Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2442 Killing you is not as difficult as you think

Following Chen Xin'an's instructions, Li Qi took photos of the contract one by one.

Charge your phone and accept the photos sent by Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an made a call, and the person who answered the phone was Joel, the president of Aipu Company.

Because Chen Xin'an gave Joel a piece of clothing with the Golden Gloves logo on it.

It is precisely because of this evidence that the official investigation into Apple and Joels himself became simpler.

I just dealt with the person in charge of some assembly and quality inspection and found out the employee who was bribed.

Neither the company nor Jowers received significant penalties.

Because of this incident, Joels was full of gratitude to Chen Xin'an.

In the past two days, I have been looking for an opportunity to treat Chen Xin'an to dinner and express my gratitude, but Chen Xin'an has never had time.

This time Chen Xin'an called him and told him what happened just now. Joels immediately understood what Chen Xin'an meant.

Chen Xin'an turned on the speakerphone, and Joels said to him on the phone: "Mr. Chen, don't worry. I have backed up the files now.

Within ten minutes, I will pass it on to the GBSA Board of Directors and the Legal Department.

Whenever you have time, let me know.

GBSA’s dedicated attorney will meet with you to discuss prosecution matters.

The evidence is conclusive and the facts are clear. You are sure to win this lawsuit. No matter what the background of the other party is, they will be severely punished by the international court and must pay compensation.

Not only that, GBSA will put the other company on the trade blacklist, restricting transactions and loans.

And will be demoted to the lowest level in terms of integrity!

Mr. Chen, if the family of the new chief is involved, I suggest you tell your wife about this.

The secretary-general will directly negotiate with the Cexire family, and all the business of the entire Cexire family will be affected by this.

It may even affect the leader’s support!

This is a scandal, enough to affect the leader's political career! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Golden's bloodless face as he paid homage, smiled slightly, nodded and said:

"Okay Mr. Joels, thank you. If I need to sue, I will trouble you again!"

After a few polite words, both parties hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an looked at Golden with a half-smile and said, "You like Huaxia's famous sayings, let me give you another one, it's called stealing the chicken but losing the rice!

Okay, Golden, call your father and ask him to come. I'll wait for him! "

Golden wanted to refuse, but looking at his brother who passed out beside him, he obediently took out his phone.

Xia Hongfeng walked over and said to Chen Xin'an with a worried look on her face: "Boss, we haven't left yet. Is this going too far?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "Since we are breaking up, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

And in order to reduce trouble, Aqi did not kill anyone, only wounded him.

This gives both sides a reason not to fight to the death.

Next, let’s see how Bourdain responds! "

Someone knocked on the door, and Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian.

Li Qi quickly walked to the door, looked out through the peephole, then turned around and said to Chen Xin'an, "It's Sister Qing and Brother Hui!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Open the door! Only let them two in! Check first!"

Li Didian nodded and opened the door sideways.

Standing outside were Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui.

Although he was a little embarrassed, his mental state was pretty good.

There were injuries on his face, but they were not serious.

He was just blindfolded and gagged, his hands were handcuffed behind his back, and he was pushed forward by the people behind him.

Li Qi stopped them and motioned to the people behind to remove all the handcuffs and blindfolds.

The people behind were hesitant, and Chen Xin'an kicked Buck in the stomach.

Buck, whose wound was pulled, screamed and shouted loudly to the door: "Damn it, let them two go!"

The people outside did not dare to neglect and quickly opened the handcuffs of Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui.

Xu Qing took off the blindfold and the mouth ring, and said to Li Qi: "I have an implanted tracker on my body, it should be on my left arm!"

Qiao Yanhui said from the side: "It's a self-explosion type. You can't dig it directly. You have to block the signal first!"

Li Di nodded and said: "Leave it to me, I will get this thing. You guys come in first!"

After the two of them entered the room, Li Qi closed the door.

The agents outside couldn't get in and were scratching their heads angrily, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do!

Li Qi brought Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui into the room and removed the trackers implanted in their skin.

Chen Xin'an wasn't worried. Patrolling Eagle's Soldier King was really overqualified to deal with these little tricks.

The phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Boorman's.

And what was sent was a video request. Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and answered the call.

"The university student personally sent the video. I'm afraid not many people in the entire Eagle Flag Country can enjoy this kind of treatment, right?" Chen Xin'an looked at Boorman in the video and laughed.

This guy is really an old fox. He doesn't show up at all and uses this method to negotiate face to face with Chen Xin'an.

Not even a month after becoming chief, Boorman's momentum was different from before.

The calmness and majesty of a superior person are indeed difficult to scare people.

It's a pity that Chen Xin'an's eyes are still full of ridicule and contempt at this moment. He has seen through the hypocrisy of these politicians.

"Mr. Chen, Mark and Golden's plan failed, right?" Boorman got straight to the point when he came up and did not beat around the bush with Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said with a smile, "Do you think it can succeed?"

Boorman sighed, shook his head and said: "Chen Xin'an, you are a talent. But the common problem of talents is that they are arrogant and unruly! This is a very bad character!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "It's not up to you to decide whether it's good or not, you have to consider it from the other person's point of view!

Come on, Boorman, I've always hated official talk.

It’s better to talk about the results directly!

There are two options for you to consider.

The first option is, you let us go, and I let your two sons go home. We will still be friends even though we are far apart from now on.

Second, you and Leiman join forces to block all my escape routes. Then I'll kill you, the boss, and Mr. Lehman.

Let the Eagle Flag Country be in chaos, and those of us will find an opportunity to leave.

By the way, since I chose the second option, I have no intention of letting your two sons live.

The three of you, father and son, are charging down below. Don’t worry, I can let them go down below and wait for you first! "

Boorman shook his head and sneered, looked at Chen Xin'an with sarcastic eyes and said, "Chen Xin'an, who do you think I am?

Do you dare to touch my son?

Unless you want to die in the Eagle Flag Country! "

"Dare!" Chen Xin'an grinned, and the camera turned to shine on Mark.

Looking at his eldest son who was bloody and unconscious, Boorman's expression changed drastically!

He glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, you are simply..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an raised his hand, and there was a gunshot, and the bullet hit Golden's arm!

Golden let out a shrill scream. He originally reached into his arms and took out half of the pistol. Before he could take it out, Chen Xin'an discovered it. His arm was injured and the pistol fell to the ground!

"Chen Xin'an!" Boorman was really anxious. He stood up in the video, and even the camera kept shaking.

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Bullman, I know you have many secret weapons at your disposal, which can be used to deal with me and kill me.

But I want you to remember one thing.

Before I die, your two sons will definitely die first.

You will also meet them later!

Believe me, killing you is not as difficult for me as you think! "



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