Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2782 Don’t let me down again

Howling sirens sounded in the street, and eight anti-riot vehicles entered Tsurukawa Road one after another.

The intercom in his hand rang: "Boss, we are here. We will enter the designated area in five minutes! Eight cars!"

Kim Eun-jae stood up, took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Got it!"

Putting down the walkie-talkie, he turned around and shouted to everyone: "Start!"

The roaring riot convoy suddenly stopped, followed by a loud bang on the road ahead and flames shooting into the sky!

"What's going on!" In the riot captain's No. 3 car, the riot captain asked the front using the communicator in his helmet.

The shouts from the brothers in front came from the headset: "The road is temporarily closed, there are many people in front of us, they seem to be attacking us, be careful!

No...not attacking us! There is a camera position, it seems like we are filming a movie?

Captain, wait a moment, I'll go down and ask! "

The riot captain, who was a little strange at first, let go of his hand on the trigger and muttered: "What kind of plane are you talking about! I thought someone was really going to attack us!"

The person next to him laughed and said: "Attack our riot brigade? Does he want to commit suicide?"

The others burst out laughing.

The man's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Report to the captain, there is a movie shooting ahead and the road has been closed!"

The captain yelled angrily: "Why are you filming a movie at this time! Shibin, tell them to get out of the way!"

Shi Bin said helplessly: "I said it, but they didn't let me!

It was said that it took three months to apply for this scene before it was approved. Time is precious and not a minute can be wasted!

The filming was completed in almost an hour, let’s wait for a while! "

The Dongchao film industry has always been very developed, and the films produced are not bad. International public opinion generally says that they are profound and dare to expose the dark side of society.

Therefore, the film industry is very developed in Dongchao, with many stars and famous directors.

When faced with filming tasks, all walks of life are very supportive.

It seems that this movie is also a big production, you can tell just by looking at the set that almost covers the entire street!

Moreover, there were hundreds of actors participating. Looking at the crowd in front of them, there were several camera positions, and they didn’t know what kind of movie they were filming.

If it were normal, let alone the team members, even he, the captain, would definitely go over and join in the fun.

Even the shameless thing of asking for an extra role in the past can be done.

But not today. I have an urgent task. After waiting for an hour, the day lilies are already cold!


The security guard's body hit the riot door of the ammunition depot heavily and collapsed to the ground.

Cui Dongjian came over with a cigarette in his mouth and squatted in front of him.

"Open the door and you can live! Otherwise, your end will be worse than him!"

Not far away, another security guard was sitting on the ground with his face covered in blood, looking here with dull eyes.

Beside him, a tall prisoner held a sharp knife in his right hand. The tip of the knife was pointed at the security guard's right shoulder, and he pressed down hard!

The knife penetrated the security guard's body. The prisoner grasped the handle of the knife tightly with both hands and used all his strength to insert the sharp knife into the security guard's shoulder bit by bit.

The security guard let out a shrill scream, but people in this place would not die immediately, they could only passively bear the huge pain.

"Kill me! Please kill me!" The security guard cried loudly, but the prisoners beside him remained unmoved.

The security guard who was being questioned by Cui Dongjian turned pale and trembled with fear when he saw this scene.

Cui Dongjian grinned and said to him: "You haven't said it yet, right? It doesn't matter, I'll let you play slowly! Ah Yuan!"

The tall prisoner let go of the dying and unconscious security guard next to him, and strode to Cui Dongjian's side.

Cui Dongjian looked at him expressionlessly and said: "I asked you to arrest people but you didn't catch them. I have already let me down once.

Don't let me down again, otherwise... you know the consequences! "

A Yuan nodded, grabbed the security guard's shoulder, and tried to drag him away.

"Stop, stop!" Cui Dongjian waved his hand quickly and complained to him: "Don't be so rude! Just help me hold down his head!"

By the way, don't let him blink, got it? "

A Yuan let go of the security guard's shoulders, stretched out his big hand, held down the security guard's head, and fixed him to the door with a bang!

Then he stretched out his hands and held down the security guard's head, making him unable to move.

Then he stretched out his thumbs and index fingers to forcefully open the security guard's eyes!

"No! Don't do this! What are you doing? I told you I don't know! Can you let me go?"

The security guard was so scared that tears flowed out. He rolled his eyes and looked at Cui Dongjian in horror.

After taking a deep breath of cigarette, Cui Dongjian said to him with a smile:

"Why are you crying, a manly man!

I know you don't have the key.

But I also believe that you must know how to open the door, right? "

The security guard wanted to shake his head, but couldn't move at all.

Cui Dongjian very considerately wiped away the security guard's tears with his sleeve, then took the cigarette butt in his hand and calmly touched the security guard's left eyeball!

A white eye rose up, accompanied by a disgusting burning smell!

The security guard's whole body was shaking with pain, but he still couldn't escape. A Yuan's hands pressed him tightly against the door!

Cui Dongjian turned the cigarette butt expressionlessly. When he saw that it was almost extinguished, he took it out of the security guard's eye socket, put it into his mouth and took two puffs.

When the cigarette butt turned red and shiny again, Cui Dongjian took the cigarette butt and leaned towards the security guard's eyeball!

"The password is 769481! You have to match Haozhen's left index finger fingerprint to open it!"

Cui Dongjian pointed at the unconscious security guard next to him: "His fingerprints?"

"Yes!" The security guard leaning against the door responded with a cry.

Cui Dongjian patted his face and said with a smile: "You are so good! Open your mouth!"

The security guard looked at Cui Dongjian with his remaining right eye in horror, not daring to open his mouth.

Cui Dongjian's face sank, and he took the cigarette butt and stuffed it into his right eye.

The security guard was so frightened that he cried: "I open my mouth!"

He opened his mouth wide.

Cui Dongjian grinned, took a deep breath of cigarette, and then stuffed his throat into the security guard's mouth!


The red-hot cigarette butt burned the security guard's tongue. He shuddered in pain and was about to spit it out when Cui Dongjian pointed at his eyes and said:

"If you don't put it there, just put it here. It's up to you!"

The security guard was so frightened that he didn't dare to vomit anymore, so he could only stick out his tongue to endure the burning of the cigarette butt!

It took thirty seconds for the cigarette butt to be completely extinguished by saliva.

Cui Dongjian looked at him with squinted eyes and said: "Chew it into pieces and swallow it. If you dare to swallow it directly, I will cut open your stomach with a knife, take it out and let you eat it again!"

The security guard was so frightened that he dared not disobey. He closed his mouth and chewed the cigarette butt vigorously.

After chewing, he opened his mouth and asked Cui Dongjian to check the tobacco and black ash in his mouth, as well as the sponge of the filter. Finally, he stretched his neck and swallowed!

Cui Dongjian stood up with a smile and said to Ah Yuan: "Take fingerprints!"

A Yuan turned around, walked to another security guard, grabbed the handle of the knife inserted in the shoulder socket, and pulled it out hard!

As the knife was pulled out bit by bit, the security guard who had been unconscious was awakened by the pain and let out a numbing cry.

As if he didn't hear it, A Yuan pulled out the knife.

Then he pulled up the security guard's left arm, which could no longer move, and spread his left hand on the ground.

Place the blade at the base of your finger and press down hard!

With a click, the security guard's left index finger was cut off!

After a scream, the security guard who had just woken up from the pain fainted again!

A Yuan picked up the severed finger on the ground, walked over and handed it to Cui Dongjian.

Turning his head, Cui Dongjian smiled and said to the frightened one-eyed security guard: "Here, open the door for me!"

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