Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2443 No one can stop me from killing anyone I want

The video continued, but neither party spoke anymore.

Chen Xin'an looked sideways at the gloomy Boorman on the phone, expressionless.

After all, it was Boorman who broke the silence, sighed and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, there is actually no need for us to cause such a situation.

You just need to hand over those two people.

There is no need to become an official enemy of the entire Eagle Flag Country for the sake of two so-called compatriots.

Put yourself in this situation..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to interrupt him, and said with a sarcastic look: "Mr. Boorman, there is no point in saying this.

You know who is responsible for such a commotion, and who turns against you.

Ask yourself, would you let me go even without these two compatriots?

Foreign businessmen like me who have some ability but are not under the official control of the Eagle Flag Country will not be tolerated by Mr. Boorman.

Because I am more difficult to conquer than the Mofei people, the Da Ying people, and the Dongchao people, so it is only a matter of time before you deal with me, right? "

Boorman's face was a little embarrassed, and even he had to admit that Chen Xin'an saw clearly.

This person is so difficult to control!

In fact, there are not many foreign businessmen in the Eagle Flag Country, but they are all very good at doing business.

Give most of the money you make to the officials of the Eagle Flag Country, so you will be protected by the officials.

But Chen Xin'an won't do this, he won't give up the majority, which is a big taboo.

In addition, Chen Xin'an is really unruly and unruly, even the official does not take him seriously.

Such people cannot stay in the Eagle Flag Country.

But between forcing Chen Xin'an away and killing Chen Xin'an, Boorman chose the latter.

Boorman shook his head, sighed and said: "Mr. Chen, you forced me to do this.

Officials are not something you can play with.

Do you really think I can’t see the way you framed someone?

You want the officials to go shopping with the Golden Gloves, and you benefit from it.

Such intentions will definitely be tolerated by the authorities! "

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an laughed, not hiding the sarcasm on his face, and said to Boorman:

“The faces of you politicians are really unsightly!

Is it true that Mr. Boorman doesn’t know whether I framed him or not?

Those things were originally ordered by Golden Glove.

It's just that both of you are pretending to be confused, and neither of you is willing to pierce the window paper.

I just helped you pierce the layer of paper and tear apart the disguise of both of you.

So that you have to face each other head-on.

In this way, they can no longer act in front of the public, perform the farce of catching a scapegoat, and secretly enjoy the inextricable interests of each other.

This exposes your hypocrisy and makes you all a little angry. Now you have to get rid of me, the culprit! "

Boorman had a sullen expression and said nothing, just looking at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who had a sneer on his face, said nothing, but the camera was focused on his two sons, as well as Buck and the agents on the side.

He knew that Chen Xin'an was very strong, but seeing all this in the video with his own eyes, Boorman was still shocked!

He asked in a deep voice: "Chen Xin'an, what do you want?

You know, I'm not afraid of this.

And the more you go too far, the worse your consequences will be.

The official will not let you go! "

Chen Xin'an turned back the camera and said to Boorman with a sneer: "Mr. Boorman, your two sons and Mr. Buck, I will keep them with me for the time being.

Don't worry, I will leave the Eagle Flag Country as soon as possible and won't cause you any more trouble.

But if the authorities want to kill everyone, don't blame me for putting all their efforts into action.

Believe me, no one in this world can escape no matter who I want to kill! "

Faced with the threat from Chen Xin'an Chi Guoguo, Boorman's eyes twitched and his eyes flashed coldly.

Chen Xin'an showed no signs of weakness and stared at him through the screen.

After a while, Boorman was defeated first, lowered his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an:


I can only give you twenty-four hours.

During this period, I will reinstate your visa.

After you leave the Eagle Flag Country, don’t come back again. If you let me see you again, you will never let me go! "

"Then thank you Mr. Boorman for your kindness!" Chen Xin'an grinned and hung up the video without talking nonsense!

"Aqi!" Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted to Li Qi: "Contact Zhang Jian immediately and ask Qinzi to go to Chinatown!

Long Sheng, Xia Hongfeng, pack your bags and set off in half an hour! "

Long Sheng pointed to the three people on the sofa and asked: "Boss, where are the three of them?"

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and said with a sneer: "Take it away! The men in green suits are nearby. Without the three of them, we would become sniper targets!"

After giving injections to the three of them, Long Sheng brought the medical kit and performed a simple wound treatment for them.

Xia Hongfeng said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, do Brother Meng and the others want to notify you?"

"They won't leave!" Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with a sneer: "If you give Boorman eight courages now, he won't dare to attack the people of GBSA!

Do you really think that your sister-in-law, the secretary-general, is just a decoration?

He himself has a headache now! "


The expensive coffee pot was smashed against the wall and shattered into pieces!

Boorman's eyes were red and he asked the people around him: "Are you still falling now?"

The secretary next to him trembled and said: "It is still falling sharply, and it is about to enter the third limit!

But we found that someone was buying aggressively through international accounts, which may soon curb the decline..."

"Idiot, that's Chen Xin'an's evil hand!" Boorman bit him and cursed: "He wants to suck all the blood of the entire Cexire family!

Yes, it was his wife who was the secretary-general of GBSA who helped him do it!

We were careless and shouldn't have let Golden get the contract!

Now the entire GBSA is dealing with the Cexire family.

If this continues, I may become the first bankrupt leader in the history of Eagle Flag Country!

Get me through to Cairns, now I can only ask them for help!

If it weren't for the instigation of these bastards, I wouldn't have attacked Chen Xin'an! "

When the secretary walked over to make the call, Boorman waved, and a man in a suit stood behind him with his ear close to his.

"Secretly deploy people at all exit ports such as airports and docks. Once you find traces of Chen Xin'an, arrest him!

Remember, I want to live!

The loss is so great, I want Chen Xin'an to spit out all the blood he sucked from me! "

The man in the suit nodded and wanted to leave, but suddenly asked: "Those security team members..."

Boorman scolded: "Don't touch it! They have nothing to do with Chen Xin'an, don't they think I'm in enough trouble? Do they have to force me to step down?"

The man in the suit lowered his head and did not dare to say anything, turned around and left.

Boorman sat on the chair, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, cursing: "Damn Chen Xin'an!"

Giving up Chen Xin'an for the Golden Gloves was the wisest thing I did after taking office.

But now I feel like I made a wrong decision.

This Chen Xin'an, I thought it would be difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult!

She didn't want Chen Xin'an to benefit, but now Golden Glove was watching the fun.

And his appetite is even bigger than Chen Xin'an!

Naturally, Boorman would not let them feel so comfortable, so he simply pulled them into the water.

Let you settle the troubles of the Cexire family for me!

Of course, Boorman would not let Golden Gloves participate in the interception of Chen Xin'an, as that would solidify his reputation as a white-eyed wolf.

Just let them pay to solve the economic crisis of the Cexire family.

If you want to restore relations with the authorities, you can't do it without spending some money and blood!



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