Urban Witcher

Chapter 802: Trapped Beast Fight

After resting by the side for twenty minutes, a deep pit two meters deep and one or two meters in diameter was dug.

Sibao asked Xiao Ma to fill the excavated tomb bricks back to the bottom and walls of the pit, which can slow down the flow of water. After finishing, pour the remaining salt crystal powder into it.

"Go open the coffin alone and lead the corpse king here, and we will guard here." Sibao said.

"I'll go, I'll run fast." Ye Shaoyang picked up a folding shovel, walked under the raised silver coffin, took a deep breath, and used the folding shovel to pry the coffin lid from below.

Although not as proficient as Four Treasures, at least he had opened the coffin before. After a hard work, he pried the lid of the coffin up.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed a corner of the coffin lid with both hands, and was about to lift it, when suddenly there was a "bang", the coffin lid was pushed open from below.

A black shadow jumped out from below.

"Damn, so anxious!"

Ye Shaoyang took a step back, and before he could see his appearance clearly, the black shadow rushed forward, Ye Shaoyang bent down to avoid it, and the black shadow hit the raised silver coffin.


After a deafening roar, the eyes were completely darkened.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt sad, this corpse king who owed a lightning strike actually knocked down the silver coffin, and the whole thing was covered, and he was caught like a turtle in an urn!


A shrill roar caused countless echoes in the small space, it was deafening, and then something bumped into it.

Ye Shaoyang was pushed against the coffin lid, and bounced back again, seeing stars, but instinctively rolled on the spot, touched the other end of the coffin, and looked up, there were two red lights shining in the darkness, obviously it was the corpse king's Eye.

There was another roar, the red light moved, and it was the corpse king who was chasing him.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly ran around the coffin, while thinking, it took a few seconds to judge the situation: the space is so narrow, and there is still a coffin in the middle, no spells can be cast, so... can only run. Waiting for Rui Lengyu and the others to come to the rescue.

Fortunately, I am agile, so I may not be able to outrun the corpse king.

The Bronze Armored Corpse King chased all the way, Ye Shaoyang ran around the coffin, one person and one corpse played peek-a-boo around the coffin, the Bronze Armored Corpse King chased from the left, Ye Shaoyang ran to the right, enjoying himself.

Although the Bronze Armored Corpse King didn't have much IQ, after chasing him for a few laps, he also found that this was not possible, so he jumped over the coffin and launched a volley.

Ye Shaoyang used his two eyes as a signal to see him coming, immediately shrank his head and rolled to the side.

"Roar!" The Bronze Armored Corpse King let out an extremely aggrieved roar on his back.

Ye Shaoyang can understand the feeling that the prey is right in front of him, but he can't catch it. If the situation is not urgent, he really wants to laugh out loud.

Suddenly, feeling the coffin moving towards him, Ye Shaoyang jumped up to avoid it, reached out to touch it, the coffin was pushed to a corner, and the Bronze Armored Corpse King jumped up.

This time he couldn't run around anymore, Ye Shaoyang was in a hurry, he touched a tomb brick from the ground, and slapped the Bronze Armored Corpse King on the forehead.

With a "bang", the tomb bricks shattered, and a thick breath of corpse air was blown head-on.

Ye Shaoyang's neck shrank instinctively, and with a bang, the Bronze Armored Corpse King's bite missed and hit the silver coffin.

A puff of Y body fell on the head and flowed down the face, the stench was incomparable.

The saliva in the corpse king's mouth is equivalent to saliva...

Ye Shaoyang was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit, but now was not the time to vomit, he felt the wind blowing above his head, and knew that it was the bronze armored corpse attacking again, but he was pushed into the corner and had no way out.

In desperation, he stretched his head forward and slipped between the legs of the Bronze Armored Corpse King, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart: I am a celestial master who will be humiliated by the zombie's crotch one day...

As soon as he got up, the Bronze Armored Corpse King rushed forward again, and Ye Shaoyang quickly climbed into the coffin in a hurry, and pulled the coffin lid to block it.

There was only a loud noise, and the entire coffin lid was slammed down, and it was fastened firmly on the coffin, and the outer layer continued to slap.

Ye Shaoyang even felt that the coffin lid was sinking a little bit, but fortunately, there was no sign of breaking.

It's a golden coffin after all, it's still quite hard, hehe, it's safe now.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath, suddenly thought of something, and pushed the coffin lid hard, but found that it didn't move. Damn! Trapped in a coffin!

Ye Shaoyang panicked instantly, and was so sad that he was about to die: it was okay to be chased by the bronze armored corpse king, but he sealed himself to death... This is good, he will not even have to deal with the funeral after death, and he will sleep in an emperor-level coffin... …

Ye Shaoyang forced himself to calm down and breathe steadily, hoping in his heart that his friends would rescue him quickly, otherwise he would have to suffocate here.

The Bronze Armored Corpse King was still attacking the coffin lid, Ye Shaoyang waited nervously, after a while, a human voice finally sounded outside: "Shaoyang, Shaoyang!"

It was Rui Lengyu's voice, with a crying tone.

Ye Shaoyang was very moved, but he didn't dare to make a sound, fearing that the oxygen would not be enough.

Then came the sound of fighting, getting farther and farther away, apparently the Bronze Armored Corpse King was led out.

"Hey, where did Shaoyang go?" Sibao's voice said.

"Won't be swallowed by the corpse king!" Xiao Ma said in horror.

Ye Shaoyang kicked the coffin lid hard.

"Damn, it's in the coffin, I said, hey, come out quickly!"

Ye Shaoyang was so angry that he almost turned his back on his back, and shouted: "I'm going out to be a p, I want to open the coffin quickly, I'm about to suffocate to death!"

After shouting this sentence, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt hypoxic and breathed heavily, but he felt worse and worse.

Oxygen is running out...

Ye Shaoyang forced himself to calm down again, and heard a sharp sound of metal rubbing outside, and the coffin was also shaking, knowing that it was Sibao and Xiaoma who were prying the coffin.

Hurry up... Ye Shaoyang resisted the frantic impulse, strangled his neck with both hands, stuck out his tongue, and took a big breath.

Consciousness is becoming more and more blurred, gradually becoming blank...

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and fresh air rushed in. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, relaxed his tense body, and lay down motionless.


The first one to stick his head in was Rui Lengyu.

Ye Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and said weakly: "I am too hypoxic, artificial respiration..."

Rui Lengyu wasn't fooled this time, seeing that he knew he was taking advantage, he was obviously fine, Jiu Xuan felt relieved, and said coldly: "You can talk, artificial respiration, come out quickly!"

Ye Shaoyang took a few breaths and sighed: "Damn it, I almost became the first mage to be suffocated to death by a coffin."

"Little Ye Zi, there is a cloth cushion under here, isn't it comfortable to lie on?" Xiao Ma leaned forward and said.

"Bah! It's comfortable, you come and lie down!" Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, crawled out of the coffin, and saw that Sibao had re-supported the silver coffin, got out, and looked up.

Guagua, Xueqi, and Chen Lu, the three ghosts are besieging the Bronze Armored Corpse King, fighting and retreating, crossing the big pit filled with salt crystal water.


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