The bullet hit the air. Sarah's eyes widened and she looked at her companion beside her in confusion.

Yu shook his head at her, but didn't say anything more, just stared at the fallen man.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng rushed over and helped Zhang Jian up.

There was blood all over his neck, and there were marks of gunshot wounds on his chest, but there was no pain on his face. He just stared at the girl holding the spray gun without blinking.

"Jinyu, I finally found you! Come home with me, okay?"

Zhang Jinyu looked at him expressionlessly and said calmly: "You killed my aunt! You know, she is the person who loves me the most in the whole family!"

Zhang Jian nodded and said: "Yes, I killed Jiayu.

Because she did something wrong, and it was an unforgivable mistake.

If I had a chance to start over, I would still kill her without hesitation!

Jinyu, do you remember what I told you?

Never forget that you are Chinese, and never do anything sorry to China!

The Zhang family has been loyal for generations and will never allow traitors to appear! "

Zhang Jinyu said with an indifferent expression: "I don't care about that, I only know that my favorite aunt died at your hands, and I want to avenge her!"

Zhang Jian pushed aside Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng beside him, stood up unsteadily, pointed to his forehead, and said to Zhang Jinyu:

"Then hit here!

After you kill me, take Qi Gong and Qi Qiang with you to find Chen Xin'an. He will arrange for you to return home.

Remember, don’t follow your aunt’s path.

The Zhang family is not a beast that betrays the motherland and kills its own kind for fun! "

Zhang Jinyu shouted with red eyes: "Do you think I dare not shoot?"

She raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at Zhang Jian's head!

Zhang Jian waved his hand to stop Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng from approaching, and said softly:

"Help me take her out, I know she has not lost her true nature!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and said to Zhang Jinyu: "Shoot!"


A crossbow arrow flew over and stabbed Zhang Jian's chest.

The powerful impact caused Zhang Jian to sit directly on the ground, lowering his head and looking at the arrow on his chest.

The gang of men in black who had just gotten rid of them were now catching up with them.

The four people have been surrounded, and the man in black is shaking his weapon and approaching with eager eyes.

Philemon had a gun but didn't dare to shoot.

He is an Interpol police officer, and his conscience and professional ethics do not allow him to shoot these children!

But the other party had no intention of letting them go.

A boy with a murderous look on his face came over with a crossbow, pointed it at Zhang Jian's head, and said with a ferocious smile: "You are my prey!"

Just before he pulled the trigger, there was a gunshot!

The boy's body flew up and fell to the side, half of his body had been beaten to pieces!

Zhang Jinyu's spray gun was still smoking, and everyone looked at her with wide eyes and disbelief!

"Damn it, what are you doing!" A fifteen or sixteen year old girl holding a sickle yelled at Zhang Jinyu.

In the base, the fighting between companions is limited to the competition allowed above.

If you kill your companions during a common mission, it is tantamount to betrayal of the entire base and will be eliminated without mercy!

Zhang Jinyu said expressionlessly: "If you kill him, I will kill you!"

"Go to hell, you bitch!" The sickle girl, who had always been at odds with her, cursed, raised her sickle and rushed over.

She knew that Zhang Jinyu's gun was out of bullets.

This kind of sprayer originally has only a small amount of ammunition, and it is a single-shot type, so reloading is very time-consuming.

Just as she made a move, the other men in black also moved, some pounced on Zhang Ji'an and the four others, and some joined forces with the sickle girl to deal with Zhang Jinyu.

Sarah stood aside stupidly and watched this scene. She did not expect that Zhang Jinyu would shoot his companion to death.

Such consequences are unimaginable, and there is no way the base will let her go.

Now that she has turned against everyone, who should she help?

Recalling what Zhang Jinyu said before, if the two became enemies, would she shoot Zhang Jinyu?

Da da da!

The rifle in Sarah's hand finally went off!

The girl with the sickle and the boy with the ax were shaking wildly. They fell to the ground and died instantly after being hit by bullets!

Sarah expressionlessly picked up the ax on the ground with her feet and flew towards Zhang Jinyu, who caught it in her hand.

"Sarah!" Zhang Jinyu was surprised and happy, looking at this friend who was fighting alongside him.

Of course she knows what this means!

If they betray the base, they will receive crazy revenge from the base and may die here.

Sarah stood side by side with her and said resolutely: "I said, I will not hurt you, and I will not allow others to hurt you!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Jinyu nodded to her friend, glared at Zhang Jian and shouted, "Hurry up and leave!"

"Let's go!" Philemon did not hesitate, put Zhang Jian's arm around his neck, and helped him run forward quickly.

At the same time, he threw the rifle in his hand to Long Sheng.

After taking the rifle, Long Sheng looked gloomy.

Looking at the men in black rushing over, he finally pulled the trigger!

Da da da!

After the gunfire, a group of men in black fell to the ground, hugging their legs and screaming loudly, lying on the ground and rolling around.

Long Sheng didn't want to kill these children, and he didn't want to be chased by them again, so he simply wounded them.

Even if you become a cripple, it is much better than becoming a cold-blooded killing machine!

A group of men in black finally realized they were afraid and evaded.

Taking this opportunity, everyone evacuated immediately.

"Instructor Zhang, how are you?" Xia Hongfeng asked worriedly when she saw that Zhang Ji'an had been bleeding.

Zhang Jian was extremely weak and was almost dragged forward by Philemon.

But there was still a relieved smile on his face, and he shook his head and said, "It's okay, I won't die that easily!"

Long Sheng shouted to Zhang Jinyu: "Little girl, go on!"

He threw the gun to Zhang Jinyu again and picked up the sickle on the ground.

Zhang Jinyu threw away the ax, took the rifle, and walked behind Sarah side by side, cutting off the rear for everyone.

The gunshots in the woods became intensive, and it seemed that many people were moving closer.

Zhang Jinyu glanced at the sisters beside him with a worried expression, and both of them had a look of fear on their faces.

They knew very well that the pursuers from the base were coming!

These people are not newly trained killers like them, but base instructors!

They are the real killers!

The base will never allow betrayal, so after learning that two traitors had appeared, they immediately sent people to eliminate them!

"Be careful!" Philemon shouted and suddenly changed his running direction.

Everyone also turned the corner, and under the big tree next to them, a deafening explosion sounded, and sawdust and broken branches flew everywhere!

Grenades and grenades were mixed and exploded around everyone.

Thanks to the cover of trees, although everyone was knocked over by air waves many times, they were not injured.

It’s just that the enemy is getting closer and closer. Once they come into close combat, with the existing firepower, there is no way to compete with the opponent!

Zhang Jian gasped and said: "Put me down, I can't get out anymore, just let me lure them away!"

Zhang Jinyu stared and shouted: "Don't even think about it, your life is mine!"

Xia Hongfeng stopped, turned the ax in his hand, and said to everyone: "Let me do it!"

"No, you leave and I stay!" Zhang Jian shouted.

Of course he knew Xia Hongfeng's identity, so he would send him and Long Sheng out even if he risked his own life.

Xia Hongfeng took a deep breath, shook her head and said, "If we hesitate any longer, we will all die here!"



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