Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 179 The Sixth Gym! The Surprise Brought By The Different Colors! 【44】

"You already have five Badges?"

At the front desk of Tianyu Gym, when Ye Si reported the number of Badges, as expected, he attracted the disbelieving eyes of the pretty lady at the front desk.

Evolve Flash Beldum into Flash Metang, and replace Flash Metang with Ability

Ye Si rode the Eruption Dragon to Tianyu City to challenge his sixth gym!

Without paying too much attention to the young lady's surprise, Ye Si showed off the Badge box with five shining Badges embedded in it without saying a word.

“It’s really five Badges!”

The young lady at the front desk subconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth.

People like her who work in gyms need to have a better understanding of the relationship between the number of Badges a Trainer has and its strength.

Compared with the situation when Ye Si only had four Badges, the leap between the five Badges and the six Badges "970" is undoubtedly a huge watershed!

Gym Challenges Rarely Trainer is reckless!

From the perspective of the lady at the front desk, when Ye Si holds five Badges and plans to challenge the sixth gym

The information revealed undoubtedly means that he has a certain degree of confidence in handling the higher-level Gym Challenge!

And as long as we can get the sixth Badge...

It won’t be too difficult to obtain the seventh Badge!

There is only the last gym left in front of us!

"Are you going to participate in the national trainer competition at such a young age?"

Like everyone who met Ye Si in the past, the lady at the front desk whispered from the bottom of her heart.

Under the sun, the five Badges in Ye Si's hand shone brightly...

At the same time, many people noticed that there was quite a commotion in the area around the front desk.

Ye Si didn't pay much attention.

The lady at the front desk acted quickly after confirming his information, and because of the easy procedures, she led him to the battle field at the innermost part of the gym.

Starting from the sixth Badge, if nothing unexpected happens...

Trainers who want to challenge the gym will face the gym leader!

Tianyu Gym is a Flying gym.

Just like those gyms Ye Si has challenged in the past, Tianyu Gym also has its own characteristics!

The entire temple building is open-air!

Of course, it is not the kind of open-air roof that is not paved due to lack of funds.

This is for Flying type Pokémon!

The outer building of the gymnasium is very similar to the "Bird's Nest" sports ground that Ye Si saw in his previous life!

After waiting quietly on the sidelines for a moment, Ye Si saw a woman with a graceful figure and still grace entering the battlefield.

Tianyu Gym Leader, Fanji!

Weng Fanmei was somewhat surprised when she saw Ye Si's young face across the battlefield.

Not to mention just the girl in charge of the front desk of the gym, even someone like Weng Fanmei who has access to more outstanding young Trainers...

After so many years, I have never met anyone who is the same age as Ye Si and has achieved the current progress!

Her looks are not bad, but Ye Si doesn't have any special ideas.

The sentence "the charm still exists" is enough to explain the problem...

Among gym leaders, the proportion of women is not high, and there are even fewer top geniuses who can become gym leaders at such a young age like Ran Dongling!

Maybe, Weng Fanmei, who is at least thirty years old in front of me, can be considered young among the female hall owners!

The two sides nodded as communication, and each came to their respective positions on the battlefield.

The duel referees equipped by the gym also came to take their positions at the edge of the duel battlefield.

"The rules of the competition are singles. Each side can use three Pokémon. Only the challenger is allowed to change midway!"

The referee simply explained the rules, and the specific details were the same as before.

"When all three Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, the battle ends, and the side that still has Pokémon in hand wins!"

Neither Ye Si nor Weng Fanmei had any objections. The referee looked around and waved the flag in his hand.

"Then...the battle officially begins now!"

Weng Fanmei followed the default rules and took out a Poké Ball from the third box next to her.

"This is the Pokémon I want to use in the first game!"

The back is mainly brown, the face to the abdomen and the inner and outer front ends of the wings are cream-colored, and the edges of the eyes are black...

The feathers on the head are red on both sides and yellow in the middle, long enough to fly in the air; the fan-shaped tail feathers are red, and the claws are pink...

He has Contest's wings that can blow up huge storms, and he has a touch of kingly aura...

What was released by Weng Fanmei was a eagle!

[Name]: Bi Diao

[Attribute]: Normal+ Flying

[Ability]: Sharp eyes

[Level]: Level 37 (advanced)

"A house bird?"

Muttering softly, Ye Si pressed his palm on his waist, and the Poké Ball rolled down from his palm and was thrown forcefully!


The Poké Ball opens, a white light flashes, and Flash Metang appears on the battlefield!

Ability has just been replaced, so we must let Flash Metang experience it in actual combat!

This kind of battle that has reached an advanced level will not lack audiences.

But when Flash Metang was released, the atmosphere around the originally noisy battlefield became stagnant for a moment..0

"I remember that Metang doesn't seem to have this body color, right?"

"Hmm! The usual Metang is blue-green, but this one is actually a completely different silver-white color!"

"I seem to remember something... Is this a different-colored Pokémon?!"

"Oh my God! I heard that this Pokémon is very rare. There are only a few in the entire world!"

"Isn't the most important thing... Trainers who have this kind of strange-colored Pokémon become the top people in the end?"

"Woooo~ I'm so sore! Where are you?" 5.9

After a short moment, the battlefield beside the battlefield seemed to be ignited and exploded with a bang.

These Trainers' attention, which was originally focused on the battle, suddenly shifted to Flash Metang.

This extremely rare situation appeared in front of them, which made them particularly shocked and excited.

"Could it be a Pokémon of a different color?!"

As a gym leader, it is naturally impossible for Weng Fanmei not to know about the existence of strange-colored Pokémon.

As long as Ye Si doesn't die on the way, no one can stop him from climbing to the top of the Trainer Pyramid!

But Weng Fanmei didn't know...

Ye Si Elite’s proof is already in your pocket!

Right now he is standing at the top of the Trainer pyramid!.

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