Urban Witcher

Chapter 801 Gold Coffin and Silver Coffin

There are many clay pots and porcelain vases against the walls, as well as some objects made of bronze.

The two did not find the tomb bricks, so they moved these things to the main hall. After waiting for a while, Xiao Ma and Sibao returned, each carrying a dozen tomb bricks.

"There is a floor in the side hall over there," Sibao said as soon as they met. "It should be a crack caused by the earthquake. We found the tomb bricks from the nearby collapsed place. There is a sound of running water below. I don't know where it is."

Ye Shaoyang was very surprised when he heard the words, and everyone discussed that they must go down and have a look after the corpse king is settled.

After a split, Xiao Ma used the Soul Breaking Staff as a pry, and Sibao and Ye Shaoyang carried the coffin together.

After trying it, the coffin was a little lighter than expected, and it was successfully pried up. Ye Shaoyang and Sibao lifted it up with force.

Rui Lengyu hastily used tomb bricks to cushion the raised part, and then the pony used it as a lever to continue prying up.

After a period of busy work, the silver coffin was pried up to a sufficient height, revealing a gleaming golden coffin in the middle.

Xiao Ma used the tomb bricks and the bronze wares brought by Ye Shaoyang to cover the two sides, and Ye Shaoyang and Sibao let go and retreated to the side to take a breath.

"Click." There was a crisp sound.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that a gold ingot had fallen at the pony's feet.

Xiao Ma stretched out his hand to pick it up, but thought of something, and smiled awkwardly at everyone.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood, and looked into the trouser pockets on both sides of the pony. It was bulging, and he didn't know how many things were stuffed.

It just so happened that Sibao was right next to him, so Ye Shaoyang reached into Sibao's trouser pocket—he didn't wear cassocks for the action today, but a sportswear, and took out two heavy things from inside.

When the headlights shone, the golden light shone. Gold ingot!

"Fuck, you—" Ye Shaoyang called out in a low voice.

Both of them looked embarrassed and smiled.

Ye Shaoyang kicked the pony's ass, the pony staggered and fell down the steps, and the gold ingots in his trouser pocket rolled out, there were four or five.

"I said you are walking so slow, so you have hidden so many gold ingots!" Ye Shaoyang scolded.

Xiao Ma hurriedly stuffed the fallen gold ingots back into his trouser pocket, and smiled at Ye Shaoyang, "There aren't many, and if there are too many, it won't fit, it's such a heavy thing."

Sibao also sneered and said: "Isn't this afraid that you and Leng Yu won't allow it, and plan to go back and separate!"

"Split now!" Ye Shaoyang yelled.

Rui Lengyu said angrily, "Let's get down to business first!"

Ye Shaoyang gave Sibao and Xiaoma a hard look, and got under the silver coffin to check, only to see that the coffin was tightly stitched, and there was no trace of opening it.

The four of them retreated to the side, discussed it, and decided not to open the coffin rashly, but to fix the salt crystal pool according to the plan.

So I retreated to the entrance of the Hades, where the passageway was narrow, and it was the only way out of the Hades, which was just right for setting up the formation.

The centuries-old tomb is cold and humid, no matter how good the project is, there will inevitably be some damage.

Sibao walked back and forth stepping on the tomb bricks, and soon found a loose one, and pried it open with a folding shovel.

One piece was pried open, and the side was easy to handle. Based on the middle, Sibao pried open more than a dozen tomb bricks next to it one after another, and began to dig the soil with a folding shovel.

Because of the humidity, the soil was very soft. Xiaoma and Sibao worked together to dig a hole tens of centimeters deep within a quarter of an hour.

"You go find water first," Sibao said to Ye Shaoyang, untied the water tank from his back, and handed it to Ye Shaoyang.

"You don't need to go back to the previous place to get water. There is a sound of water in the basement of the side hall on the left. There is probably an underground river. You can go and have a look, be careful."

After speaking, he took out a bundle of nylon ropes from his backpack and handed them to Ye Shaoyang.

"We were deceived by Lin Sansheng." Ye Shaoyang said to Rui Lengyu as he walked towards the left side hall.

Rui Lengyu Bingxue was smart, she was taken aback for a moment before she understood, "You mean...the coffin hasn't been opened?"

"Yes, I remember that he said that he was imprisoned in the ancient tomb by the corpse king, and he only ran out during the earthquake, but you also saw it just now, the coffin is sealed, if the corpse king really He hadn't come out, he didn't need to close the coffin again.

Moreover, he is a zombie, so it is impossible for him to have such a careful thought. Also, I have checked the gnawed bronze armor corpses, some of the bones are almost rotten, at least decades or hundreds of years old.

That is to say, when these bronze armored corpses died, Lin Sansheng hadn't escaped from the ancient tomb. There was no reason why he didn't know about it, so why didn't he mention it? "

Rui Lengyu nodded slowly, "I also think that with his cultivation, no matter how strong that female ghost is, she shouldn't be able to capture him so easily..."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, "It's useless to talk about it now, we have to kill the corpse king first."

Entering the side hall, the two of them immediately saw the place D mentioned by the Four Treasures.

The diameter is two to three meters wide, and the bricks next to the tomb are scattered. It seems that it was indeed caused by a collapse. Ye Shaoyang walked to the side and leaned over to look. It seemed that there was a cloud of cloud below, and the light could not penetrate it. You could indeed hear the noise. sound of water.

He got up and looked around, and found a stone platform built from the ground, which was very strong, so he tied the rope into a sheath and tied it, then let the rope down, let Rui Lengyu guard it, and went down to irrigate by himself.

"Be careful, don't be brave."

Although it was just a simple sentence, it conveyed a sense of concern, which was very rare for someone like Rui Lengyu who had a cold nature.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the rope and went down, halfway through the dive, he smiled at her and said, "I'm a little scared, can I have a kiss to lift my spirits?"

"I'll give you a kick!" Rui Lengyu walked over with a cold face.

Ye Shaoyang knew it would be like this, so he ducked his head.

The ten-meter-long rope was at least seven or eight meters long except for a section of the ground. Ye Shaoyang went down to the end of the rope, which was more than one meter above the ground. He jumped down, took a breath of air, and immediately shook his whole body: The air is extremely strong, and there is also a ghostly air!

There are corpses and demons here?

Ye Shaoyang looked around, and found himself standing beside a small stream. The ground was full of tomb bricks, scattered all over the place, and nothing could be seen. There were roads on both sides of the stream. The dark ones lead to nowhere.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. After thinking about it, he decided to get rid of the corpse king first, and then come down to investigate.

When I came down to the stream, filled the water tank with water, hung it on the rope and hung it up, Rui Lengyu lifted it up, put down another water tank, and lifted it up again when it was full.

Then Ye Shaoyang also climbed up, seeing Rui Lengyu sitting on the ground beside him tired and out of breath, he said with a smile: "Do you want to carry you back?"

Rui Lengyu glared at him, turned around and walked back, Ye Shaoyang followed with two buckets of water,

Back in the Hades, Sibao and Xiaoma had already dug a hole about one meter deep.


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