Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2695 It’s okay not to go home tonight

Shen Nanzhu, who is well aware of the character of the Wen family, can deeply understand Wang Hao's words.

The power of the Wen family is too great in Guangtian City!

Even if she hid in the countryside, it would still be unsafe. The Wen family would find the sisters sooner or later.

And once caught by the Wen family, she didn't dare to think about what would happen to their sisters!

Seeing the hesitation on Shen Nanzhu's face, Wang Hao quickly said to her: "How about you go back with us first?

We rented an apartment in Xicheng, which is relatively safe.

And there are girls there too, so you won't feel awkward living there. "

"Sister, I think it's okay!" Shen Youzhen whispered to her sister quickly.

Shen Nanzhu glanced at her, shook his head helplessly, and said to Wang Hao, "Will it cause you any trouble?"

"No!" Wang Hao quickly waved his hand and said to Shen Nanzhu with a smile: "The house over there is big, there is room to live, and we are not people who are afraid of trouble!"

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Wang Hao with disdain.

This guy obviously has bad intentions. He has a crush on someone, right?

However, he didn't have any objections to the two sisters moving there, because he could also see that this sister in particular had a grudge against the Xinghai Group!

After hearing what Wang Hao said, Shen Nanzhu no longer insisted on going to the countryside, and said to Wang Hao and Luo Xiaoman with an apologetic look:

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

Wang Hao ran over diligently, picked up the sisters' boxes, and said to her: "No trouble, we are friends! We should help each other. I'm going to drive now!"

"You're drunk, let me drive, you can show me the way!" Shen Youzhen grabbed Wang Hao's car keys.

Shen Youzhen drove, Shen Nanzhu sat in the passenger seat, and Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao sat in the back seat.

This disappointed Wang Hao, who originally wanted to sit next to Shen Nanzhu.

The car quickly left the old city and headed towards the West City.

Five minutes later, a motorcade stopped on the roadside in front of the barbecue restaurant.

Wen Xiuying, who had changed into casual clothes, got out of the car with a group of thugs. When she saw Wen Chengtai and others lying on the ground and the closed shop door, her brows knitted into knots.

"Wake him up!" Wen Xiuying folded her arms and said coldly to her subordinates.

A subordinate walked over with a bucket of mineral water, unscrewed the lid, and poured the mineral water on Wen Chengtai's face!

Stimulated by the cold water, Wen Chengtai coughed a few times and opened his eyes.

Seeing Wen Xiuying not far away, he looked surprised, stood up and shouted: "Second Miss!"

Wen Xiuying looked at him gloomily and asked, "Where are the people?"

Wen Chengtai was stunned for a moment, glanced at the locked shop door not far away, and his expression changed!

He quickly stood up, ran to Wen Xiuying and said, "Second Miss, I'm sorry, I couldn't keep an eye on them..."

"Trash!" Wen Xiuying raised her arm and slapped him hard on the face!

Wen Chengtai's eyes were horrified, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He stood up straight and didn't dare to move.

Wen Xiuying gritted her teeth and cursed: "You can't even look down on a woman, what else can you do?

The Wen family doesn't raise trash, so get out! "

"Second Miss, please give me a chance!" Wen Chengtai knelt on the ground and begged:

“I can find out where they went!

They were with the two nosy men they saw in the afternoon!

If you can find those two men, you can find the sisters!

Second young lady, don’t drive me away, let me atone for my sins!

You can deduct my salary, I just want to stay by your side! "

Wen Xiuying glanced at him with disgust.

How could she not know what this guy was thinking?

But to her, this guy is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat!

But after all, he is a subordinate who has been with him for many years, and he is obedient and useful. It would be a pity to drive him away, and it will chill the hearts of others.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance!" Wen Xiuying nodded and said, "I'll help you with your father's side. You must get your things back within two days!

Otherwise, don't say I can't protect you, even I will be punished by my father! "

Wen Chengtai looked grateful and said to Wen Xiuying: "Second Miss, don't worry, I will definitely find them as soon as possible and get that thing!"

Guangtian Chengzhengyi Restaurant can be regarded as a relatively high-ranking eating place.

Originally, Yin Hye Kyo wanted a private room, but Chen Xin'an refused.

The local restaurants in Dongchao and Daying have small and stuffy private rooms and the space is very narrow.

Eating inside always gives people an inexplicable sense of depression, which is not as bright and bright as the hall.

So Yin Hye Kyo asked for a seat by the window, called her father Yin Zhihuan, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, and ordered a table of Dongchao delicacies.

After an operation, Yin Hye Kyo's attitude towards Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe has really changed drastically!

She is a woman who worships the strong.

Although she is arrogant and arrogant by nature, if someone overwhelmingly surpasses her in her exclusive field, she will develop a humility similar to surrender.

Now she treats Luo Qianhe fairly well, and treats Chen Xin'an with surrender-like respect, and the way she looks at him is different.

Chen Xin'an can't stand this kind of look, it seems that as long as you wave, she will come to you, never fight back or scold you, and let you do whatever you want!

So he simply didn't look at this woman to avoid being misunderstood by her.

Fortunately, with Yin Zhihuan by his side, there was no shortage of common topics for everyone, so the meal was not formal.

The cell phone rang suddenly. Yin Zhihuan took it out, took a look, and said to her daughter:

"Something happened at the hospital. Several big guys from the board of directors are here. I have to go back and take a look!

Hye Kyo, help me take care of my two senior brothers. Make sure they eat well and have fun! "

Yin Hye Kyo nodded and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I know what to do!"

Yin Zhihuan said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe with an apologetic look: "Senior brother Chen, senior brother Luo, I have something urgent and need to go back to the hospital to deal with it, Hui Qiao will accompany you.

I'm sorry to disappoint you two, I will definitely make up for it next time! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked: "Did you just say that all the bosses on the board of directors have passed?

That should be a big deal. Do you need my help? "

"No, no!" Yin Zhihuan quickly waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "Actually, the board of directors has been fighting over the ownership of the hospital, and the separation has been going on for two years!

This time, Dean Chi was beaten by the boss of the board of directors. There might be big moves, so I had to go and have a look.

This has nothing to do with you and is an internal problem within the hospital.

You eat slowly, and then let Hye Kyo take you to see the night view of Guangtian Castle. There is no need to rush home.

It’s okay if Hye Kyo doesn’t go back tonight, I won’t say anything.


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