Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2783 Do you still want to use this trick to suppress us?

Outside the warden's office, there was constant banging and banging.

It's just that the door was locked from the inside, and there were heavy objects such as a sofa and table on top of it, so it couldn't be opened from the outside for a while.

Han Jinzai's face turned pale and he shouted to his subordinates: "Why the hell haven't the riot squad arrived yet? Didn't they say they would arrive in fifteen minutes? How long has it been now?"

The subordinate leaned behind the desk, holding the satellite phone and said: "We are blocked on Tsurukawa Road. A movie is being filmed over there and the road is closed!"

Han Jin's gas-carrying hole was smoking, and he shouted loudly: "If you don't shoot it sooner or later, you're going to slap it now!"

Get the riot squad to come to me immediately!

If you don’t come to Doosan Prison, you will be gone! "

He urged his subordinate several times with a grim look on his face, and the riot captain over there became anxious and scolded him.

The riot squad almost got into a fight with the film crew, but the more trouble there got, the more chaotic it became. Now even if they were allowed to go, the road would be blocked, and they couldn't come even if they wanted to!

But there is no way, who makes me serve the boss!

If someone asks him to make a phone call, he must make a call!

Just as he was about to dial the number again, he heard a loud bang from outside the door, and the table he was holding on made a sound of the table legs rubbing against the ground!

People outside are coming in!

The subordinate looked pale and looked at Han Jinzai in panic and asked: "Warden, they are coming in, what should I do?"

Han Jinzai also felt himself breathing rapidly, looking at the door, then quickly turned around, opened his desk drawer, and took out a pistol from inside!

The people outside seemed to be going crazy and kept banging on the door.

It became increasingly difficult for his subordinates to persist. Even if the satellite phone fell to the ground, he did not dare to pick it up. He used all his strength to hold it against the table.

But he was still knocked to the ground after a loud noise!

The door has been pushed open a large gap, and a person can easily squeeze through!


Han Jinzai fired, but because of nervousness, the bullet did not hit the person, but hit the wall.

Han Jinzai seemed to be crazy, holding a gun and shooting at the door continuously!

The people who originally squeezed in shrank back like monkeys!

After a while, the bullets in the pistol were emptied, but Han Jinzai still kept pulling the trigger, making a hollow clicking sound.

A head emerged from the gap in the door. Looking at Han Jinzai, who was still holding the gun but could no longer fire bullets, he asked:

"Warden, are you out of bullets in the gun? Then I'm about to come in!"

Han Jinzai let out a strange scream, smashed the pistol, and shouted: "Get out! Don't come in! This is not a place for you to enter!"

But no one listened to him.

One by one, the prisoners squeezed in through the crack in the door, then pushed aside the things blocking the door, opened the door, and let more people in.

Soon, more than twenty prisoners were standing in the office.

They were like evil ghosts who had just climbed out of hell, covered in blood and looking hideous.

At this time, Han Jinzai was no longer afraid, because he knew very well that fear was useless, the situation was out of control!

He walked out from behind the desk, stood in front of the prisoners, looked at them and shouted:

"What do you want to do? Do you know what you are doing?

10053 What are you doing with me?

You can go out in two months. Do you know how long you will be in jail for doing this?

And you bastards, this is a prison, not a place for you to fight!

If you dare to do this nonsense, I will let you go to jail for the rest of your life! "

There was silence.

Many people dare not look into Han Jinzai's eyes. This is also due to the long-term power he has accumulated as a prison warden.

A proud smile appeared on the corner of Han Jinzai's mouth. Criminals are criminals, they are easy to be impulsive and easily bewitched by others.

This is why many people become criminals.

He is the warden, the natural nemesis of these guys!

As long as he looks down, who wouldn't be afraid?

When the subordinates on the side saw that these prisoners were restrained, they quickly stood up and shouted to everyone:

"I know you are just being instigated and fooled by others, and you don't want to do this!

Now you should hurry back to your dormitory and stay there. The prison will not settle old scores with you about today’s incident..."

Before he could finish his words, a black shadow suddenly flew out of nowhere and hit him on the head impartially!

The subordinate screamed, covering his face with his hands, and blood flowed from his fingers!

At his feet lay a bloody brick.

A prisoner in prison uniform came over, looked at the warden and his subordinates coldly and said:

"You still want to use this trick to suppress us?

Let me tell you, it doesn’t work anymore!

Controlling you allows those guys outside to open the door.

From now on, the sky is high and the sea is vast, nothing can stop us!

Mr. Prison Director, you still have the same virtue and like to educate us with a condescending attitude!

Sometimes, just because you are inexplicably unhappy, the security guards will torture us in various ways.

Have you ever thought that you would have this day?

You still want to show off your airs as a warden in front of us. Do you think we will still tolerate you? "

Looking at the prisoners approaching, Han Jinzai once again showed a look of fear on his face.

He took a few steps back until he hit the desk and stopped, shouting to everyone:

"Don't mess around!

The riot squad is coming soon. Do you know what will happen?

Get away from me, don't make the same mistake again and again! "

Someone suddenly rushed over and punched him in the face!

Han Jinzai screamed, covering his face and squatting on the ground. A hard object fell in his hand, which was his newly broken front tooth!

Before he could take a breath, a group of prisoners rushed over and punched and kicked him and his subordinates!

The prisoner who just spoke shouted loudly: "Don't beat the person to death! He is still useful. Without him, we can't leave this hellish place!"

Give him a breath and take him to see his big brother! "

Hearing the shouting, a group of prisoners stopped and took a few steps back.

Han Jinzai and his subordinates had been beaten until their faces were covered in blood, and their heads were swollen like a pig's head!

At this moment, there was a sudden scream from behind, and someone ran in and shouted to the prisoner who had just spoken: "Brother Zhihao, some prison guards are rushing over!"

Brother Zhihao snorted coldly and said with disdain: "There are still people who don't know whether to live or die?

Stop them and bring them to me! "

The prisoner shook his head and said, "We can't stop him, they are already coming!"

Brother Zhihao frowned.

He brought more than thirty people to the warden's office, but he couldn't stop a few prison guards?

How many people were on the ground?

At this moment, the screams outside were very close, and a group of prisoners poured in, making the already spacious office even more crowded!

Immediately afterwards, three people in police uniforms walked in from outside. The prisoners who had just retreated in continued to retreat as if they had seen a ghost, and they did not dare to stop them!

Brother Zhihao looked gloomy and shouted to everyone: "Kill them! Do you have guns or not? What are you afraid of?

I thought how many people came, but after a long time there were only three!

One of us here can drown three of them with just a spitting breath. What the hell are you afraid of? "

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of prisoners shouted and rushed over.

At the same time, the three opponents also began to rush forward.

Brother Zhihao's breathing seemed to have stopped, and he stared at the three people with his eyes wide open and his mouth open.

Now he finally understood why the guys outside didn't even dare to stop him, because they couldn't stop him at all!

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