and Li Qi would not be polite when dealing with such people and would directly deal with them.

"It takes too much time to search like this. Let's split up!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "As soon as we find them, let us know!"

Li Di nodded and said, "Okay!"

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, quickly disappeared into the forest.

The two dark-skinned men dispersed some of their pursuers, and Zhang Jian and the other four breathed a sigh of relief.

But the pursuers are still behind them, and the danger still looms over everyone.

Just then, there was a rustling sound overhead.

A loudspeaker sounded in the woods: "Children, in order to increase the fun of hunting, we have now prepared airdrop props for everyone.

But be careful, these props may also be obtained by prey.

When the time comes, the ones being hunted will be you!

Therefore, you'd better get the props as soon as possible and turn those prey into your trophies!

Kids, I wish you a good time and I'm waiting for your good news at the base! "

Boxes emitting red smoke fell from the sky and were scattered in every corner of the woods.

A group of men in black quickly approached the airdrop box. A boy of fourteen or fifteen years old was the first to arrive at the airdrop box, opened the box, and took out an assault rifle and three magazines from inside!

A cruel smile appeared on the boy's face. He turned around and fired a round at a prey that was escaping in embarrassment!

The bullet hit the man's body, and he fell down, and the blood flowing out from under his body quickly gathered into a river.

The boy walked to the corpse, took out his dagger, cut off the prey's ears, and strung them on his belt.

He turned around and looked for his next prey.

Five minutes later, he saw a figure in front of him and was thinking of climbing up a tree to hide.

He rushed over and knocked the man down with a single shot.

Taking out his dagger, he wanted to cut off the prey's ears and take away his own trophies.

But as soon as he got closer, the prey that had been knocked down suddenly stood up with a spray gun in his hand!


With a gunshot, the little boy was knocked two meters away. When he landed, his entire chest was turned into a bloody mess!

He opened his eyes wide and sprayed blood from his mouth, as if he didn't believe that he would be killed.

Because he believed in his marksmanship, he had clearly hit the opponent!

But he no longer had the strength to get up. His body twitched a few times and then became motionless.

The prey he hit also leaned against the tree, trying to cover the wound on his chest with his hands, but was unable to stop the blood from gushing out.

He looked sadly at the man in black whom he beat to death. He was just a child.

But he had no choice, these children had turned into demons.

If he doesn't kill the other party, he will be killed by the other party.

It's a pity that he got the airdrop and killed the demon, but he still couldn't change his fate.

The fatal wound on his chest made him clearly feel the passage of life. He looked ahead unwillingly. In the darkness, two men in black had appeared and were slowly walking towards him!


A short knife pierced his forehead and nailed his head to the tree.

The man in black rushed over and cut off his ear neatly.

Turning around, the man in black showed a sweet smile and said to his companion standing aside: "Yu, this is our trophy, one for each of us!"

She held out an ear to her companion.

The companion shook his head, the disgust in his eyes flashed away, and said to her: "Sarah, I don't want it! I will complete the task myself, you can take this!"

Sarah put away her ears with regret, tied them around her waist, and said to her:

"Yu, you have to know that the punishment at the base is very cruel. I'm afraid of you..."

The companion waved his hand and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will complete the task!"

As she spoke, her eyes looked deep into the woods, with a worried look on her face.

Sarah picked up the prey and the gun of the killed companion, handed the troll to the companion, and said with a smile: "Yu, look, if we don't grab the airdrop, we will still have airdrop weapons!"

The girl named Yu did not refuse, took over the troll, looked at Sarah and asked: "Sarah, if one day, the two of us become enemies, will you shoot me?"

Sarah was stunned for a moment, bumped Yu with her shoulder, and said angrily: "Yu, what are you talking about!

How could we become enemies?

We are best friends!

In this place, you are Sarah's only relative!

So no matter what, Sarah will not hurt you, nor will she let anyone hurt you! "

Yu smiled slightly and said to Sarah: "Thank you!"

Sarah hugged her shoulders and said, "Let's go, there are still a lot of prey ahead!"

The two walked forward together and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Don't force me!" Zhang Jian roared, hugged the little boy in front of him, and then punched him on the head!

Although the drug was still in his body and he couldn't exert his strength, the punch still knocked the boy unconscious and his body collapsed to the ground!

The men in black next to them looked at this scene with indifferent expressions, and no one flinched.

Philemon suddenly rushed out from behind the tree, locked a man in black by the throat, then threw him to the ground and snatched the gun from his hand!

"Back off! Otherwise I will shoot! We don't want to kill you! Because you are still children, this is wrong. You should not become a murderous demon!"

The men in black around him looked at him indifferently, and no one stepped back. Even the boy who had taken the gun away from him got up from the ground and approached Philemon step by step.

Philemon gritted his teeth and pointed his gun at the men in black, but he never had the courage to shoot.

At this moment, Long Sheng ran over and shouted to everyone: "Turn your head and close your eyes!"

Although they didn't know what he wanted to do, the other three still followed his instructions.

At this moment, there was a bang, and everyone's eyes lit up, and there was screams all around!

Flash thunder!

Long Sheng shouted to the three of them: "Let's go!"

The four people quickly broke out of the encirclement and ran forward!

In less than five seconds, Zhang Jian shouted loudly: "Get down!"

With a flying swoop, Philemon fell to the ground in front of him!

Da da da!

Gunshots rang out, bullets passing overhead like rain, and wood chips flying from the tree trunks behind them.

Two men in black stopped in front, one holding an assault rifle and the other holding a spray gun.

Philemon shook his body and said to Zhang Jian: "Get up quickly, they are coming!"

The person on the body did not move, and the warm liquid flowed on Philemon's neck. When he touched it with his hand, his hand was full of blood!

"Hey, friend! Zhang, Zhang Jian! Oh my God, he's hurt!" Philemon exclaimed loudly.

At the same time, the man in black holding the automatic rifle changed the magazine and was about to shoot when he grabbed the barrel of the gun with one hand and jerked it upward!



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