Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 180 The Confused Owner! 【14】

"Metang, "Confusion"!"

When the battle began, Ye Si took the lead and gave the order.

The one who can only master "Take Down" is Beldum!

In the process of evolving from Beldum, Flash Metang has learned many skills independently!

This "Confusion" is one of them!

Ye Si's Flash Metang has double Ability of Acceleration + [Light Metal].

The most suitable way to fight it is undoubtedly to use the excellent starting speed provided by [Light Metal] and other auxiliary means...

Create time for it to take advantage of the acceleration ability!

Even if the high-level beast in front of him is a head-to-head Flash Metang, he still has a chance to win!


After receiving Ye Si's instructions, Flash Metang responded.

Its slightly cold red eyes are covered with a faint pink light!

The invisible spiritual power swept out like this, shrouding the Bi Diao in the air ahead!

"Bi Diao, get out of the way!"

Weng Fan's reaction was not slow, and he said loudly and decisively.

With a bird song, Bidiao flapped its wings rapidly, stirring the surrounding air, and was about to leave the place!

However, the attacks of the super power system are the most rapid and elusive...

Bi Diao was already extremely fast, but the moment it was about to leave the spot, the spiritual energy directly held it like an invisible big hand!

A layer of faint pink light appeared on its surface, causing its figure to stagnate.

Under the control of Flash Metang, this layer of pink energy restraining Bi Diao is dragging it, and is about to smash it to the ground on the battlefield!

During the whole process, the power of the super Attribute is constantly eroding Biti's body and taking away its Contest Condition!

Flash Metang's acceleration] Ability is also playing a role, and the force field around it is gradually making it lighter!

"Bidiao, get rid of it!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Weng Fanmei also straightened her face.


Seeing that he was being dragged and about to be smashed onto the ground on the battlefield, Bi Diao mobilized all his strength and tried hard to break free from the restraints surrounding his whole body.

Its efforts are not without effect!

Its pair of Contest wings can move slightly!

The next second, Bi Diao tore apart the binding energy around him and flew up Soaring in the sky again!

"You did a great job! Bi Diao, "Quick Attack"!"

Waving his arms in front of him, Fan Mei continued.


Bi Diao moved in the air for a moment, then leaned down and quickly approached in the direction of Flash Metang!

Behind it, a white stream of light was dragged out!

"Metang, "Metal Claw"!"

Looking at Bi Diao who was approaching quickly, Ye Si raised his eyebrows and then said.

The speed of stockpile volume increase...

But this kind of confrontation, where Rival comes to the door on his own initiative, should be dealt with!

Anyway, with the same strength, Ye Si’s Flash Metang is not afraid of colliding with other Pokémon!


Flash Metang shook his paw, and the front was covered with metallic silver-white energy!

Bi Diao is about to Tackle it...

It also waved its claws without hesitation!

Even with the momentum advantage of sprinting in advance, when Flash Metang waved the Metal Claw, Bi Diao was still stopped instantly!

The two sides were separated at the first touch.

Bi Diao flapped its wings and retreated a short distance backwards, panting slightly.

Although Flash Metang also retreated slightly due to the momentum passed by Bi Diao...

It has a metal body, so there’s nothing wrong with it!

"It's our turn next!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Ye Si stretched out his palm and pressed it down.

"Metang, use "Metal Claw" continuously!"

After struggling with this eagle for a while, Flash Metang has now entered a stage of rapid increase in speed!

Not to mention making it impossible for this eagle to keep up, at least it can take the absolute initiative!


In the midst of everyone's shrinking pupils, Flash Metang rushed out in an instant, waving his metallic claws!

"So fast!"

Looking at this scene, many people didn't even react.

And Bi Diao, who had just fallen backwards in the collision with Flash Metang and could barely stabilize his body, was not doing much better...

Flash Metang's figure is dilated in its pupils, but even the action of flapping its wings is still in the stage of mental commands!

Solidly, Flash Metang's claws landed on Bi Diao!

The eagle flew out upside down...

The speed of Flash Metang has improved a little bit without anyone noticing!


Following Ye Si's instructions, Flash Metang wielded the Metal Claw again and flew towards the flying Beagle!

Once, twice.........

Flash Metang's attack strength is at the same level as Bi Diao's defense!

Bidiao itself is not a Pokémon that can be used as a human shield...

When Flash Metang caught up with Bi Diao who was flying upside down and had no ability to resist for countless times, it finally rolled its eyes and lost its ability to fight!

"003 Ding! You have obtained [[Sharp Gaze] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X300!"

"Ding! Metang gains experience! Level +4! Reached Lv24!"

The system's electronic beep sounded in Ye Si's ears.

On the side of the battlefield, to be honest, there were still many people who had not recovered from the sudden change in the situation.

They only saw Flash Metang, whose attack was not very aggressive at the beginning, and then let go of his arms and legs.

The Bi Diao used by Weng Fanmei, the owner of the museum, fell down without any chance of counterattack!

"The speed of this heterochromatic Metang...is this [Light Metal] Ability?"

Weng Fanmei vaguely felt as if she had touched the pulse.

But even with [Light Metal] Ability, enough level support is needed to achieve the speed you are seeing!

Metang evolves into Metagross, with a large range between Lv20-LV45 in the middle...

If the heterochromatic Metang in front of us is close to the edge of evolution, it can barely meet such conditions!

But if this heterochromatic Metang has such a high level...

Why do you have to hammer and dig so many times before giving up?

Weng Fanmei was puzzled.

Could it be that he was afraid of being harsh and tried to be as gentle as possible every time?

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