Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3000 I can satisfy all your fantasies

With a muffled sound, Chen Xin'an was punched away!

While he was flying backwards, Gong Musashi pressed forward step by step, attacking Chen Xin'an continuously before he landed, punching to the flesh and hitting Chen Xin'an!

Li Qi next to him finally caught the opportunity and rushed towards Miya Musashi from the side!

As the cold light crossed the arc, Gong Musashi immediately stopped his hand and slapped Li Qi's arm away!

Li Qi turned his wrist, and the tip of the knife went around the back of his hand. It instantly changed from an upright grip to an underhand grip. He lifted the knife and cut it towards Miya Musashi's wrist!

"You are looking for death!" Gong Musashi shouted angrily, flipped his wrist to avoid the knife, and then punched Li Qi on the shoulder joint! .??.

In his eyes, this guy is a first-class player with guns, but fighting with swords and kicks in front of him is simply asking for death!

This kind of fighting method is not enough in front of him!

This punch was enough to break a person's joints, but the kid in front of him just shook his arm and stabbed him in the chest again!

Miya Musashi frowned.

As expected, the people around Chen Xin'an were also good at it. This guy's fighting skills were average, but his physical fitness was beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, the sword skills he used were very sharp and deadly, and he had the aura of fighting on the battlefield. Even he did not dare to be careless when dealing with them.

It seems that this guy is someone who has been on the battlefield, and only those who have truly experienced bloodshed are qualified to be Chen Xin'an's helper!

It's just a pity that if such a person is not used by him and becomes his enemy, then he will die!


Gong Musashi suddenly kicked Li Qi's wrist with a high bullet.

The unbearable soreness and numbness actually made Li Qi not let go and threw the knife, which made Gong Musashi look at this young man with admiration.

But it also made him more determined to kill him. Such people cannot be allowed to stay!

He rushed forward and kicked again, but the target was Li Qi's heart!

This kick is enough to kill the opponent!

The inner strength will shatter the opponent's heart, and it will be difficult for gods to save him!

But at this moment, a gunshot sounded from the front!

Miya Musashi was so shocked that he subconsciously lay back without kicking him out, which was equivalent to costing the opponent his life!

Damn sniper!

Miya Musashi stood up suddenly and looked at the hanging tower in front of him with cold eyes.

That's where the gunfire came from!

Even though his kung fu is now almost unparalleled in the world, he still has an instinctive resistance and resistance to modern weapons.

In fact, deep down in my heart, there is still an unspeakable fear!

He had been wounded by a gunshot when he was young, so he deeply understood that even if a person's body is trained to the extreme, it is impossible to be completely invulnerable!

When encountering modern weapons, the most ordinary bullet can kill him!

That's why he decided that to eliminate Chen Xin'an, he must first eliminate the shadow behind him.

Now a shadow is coming forward, and there is another shadow, aiming a gun at him. The trigger may be pulled at some point. Whether you can avoid it depends on luck!

Under such circumstances, Miya Musashi did not dare to let go and deal with the two people in front of him.

So he had to get rid of the sniper first, and then come back and slowly kill these two annoying guys!

"Seeking death!" Miya Musashi cursed through his teeth, dodged and rushed toward the crane.

He was not worried at all that Chen Xin'an and the young man would take the opportunity to run away.

After being hit by him so many times, Chen Xin'an only had one breath left to die. He couldn't even run away.

As for that young man, without Chen Xin'an, there would be no threat to him, Gong Musashi.

If you want to escape with Chen Xin'an, you won't be able to go far.

Waiting for him to kill the people on the crane and then come back to kill them, there will be no delay!

But just as he took two steps forward, danger suddenly hit him behind him!

Miya Musashi didn't have time to think too much, he twisted his waist and dodged to avoid this sneak attack!

He stopped and turned around, looking in disbelief at Chen Xin'an, who was holding a dagger next to him and his face was covered in blood!

"How is that possible! How can you still stand up?" Miya Musashi asked in shock.

He must know how heavy his fist is.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a strong cow would be beaten to death after enduring the wave of heavy punches he just dealt!

But Chen Xin'an looked a little miserable, her flesh and blood were blurred, but her eyes were still bright, and her movements were even more agile and powerful than before!

Chen Xin'an held the dagger in his right hand and stretched, accompanied by a crackling sound in the joints of his body.

Just as he was about to speak, his throat felt sweet and a mouthful of blood welled up!

Can't vomit!

Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and swallowed the mouthful of blood. Then she gnashed her white teeth stained red by the blood, squinted her eyes and looked at Gong Musashi and said

“You didn’t eat, right?

Why don't you tickle me?

This makes me unable to stand up. Are you funny?

Come on, let's continue!

Let me see what a master with over five levels of inner strength can do. Isn’t Lao Yin weaker than you? "

Gong Musashi turned around, walked slowly to the side, looked at Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face and said

“It’s just that I’m a little more resistant to beatings than the average person, but for me, that’s a good thing!

It's been a long time since I've found a meat bag like yours!

If you like tickling, I will continue to tickle you.

Let’s see how long you can keep your stubbornness! "

Li Qi held the dagger tightly beside him, gritting his teeth and trying to rush up from behind.

He wants to distract Miya Musashi. Only in this way can the boss have a chance to defeat him!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted to him, "Aqi, back off! Hold the line, do you understand?"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, and shouted to Chen Xin'an with some worry


How could he not understand what Chen Xinan meant?

The boss is going to fight Miya Musashi alone!

When he can no longer hold on any longer, Li Qi will be the last barrier to protect Han Yunmei.

But the opponent is so strong, the boss is no match for him!

Fighting alone is no different from dying!

But seeing Chen Xin'an's firm eyes, Li Qi said nothing and took a step back with the knife.

Gong Musashi laughed like a duck, waved to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and said, "It doesn't matter, you two come together!"

There is a gap in strength, so for Miya Musashi, there is actually no difference between one opponent and two or three opponents!

Chen Xin'an raised her finger and pointed at Gong Musashi, then hooked her fingers and said, "I can do it alone. After all, you are so old. If there are many people, they will bully you!"

Gong Musashi sneered coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an sideways and said, "There is no point in talking big.

Even if your muscles, bones and skin are a little tougher than ordinary people, so what?

If you can withstand one or two punches from me, then I will give you ten or twenty punches!

Do you know what it’s like to have your entire body blown apart and not even a single intact bone in your body?

At that time, let alone living, you couldn't be called a human being, just a pile of random meat!

Chen Xin'an, you can't imagine that kind of pain.

But you’ll get a taste of it soon! "

Chen Xin'an continued to hook her fingers and challenged him, "Come on, Old Yinbi, let me have a taste of what you are talking about!"

As long as you don't hide it, I will fulfill all your fantasies!

There are so many people in this world who want to kill me, but now I am still standing here.

Lao Yinbi, do you have the ability to kill me?

You are just an old bastard who is greedy for life and afraid of death! "

"You are looking for death!" Gong Musashi finally became furious, shouted sharply, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

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