Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2694 Are you willing to take in our sisters?

These words made everyone stunned and didn't understand what she meant.

Wen Chengtai snorted coldly, looked at Shen Nanzhu and cursed: "Bitch, what kind of riddles are you playing with me!

Do you think I will believe you just by saying a few words?

Is Mr. Wen someone you can call by his first name?


Before he could finish speaking, Shen Nanzhu interrupted him and said, "Listen, I've already told you this, if you don't tell Moon Yoo-hwan in time, don't blame me!

When the time comes, he will settle the score with you. Even if you have nine lives, it will not be enough for him to kill! "

Looking at Shen Nanzhu's eyes, Wen Chengtai's expression changed.

Although he didn't understand what Shen Nanzhu was talking about, after all, it was related to his life.

He knows Mr. Wen's character and temper. If he really misses something important, his life may really be in danger!

Taking a deep breath, Wen Chengtai took a step back, his pistol still pointed at Wang Hao, but he took out his mobile phone with his left hand and dialed a number.

While waiting for the call to be connected, Wen Chengtai squinted his eyes and said to Shen Nanzhu: "If you dare to lie to me, I guarantee that you will not have a hard time tonight!"

Shen Nanzhu ignored him and just sneered coldly, as if he didn't bother to answer.

Wen Chengtai's face turned pale. The call was already connected. He quickly put on a smile and asked in a flattering manner:

"Second Miss, I am Atai!

Have you had a rest?

I see that you yawned several times when you went to work today. You must be very tired.

Be sure to go to bed early at night and don’t let yourself...


I have something important to report to you..."

He repeated what Shen Nanzhu said just now to Wen Xiuying over there, then nodded and hung up the phone.

"Wait!" Wen Chengtai snorted coldly and said to Shen Nanzhu: "If you find out later that you are lying to me, don't blame me for burning down your shop!

None of you, any one of you, can even think of leaving tonight!

If I don't teach you a lesson, you still think that I, Wen Chengtai, is easy to mess with, and that the Wen family is easy to bully!

what are you doing? "

Seeing Luo Xiaoman walking over step by step, Wen Chengtai turned his gun and aimed it at his head!

"Stop, or I'll shoot you to death! Don't think I'm trying to scare you, I can't even wash the blood off my hands!"

Luo Xiaoman didn't understand what he was saying at all. In fact, he didn't care what he said.

It's just funny to see this guy showing off his gun and looking like he's in control of the world.

Do you really think that I have never seen a gun or been in a hail of bullets?

Then you are totally wrong!

"Stop!" As Wen Chengtai roared, his index finger hooked on the trigger!

Unfortunately, before he could press it, the opponent rushed straight towards him!

The speed was so fast that Wen Chengtai couldn't react at all!

When he thought about shooting, the other party had already grabbed his wrist!

Instinctively, Wen Chengtai turned his wrist, trying to break free from the opponent's grip.

But with a strong twist, his wrist buckled inward uncontrollably, causing severe pain instantly!

With a click, his wrist was fine, but his fingers were severed!

The pistol also reached the opponent's hand, and the next second, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against his forehead!

Cold sweat flowed from Wen Chengtai's forehead. He endured the pain in his fingers, raised his hands, and did not dare to move!

He is a bodyguard, but he is also afraid of death.

And he has already seen that the difference in strength between himself and the guy in front of him is really huge!

Even without weapons, it would be easy for the other party to kill him!

When the cell phone rang, Wen Chengtai looked at Luo Xiaoman with pleading eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Yes, it's the Wen family calling!"

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and waved to the Shen sisters.

Shen Nanzhu and Shen Youzhen came over, glanced at Luo Xiaoman, and understood what he meant.

Shen Youzhen shouted at Wen Chengtai: "Answer the phone and put it on speakerphone! If you dare to play tricks, you will be dead!"

Wen Chengtai picked up the phone tremblingly and pressed the hands-free button.

A man's slow voice came from over there: "Did that woman tell you personally?"

Wen Chengtai did not dare to neglect, nodded quickly and said: "Mr. Wen, yes!"

The man over there continued: "Bring her to Green Water Pond!"

"Mr. Wen, I..." Wen Chengtai hesitated to speak.

"Trash! If you can't handle such a small thing, what's the use of you!" The man over there said lightly.

Although the tone was not harsh, to Wen Chengtai, it was like a thunderbolt that instantly made all the blood drain from his face!

Then the person on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice: "Watch her, our people will be here soon."

After saying that, he hung up the phone neatly.

Wen Chengtai said to Shen Nanzhu: "Just wait here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Xiaoman banged his pistol and hit Wen Chengtai on the head with the butt of the gun!

Wen Chengtai didn't even hum. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground in a faint!

The faces of the remaining boys changed drastically, and they turned around and wanted to run away.

Luo Xiaoman never gave them a chance to escape. He put the pistol away from his waist, bent down and grabbed a handful of iron sticks from the ground, and threw them at the gang of boys like a goddess scattering flowers!

With screams, a group of boys all fell to the ground!

Some had iron sticks stuck in their butts, and some were inserted into their thighs.

Luo Xiaoman walked over calmly, aimed at their heads, raised his foot and stomped hard!

Several younger brothers, like Wen Chengtai, fainted on the ground with their eyes rolled back.

Shen Youzhen asked him in panic: "Brother Man, they..."

"Don't worry, they won't die, they just fainted!" Luo Xiaoman knew what she was worried about and explained with a smile.

Shen Youzhen breathed a sigh of relief, but her sister Shen Nanzhu pulled her and ran into the store quickly.

"What's wrong, sister?" Shen Youzhen asked inexplicably.

Shen Nanzhu said with a gloomy face: "Pack up quickly, we have to leave here! The Wen family will not let us go!"

"But our store..." Shen Youzhen looked at the storefront with a distressed face.

Shin Nanzhu was much more straightforward than her, shaking her head and saying, "Human lives are the most important now! Jae-hee, Yun-ho, take this money first.

The store will be closed for a while, this is your two months' wages.

I'm sorry, because of my own affairs, I have implicated you!

If someone threatens you, push it on me, remember?"

The two waiters looked at Shin Nanzhu reluctantly and said, "Boss, will you open again? Be sure to call us back when the time comes!"

"Yes, boss, it doesn't matter even if the wages are a little less. It's comfortable and happy to work here. There is a human touch. I don't want to leave!"

Shin Nanzhu stuffed the money into the two people's hands and said to them, "If you reopen, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible!

Okay, go home quickly, if you let the Wen family bump into you, it will be dangerous!"

The two waiters took the money and left reluctantly.

Shin Nanzhu also returned to the store, packed up quickly with her sister, and walked out with two suitcases.

Shen Youzhen said helplessly to Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao: "Brother Man, Brother Hao, we two sisters are homeless now, are you willing to take us in?"

Shen Nanzhu frowned and glared at her sister, and said to Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao: "Don't listen to her nonsense!

Thank you again for helping us again tonight.

Just let me handle the next thing alone!

I'm sorry to bother you two, I won't keep you two, we still have to go to the countryside tonight, we'll see you later!"

Wang Hao said to Shen Nanzhu excitedly: "Don't go!"

Seeing Shen Nanzhu turned around and looked at him strangely, Wang Hao took a deep breath and said to her:

"Do you think that if you go to the countryside, the Wen family won't be able to find you? Can they let you go easily?"

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