Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3001 The sword hanging above the head

After all, he was once the Holy Master of Dongchao, admired by hundreds of millions of people. When has he ever been scolded like this?

Gong Wuzang now wanted to tear Chen Xinan's mouth apart. Forget it, it would be more satisfying to smash his mouth with a fist!

His figure once again flashed a shadow in Chen Xinan's eyes, and his sharp punches and kicks instantly enveloped the opponent.

Before Chen Xinan could react, he had been hit by several punches, but just when Gong Wuzang wanted to ridicule him for being vulnerable, this guy actually fought back!

It was the kind of fighting style that would rather withstand a few punches than hit the opponent, killing one thousand enemies and injuring one thousand and fifteen of himself!

Bang bang!

After Gong Wuzang was hit by two punches, his eyes could hardly open!

He was so angry that he was even more ruthless!

This bastard was not only mean, but also ruthless. He hit the head and the eyes! .??.

Gong Wuzang knew that he had become a panda eye without looking in the mirror!

And the corners of his eyes were cracked and bleeding!

"Lie down!" With a sharp shout from Gong Wuzang, he kneed Chen Xin'an in the stomach!

This blow was so powerful that Chen Xin'an's feet were lifted off the ground, and he almost vomited bile!

But Chen Xin'an did not fall down as he said, but took advantage of the situation and hit him in the stomach!

Gong Wuzang took two steps back, his feet were empty, and his body lost balance, but he immediately raised his feet and sat on the top of the container with a plop.

These containers, each with a gap, with not enough space for a person to fall in, but if you step on it, you might sprain your foot, and you might trip if you are not careful.

If it were normal times, such an opportunity would not be missed for Chen Xin'an.

But now, Chen Xin'an also staggered while holding his stomach, watching Gong Wuzang really want to rush over, but he was a little powerless.

His whole body was now like being broken apart, and it was difficult to even stand up straight.

Not to mention the multiple bone injuries on his body, now it is estimated that even his intestines are broken.

He spit out blood from his mouth, and forced himself to walk towards Gong Wuzang step by step. Gong Wuzang also stood up and looked at Chen Xinan with a gloomy face. This guy is really difficult to deal with, it seems that he is immortal! Seeing him spit blood from time to time and staggering, you know that he is actually seriously injured. If it were an ordinary person, he would have lain down long ago, but this guy can still fight with him and still want to fight with him, it's really a bit unbelievable! He looked behind him, immediately moved his feet, and said to Chen Xinan, "Do you really think you are immortal? In front of me, even if you are a robot, I can tear you apart! Chen Xinan, if you have any last words, you can say it now!" "You uncle! If you want to fight, just fight, you really talk too much nonsense!" Chen Xinan spat out the blood in his mouth, quickened his pace and rushed towards Gong Wuzang! "You are really looking for death!" Gong Wuzang sneered, and also went up to meet him, with a flying knee, fiercely hitting Chen Xinan's chin! Chen Xinan raised his right arm and smashed it down, blocking the blow with his elbow to his knee, then he put his hands together and hugged Gong Wuzang around the waist!

"Let go!" Gong Wuzang retreated while smashing his elbow, and hit Chen Xinan's back with a heavy blow!

Chen Xinan endured the blow, holding the other's body tightly with both arms, and shouted "Aqi!"

A cold wind suddenly swept behind Gong Wuzang, his face changed, and he secretly said that it was not good, but it was too late to dodge!

His body was tightly hugged by Chen Xinan, and he had no chance to dodge at all!

With a burst of pain, a dagger pierced from behind!

At this moment, Gong Wuzang's muscles contracted and tightened as hard as rock!

But Chen Xinan let him go and slapped him on the chest with a palm!

Gong Wuzang opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood with a puff!

This palm was too strange, as if it was hit on the chest by a stormy wave, and it was impossible to

resist this fierce and unparalleled force!


The dagger behind him took the opportunity to pierce his body, almost without a handle!

"Ah!" With a scream, Gong Wuzang suddenly burst out with powerful strength and pushed Chen Xin'an away!

He tried to grab the knife behind him and pull it out.

But Li Qi's knife position was very tricky. No matter whether he reached from above or below, he couldn't reach it!


There was a gunshot in the distance, and Gong Wuzang felt his ears cold, staggered two steps, and touched his ears with his hands, and his hands were full of blood!

His left ear was actually shot off. If the bullet had deviated by one centimeter, his head...

Gong Wuzang, who was seriously injured, let out a strange cry and turned around and ran!

Chen Xin'an wanted to chase, but he spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and his body was about to fall!

Li Qi rushed over and held him up, worriedly shouting "Boss!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hands, looked at Gong Wuzang who was fleeing, and sighed softly.

Let this old bastard run away again!

This guy is hiding, like a sword hanging on Chen Xinan's neck, no one knows when he will strike!

But now I really don't have the strength to chase him, I feel that if I hold on for a little longer, my whole body will fall apart!

Gunshots continued to ring, but Gong Wuzang ran faster and faster, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Chen Xinan sighed and said to Li Qi, "Hurry up and notify Yunmei to come down, don't let her be alone!"

Knowing that at this time, Gong Musashi could not deal with Han Yunmei despite his injuries, Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to call Han Yunmei back just to be on the safe side.

"I'm sorry, master, boss, I'm incompetent and can't help you!" Han Yunmei stood in front of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with a gun case on her back, her head lowered like a child who had done something wrong.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her, "Yunmei, you have already helped us a lot!

The few shots fired are critical, otherwise we

I am really going to die in the hands of Miya Musashi! "

Li Qi also nodded and said, "Yunmei, you are more and more in line with the standards of a sniper! Well done!"

"But if my shooting skills were more accurate, I could have killed him!" Han Yunmei said with a guilty look on her face.

Li Qi smiled and said, "Marksmanship has to be practiced, don't be in a hurry, take your time!

Let’s go back now and support the boss with me! "

Han Yunmei came over quickly, and Li Qi helped Chen Xin'an on the left and right.

Back in the car, Li Qi and Han Yunmei stood outside the car, leaving Chen Xin'an to change clothes inside and take care of his injuries.

Seeing blood flowing out of the corner of Li Qi's mouth again, Han Yunmei took out a tissue and wiped it for him, crying distressedly, "Master, you are also injured! I will take you to the hospital right away..."

"Don't worry!" Li Qi waved his hand and comforted her, "I can bear this little injury!

Don’t worry, I don’t need to go to the hospital, my boss will check it out for me! "

Just as he was talking, the car door opened, Chen Xin'an's face turned slightly pale, and he said to the phone, "Is there nothing you can do about the Blue Rubik's Cube? Okay, I understand, I'll go over and have a look!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi, "Can you persist?"

"No problem!" Li nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "What are your plans, boss?"

Chen Xin'an said with a solemn expression, "Go back to Haiyan Temple immediately!

Old Yinbi planted machine bombs in those cribs.

The official bomb squad worked for hours without making up their mind.

Secretary Bu knows your origin and wants to ask you what you can do! "

"But Master..." Han Yunmei looked worried and wanted to speak for Li Qi, but Li Qi waved her hand to stop her!

"It's okay, let's go there now!" Li Qi said to Han Yunmei, "You drive. Boss, my sternum should be broken. You can help me set the bone in the car, okay?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay! Yunmei remember to take the main road and minimize the bumps! We can't just sit idly by and watch the lives of several babies!"

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